
  1. F

    [AD] FeyzaMU s16 | Non-Reset | Exp x10~Drop 35% | Offlevel

    Welcome to Feyza MU Online! Web: We are pleased to announce that our game tests are coming to an end and we are going to open the server for all players around the world on 17 December 2021 (Friday) at 05:00 PM (GMT+2 / server time). FeyzaMu is born out of passion, dedication...
  2. E

    [AD] Euphoria MU Season 3 Epi 1[EXP 9999x - DROP 100%]

    EuphoriaMU Season 3 Epi 1 | - Grand Opening - 10.07.2021 Exclusive Event Draconite Hunt [youtube] Exp: 9999x Drop: 100% Points LvL: Normal Lvl Reset: 400 Grand Reset : 100r (2500 Creditos) BlessBug: Activado PVP & PVE balanceado System Anticheats Premium nEW ítems Excellent Draconite...
  3. M

    [AD] | Season 3 | Ep 1 | 9999x | x Store | PRIVITE FILES. 5days online.

    TouchMe! I'm excited to invite you all to my Mu server. An old-style server with modern-day innovations. A server that will provide an exceptional gaming experience combined with PVP, combo for each class and unique balance. I'm more than happy to see you on our server! Website | Register |...
  4. B

    [AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp 50x | Drop 35%

    GRAND OPENING 19.03.2021 20:00 UTC+2 Website: Anarchy MuOnline | Version: Season 6 | Exp: 50x Registration: Anarchy MuOnline | Season 6 | Exp: 50x Server Info Experience: 50x (Dynamic 50-25) Drop: 35% Reset level: 400 Reset Point: 500 Maximum restes: 80 (20 for the beginning) Full Info...
  5. C

    [AD] [delet please]

    delete please
  6. MaDAleN

    [AD] [Ad]IceMu S16 Ep.3 START 5 Feb 2021 with Unique Castle Siege Bank & Jewel Mine

    IceMu is Back with NEW S16Ep.3 Join Us NOW and Use the VOTE REWARD SISTEM & ACCOUNT ACTIVITIES REWARD to EARN FREE CREDIT UNTIL GRAND OPENING. IceMu - GENERAL INFORMATION We are NEW and BIG Private MU Online Server, which is based on Premium IGCN MU Online Server files.In future we plan to...
  7. Lesset

    [AD] - - TanzaniteMU Season 6 - - Opening 24 November

    Website: ----------------------- -Basic Server Info: -Server Version: Season 6 Episode 3 -Server Experience: 400x Dynamic -Master Experience : 200x -Item drop: 80% -Max Level: 400 -Max Master Level: 200 -Maximum Resets: 500 -Max Excellant Options: 2 -Max Socket Slots...
  8. A

    [AD] ALPHA MU Slow | EXP 50x 60x - DROP 40% | GRAND OPENING 20.11.2020

    ALPHA MU Slow | EXP 50x 60x - DROP 40% | GRAND OPENING 20.11.2020
  9. D

    [AD] CobraMu Online 97d+99i+plus | Exp 200x | Max Resets 15 | OPENS 21.07

    Server Links CobraMu Online WebSite Start date: Official start date: 20.07.2020 18:00 (GMT + 2:00) Server Rates * Version: 97d+99i * Experience: 200x * Item Drop: 60% * Max Resets: 14 (Every sunday at 22:00 rise with +1 reset) * Reset Level: 350 * Reset points DK-BK: 340 X Reset Number * Reset...
  10. P

    [AD] PandaMuOnline|S12|Exp:50|MaxRR:10|MaxGR:5|

    +PANDA MU ONLINE+ WEBSITE: Facebook: Discord: "At first a difficult server" +Version: Season 12 +Exp: x50 +Master Exp: x30 +Drop: 40% +Max Normal Level: 400 +Max Master Level: 420...
  11. T

    [AD] TrinityMu Season6 episode 3 120x [Dynamic] [BG/EN] LOW x120 - GAME DATA • Version: Season 6 Episode 3 (Official WebZen configuration) • Experience: x120 ----- on 0 - 5th reset: x120 ----- on 5 - 10th reset: x110 ----- on 10 - 20th reset: x100 ----- on 20 - 30th reset: x90 ----- on 30 - 40th reset: x80 ----- on 40 - 100th...
  12. N

    [Help] How to see the credits obtained? 97d+99i

    Hello! I would like to know if the credits that users obtain are stored in a table in the database or elsewhere, and how they could be displayed in the game. Any command or something ... Files DarksTeam 97d+99i
  13. H

    [AD] Season 12 soon 2020.05.08

    MU-HOME.NET Season 12full + custom we are looking server helper. if u want to be contact with administration Soon : 2020.05.08 forum: website : SERVER INFORMATION Mu-Home General Information Server Version Season 12full +...
  14. ADMTiesto

    [AD] MuDragon [99b+DL | 500x | 35% | Lvl Max 1000]

    Datos del servidor: WEB: FAN PAGE: CLIENTE:
  15. H

    [AD] Enjoy MU - Friday 10th 18:00(utc) - Season 6 Hybrid Season 15 - Low memory Comsumption - 35FPS Game, 50+ Exclusive features

    Opening Friday 10th 18:00 UTC Register to get 2 VIP Weeks - Easter Event running without interruption. - Double E-Golds per minute online. - Double E-Coins & E-Golds Lotteries and Jewels Drop (every 30 minutes). Draws on 12/04/2020 21:00: - 3 Random 4th Wings + Luck + Option - 5 Random...
  16. H

    [AD] Original Season 12 files 1000x / 50%

    Web-link : HOMEMUONLINE Home Downloads - link : HOMEMUONLINE Discord : Guides : HOMEMUONLINE The server is in a test state. the grand opening will take on Friday. Server Configurations Version: Original Season 12 files Exp / Drop: 1000x / 50% Max...
  17. C

    [AD] MURPG S2 - [LOW 35 EXP / FUN 350 EXP] - NoRR & Long Term - Opening: 25.02

    MURPG S2 100% No Resets Bugless & Long Term Server OPENING DATE: 25.02.2020 5 PM GMT+1 (17:00 CET) (ONLY READ THIS POST IF YOU LOVE SEASON 2 NO RESET SERVERS :) Welcome to the best ever Season 2 Mu Online Old School and Classic server you ever came across to, in this server i promise...
  18. M

    [AD] MUDREAM Season 12 Preimum Server Grand Opening 15/02/2020

    OFFICIAL OPEN: 2020.02.15 [UTC +2, 00.00-Eu] [UTC +8, 06:00-Philipines] [UTC +7, 05:00-Vietnam] [UTC -3, 19:00-Argentina] [UTC -3, 19:00-Brazil] GENERAL SERVER INFORMATION + Season 12 Dynamic Experience 0 to 10 reset experience: 100x (100%) 11 to 30 reset experience: 80x (85%) 31 to 50...
  19. Mercedes

    [AD] ★ DestinationMU ★ Season XII ★ Medium exp | Uniquie SetUp ★ 1'st Of Dec. ★ Get Ready !

    . . . . . . Hey Fighter ! This message is for you ! Dear players, thank you for taking the time to read this announce, DestinationMu Team is welcoming you to join our game on the grand opening Sunday 1st of December 2019 Hours 13:00 GMT London Time. After a long working...
  20. rando


    Version: Season II Experience VIP: 200% Drop Rate VIP: 80% _____________________ Experience FREE: 100% Drop Rate FREE: 50% GeoMu server installed X-Team emulator version 1.02R+ Season II The server version is periodically updated . Character : Blade Knight , Soul Master , Muse Elf , Magic...