WEBSITE: https://pandamuonline.com.pl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pandamuonline-104856591236620/
Discord: https://discord.gg/8SjqJS6
"At first a difficult server"
+Version: Season 12
+Exp: x50
+Master Exp: x30
+Drop: 40%
+Max Normal Level: 400
+Max Master Level: 420
+MaxStats: 10000
+Jevel of soul: 70% (20% Luck)
+Jevel of Life: 60%
+Max Level item: +15+28
+Reset: Res 400 lvl on game! (/reset) Bonus(10WCoin,500 GP,1000 RUUD)
+Max Reset:10
+Reset Price: 100KK Zen
+Grand Reset: YES/10RR/1MLD ZEN/Bonus (5k stats,100 WCoin,2000GP,100K RUUD)
+Max Grand Reset: 5
+Vote system reward: Yes
+Webshop: Yes - Only vote/GP
+Mu Helper activation min. level: 50
+Trade item with harmony: Yes
+Goblin Points/h: Yes - 20
+10: 60 % (10% +Luck)
+11: 55 % (10% +Luck)
+12: 50 % (10% +Luck)
+13: 45 % (10% +Luck)
+14: 40 % (10% +Luck)
+15: 35 % (10% +Luck)
+/post - Post a message in global chat
+/addstr - Add points in Strength
+/addagi - Add points in Agility
+/addvit - Add points in Vitality
+/addene - Add points in Energy
+/addcmd - Add points in Command
+/setparty - Create a new password party
+/guildwar - Challenge guild to Guild War
+/battlesoccersoccer - Challenge guild to Battle Soccer
+/offtrade - Open Custom Store Offline
+/reset |auto| - Reset character
+/move - Move to a map
+/pkclear - Clear PK
+/ware - Change ID 0,1,2...
Master Maps: Ferea, Acheron, Nixes Lake
Thank You
PandaMu Team

WEBSITE: https://pandamuonline.com.pl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pandamuonline-104856591236620/
Discord: https://discord.gg/8SjqJS6
"At first a difficult server"
+Version: Season 12
+Exp: x50
+Master Exp: x30
+Drop: 40%
+Max Normal Level: 400
+Max Master Level: 420
+MaxStats: 10000
+Jevel of soul: 70% (20% Luck)
+Jevel of Life: 60%
+Max Level item: +15+28
+Reset: Res 400 lvl on game! (/reset) Bonus(10WCoin,500 GP,1000 RUUD)
+Max Reset:10
+Reset Price: 100KK Zen
+Grand Reset: YES/10RR/1MLD ZEN/Bonus (5k stats,100 WCoin,2000GP,100K RUUD)
+Max Grand Reset: 5
+Vote system reward: Yes
+Webshop: Yes - Only vote/GP
+Mu Helper activation min. level: 50
+Trade item with harmony: Yes
+Goblin Points/h: Yes - 20
+10: 60 % (10% +Luck)
+11: 55 % (10% +Luck)
+12: 50 % (10% +Luck)
+13: 45 % (10% +Luck)
+14: 40 % (10% +Luck)
+15: 35 % (10% +Luck)
+/post - Post a message in global chat
+/addstr - Add points in Strength
+/addagi - Add points in Agility
+/addvit - Add points in Vitality
+/addene - Add points in Energy
+/addcmd - Add points in Command
+/setparty - Create a new password party
+/guildwar - Challenge guild to Guild War
+/battlesoccersoccer - Challenge guild to Battle Soccer
+/offtrade - Open Custom Store Offline
+/reset |auto| - Reset character
+/move - Move to a map
+/pkclear - Clear PK
+/ware - Change ID 0,1,2...
Master Maps: Ferea, Acheron, Nixes Lake
Thank You
PandaMu Team