[AD] MuDown Season 2 - Hard - NoReset


Active Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
MuDown - Season 2 Server - Hard - No Reset.

Exp : 5x
Free Buff lvl 380
Drop Itens: 50%
Drop Zen: 30%
BugBless: Desligado
Max level: 400

Blood Castle
Devil Square
Chaos Castle
Kanturu Event
White Wizard
CryWolf Foltress
Castle Siege
Invasões Automaticas

/post - Mensagem global
Adicionar pontos:
/str - força
/agi - agilidade
/vit - vitalidade
/ene - energia
/cmd - commando.
/pkclear - limpa pk.

Site: www.mudown.online

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mudown2/
Grupo: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IVPpdDMqbCR9j4EnVABcrH4858
Last edited:
English: What happened to this? It looked real nice.
Spanish: Que pasó con esto? Parecia muy bueno.
English: What happened to this? It looked real nice.
Spanish: Que pasó con esto? Parecia muy bueno.

I was unable to maintain the server, in Brazil there are few players that have current settings, but I still have the files.
I was unable to maintain the server, in Brazil there are few players that have current settings, but I still have the files.
Can you share them to me? But without your modifications, i'm looking for a clean fresh version of Season 3 to host for myself.