
  1. J

    [AD] MuDown Season 2 - Hard - NoReset

    MuDown - Season 2 Server - Hard - No Reset. Exp : 5x Free Buff lvl 380 Drop Itens: 50% Drop Zen: 30% BugBless: Desligado Max level: 400 Blood Castle Devil Square Chaos Castle Kanturu Event White Wizard CryWolf Foltress Castle Siege Invasões Automaticas /post - Mensagem global Adicionar...
  2. G

    [AD] Trinity MU - Play to Win Server - Opening 12/17!

    Trinity Mu, The Server You Have Been Looking For Hello to all our fellow MU community sincerely from all of our Trinity project team, First of all, ¿What is Project Trinity? ¿Who are we?. We are a group of MU developers that got tired of working for people that was used to paying us very low...
  3. K


    ORION Season 6 Episode 3 PREMIUM The Server has PVP Balance (All Classes) Dear Mu-Online player, we are happy to inform you that a new International Mu-Online private server called ORION opens soon. Continent awaits you to be conquered! Below I will provide more information about the server to...
  4. F

    [AD] MuPhoenix Xenoverse

    Hi everyone! I'm Excited to share with you a UNIQUE brand new server with an amazing client and gameplay! The server is a very UNIQUE 97d99i based on the DarksTeam Server with lots of customisation to make it absolutely enjoyable!! Come to play with us on MuPhoenix Xenoverse...
  5. S

    [AD] RozaMu 99.62T Exp: 80 Drop: 50% - Official Launch 23 March!

    RozaMu - 2005-2019 (RozaBG) Официален старт на сървъра е 23 Mart от 18:00 Българско време. Website Links: RozaMu Official Trailer Контакти: skype: live:sic.rozamu email: [email protected] Регситрациите са отворени. На 16.03 ще пуснем сървъра за бета...
  6. D

    [AD] MUDamage™|Season3Episode1|Premium Files|9999x|32000|Castle Siege Weekly

    MUSalvation™ Present IMPORTANT :READ ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT SERVER Official Website : Official Forum : Official Fan Page : Facebook Group : Server Name ...
  7. K

    [AD] Super-Mu 97d+99i 5000x 50% Old School STARTAS: 2019-02-16

    SUPER-MU SERVER START DATE: 2019-02-16 Server Website: Server Version: 97d+99i Server Experience: 5000x Server Drop Rate: 50% Bless Bug: OFF Maximum Level: 350 Stat Points Per Level: BK/SM/ME - 5 MG - 7 Max Stats: 32767 Create Guild Level: 351 [You can buy for Credits...

    [AD] TaxiMu [Version 3.0.0] for Android

    Website: TaxiMu Download: Google Play Store Facebook: TaxiMu Discord:TaxiMu Mobile Version 3.0.0 Work only for android but you can also use it on your pc with android emulator(we recomand NOX) - Exp: 1000x(fast lvl) - Drop: 80% - Spots: Tranquil Poll with vip items - Max Level= 100 - Max Reset...
  9. B


    Търся помош за пускане на сървар
  10. FallenOne

    [AD] InsertMu S9 Exp: 99999x Drop: 99%

    » Quick Links: * Website: * Register: * Download: * Forum: Server Rates: Version: Season 9 FULL Experience: 9999999999999x Drops: MAXXX Bless...