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Ето тоя Template му сложи , ще е перфектен. Ако решиш пиши в skype да ти го дам

Ще ме накарате и аз да изтегля този уеб и да добавя някои темплейт.
Ще ме накарате и аз да изтегля този уеб и да добавя някои темплейт.
It's made for recent versions of Windows and PHP 7+ and SQL Server 2008+For webhosting is not working j testing plesk onyx
This website is 9+ years old and as many other websites belong to another era where PHP 5.3 was just coming and 5.6 was released 2 years after. With that being said trying to run it with PHP version above 5.2.9 won't simply work. I am 99% sure that you are trying to run it with the latest xampp version which is with build-in PHP 7.3... obviously not possible task. So to be able to run the original variant of this web you need either to downgrade the xampp version to 1.7.9 (if I am not wrong) or use another webserver as IIS, Apache, Nginx for instance with PHP version not newer than 5.2.9.
I have added @Damian 's porting method from mssql to sqlsrv drivers. It can run with the latest PHP 7.4 but you will need to download SQLsrv drivers and place them in the PHP extension folder and adding their path and names.