
  1. M

    [AD] MuSickness season 6 custom

    MuSickness Link here |season6 | x50 | 20%| hard2play |
  2. Lesset

    [AD] ⭐| MuRose | 500x | OPENING 23 JULY | RESET ON SPOT | ⭐

    Website: Registration: Downloads: Discord: - 500x Grand Opening: - 23.07.2023 - United Kingdom (Server) Time - 15:00 UTC +0 - Bulgaria - 17:00 - Russia (Moscow) - 18:00...
  3. Done

    [AD] NoLimit 97d99i Exp: 80 Drop: 40% - Official Launch 02 June

    NoLimit Mu 2023 Официален старт на сървъра 02/06/2023г. (Петък) от 19:00ч. Българско време! Website Links: NoLimit Mu Контакти: Discord: NoLimit Community FireFox#3887 Регситрациите са отворени. Server Information: Version: 97d+99i Experience & Drop 100x &...
  4. O

    [AD] x500 - 26.05.2023 OlimpMU - Season 6 - Exp: 500 - Drop: 30 (BONUS ITEM +9+L+ZEN , FENRIR) !

    Name: OlimpMU Version: Season 6 Domain: Forum/Discord: Location : France Maximum number of players: 5000 Anti DDoS: YES Experience: 500x Drop rate: 30% Registration: On the website and in the game WebShop: YES ViP System: YES Gold +20%...
  5. B

    [AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp 5000x| Drop 35%

    GRAND OPENING 22.04.2023 20:00 UTC+3 Website: Anarchy MuOnline | Version: Season 6 | Exp: 5000x Registration: Anarchy MuOnline | Season 6 | Exp: 5000x Server Info Experience: 5000x Drop: 30% Reset level: 400 Reset Point: 500 Maximum resets: 90 Maximum GR: Unlimited GR Reward: 1000 Cash/...
  6. O

    [AD] 🔥 START 23.06.2023r🔥 - OlimpMU - Season 6.3 - Exp: 500 - Drop: 25%

    Hello all DarkSteam users! NEW EDITION x500!! The planned server launch date is 23.06. 2023 Introducing the OlimpMu server preview, the server is distinguished by this crowd that it is not introduced "kids" or "admins" who for the amount, we focus primarily on include gameplay we will...
  7. K

    [AD] Sky-Mu Online 97d+99i

    Welcome to Sky-Mu Online Server! A classic 97d+99i for the remembering of the old times. Sky-Mu Online is a stable server,with friendly and professional administration, daily server events and weekly events from administration. Nicely ballanced and nicely organised so...
  8. G

    [AD] GreatMuOnline [START 13.01.2023] [ S6E3] [ NO WEBSHOP]

    We are very happy to announce the next edition of GreatMuOnline! This is our fifteenth edition, thank you all for being with us and helping us create a beautiful story of GreatMu. Due to many suggestions we would like to explain to you the direction of GreatMu. Many of you certainly know the...
  9. Deko

    [AD] Delete thread please

  10. G

    [AD] GoldenAgeMU S6 EP3 100x [ Grand Opening - 10.28.2022 ] [UPDATED INFO - CS Prize Pool 500$]

    Grand Opening - 10.28.2022 - 21:00 Castle Siege Prize Poll - 500$ FIRST Castle Siege 11.27.2022 Site: Server Info: CLICK Full Server Info: CLICK Invite Friend In Server with Referal Link: Reward: 1100WCoinsC and Reward to Inveted Friend 600WCoinsC when do 5RR...
  11. P


    PRIME MU x1000 SEASON 18 BETA Testing 08/10/2022– 21/10/2022 Grand Opening 22/10/2022 UTC -3 - 8:00 – Argentina UTC 0 - 11:00 – United Kingdom UTC +1 - 12:00 – Poland UTC +7 - 18:00 – Vietnam UTC +8 - 19:00 - Philippines GENERAL SERVER INFORMATION Version: Season 18 Experience: x1000...
  12. B

    [Req] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i source code

    2022 year, fckn c0vid (coronary artery disease), fckn WAR.. I know it's much time you spent and it's hard work to give away source codes but who knows how much days we have left?! There is soo many people looking for 0.97d+99i source code still in 2022 and i think DarkMaster have it.. Please...
  13. L

    [Release] Cliente (Eng) Ver 1.2C

    Cliente (Eng) 1.2.3 Ver: 1.2C BR : Segue para download o cliente inglês puro da webzen em instalador Global_MU_Online_Installer_062408.exe contendo o main.exe 1.2.3 (Ver : 1.2C ) . ES : Descargue el cliente en inglés puro de webzen en el instalador Global_MU_Online_Installer_062408.exe que...
  14. L

    [Release] Cliente (Eng) 1.0.0 Ver: 1.0

    Cliente (Eng) 1.0.0 Ver: 1.0 BR : Segue para download o cliente inglês puro da webzen em instalador MU1_00_full(eng).exe contendo o main.exe 1.0.0 (Ver : 1.0 ) . ES : Descargue el cliente en inglés puro de webzen en el instalador MU1_00_full(eng).exe que contiene el main.exe 1.0.0 (Ver : 1.0 )...
  15. L

    [AD] Lupus Mu Online - Season 17 - Hard Rates - Longterm - NoReset

    "FRESH SERVER" "NEVER WIPE DATABASE" "RAZER MOUSE GIVEAWAY" Lupus Mu Online Official SEASON 17 Enjoy next level Mu Online gampeplay. We are a long term project looking to provide a high quality environment for our players! Exciting Gameplay We are trying to provide...
  16. E

    [AD] SevMu Easy 1.0M

    Official Start - 12.11.2023 / 19:00 Website: Forum: Name - SevMu Version - 1.0M Drop Rate - 80% Experience - 9999x Reset Level - 400 Max Level - 400 Max Resets - 10 Sky Event - Every 2 hours Quest System - 93 Quests Check full information - HERE
  17. B

    [AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp 50x | Drop 35%

    GRAND OPENING 08.04.2022 20:00 UTC+3 Website: Anarchy MuOnline | Version: Season 6 | Exp: 50x Registration: Anarchy MuOnline | Season 6 | Exp: 50x Server Info Experience: 50x (Dynamic 50-25) Drop: 35% Reset level: 400 Reset Point: 500 Maximum restes: 80 (20 for the beginning) Every 2...
  18. vaggos01


    Hello we launched our server a month ago, we are currently sitting at a daily basis 70-90 people online. Our server has Devil square 4 bosses Custom events Exile Spots for farming And its max +11 with 2 opt luck. 1Month open! Easy to level up, Hard to make a full character with top tier items...
  19. D

    [AD] DifferentMu S2/S3 Downgrade Licensed Files

    WebSite: No Payment services ever. No webshop, no VIP. Only play to win! I wanted to create the server for hobby and to chill with something. So I plan to invest money and time in it. Real money reward events will come in the future. ServerName: DifferentMu Server Files...
  20. L

    [AD] LegendaryMU Online GRAND OPENING Server Name: LegendaryMU Server Version: Season 6 Episode 3 Experience: 200x Item Drop: 30% Monster HP: 100% Bless Bug: OFF Points Per Level: 5/6/7 Max Stats: 32767 Maximum Level: 400 Reset Level: 400 Max Resets: 100 Custom Boss Custom Events Hosting Location: Germany...