[Release] DTWeb 2.0 UPDATE

Ако не разбираш функцията за предметите, хващаш някой едитор за предмети и си добавяш крила примерно:
Fairy Wings чисти -> 8000C800000000800000
Fairy Wings с всичко -> 8067F100000000FF0000

Оттук разбираш основното, че всичко свързано с опциите се случва в промяната от 00C8 (0000-0000-1100-1000) -> 67F1 (0110-0111-1111-0001) и 80 (1000-0000) -> FF (1111-1111). Започваш да махаш опции добавяш това, кеото те интересува, записваш промяната, мислиш и хващаш логиката. Преценяваш, коя броична система ти е по-удобна за работа и разбиране на логиката дали ще е двуична (binary), десетична(decimal) или шестнадесетична (hex) е върпос на личен избор. Savoi на времето е работил с десетична, можеш да разгледаш функциите му за предметите в уебшоп-а примерно.

Това е принципа, който аз съм ползвал за да разбера как работят нещата за да мога да разпиша функция за предметите.
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Има ли някой, който знае как да хвана опцията на крилата дали е АДД или ХП рек.

Крилата имат 5 опции, за разлика от другите предмети, които имат по 6. Именно 6-тата опция контролира това дали крилата са с hp rec или add.
0010 0000 (0x80) (128)
0000 0000 (0x00) (0)

Проверка от този род трябва да ти свърши работа (само не знам дали, когато беше 1 беше с HP Rec или обратното):
$isAdd = true;

if ($excellentOptions >= 128) {
    $isAdd = false;
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Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\inc\main_funcs.php on line 8

Installation is complete. Where is the problem? Thank you for your help


Windows Server 2008 R2
xampp 1.7.1 ver.
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DarksTeam 97d99i
I had to change max_execution_time = 1800 sek 🧐 in php.ini. Then after a long time page has been uploaded but still it is working slowly.
Thanks to @Wikko0 it was possible to establish that the reason was the old database ver, so pay attention on it. I have tested the website and there were some errors. I would like to ask you for advice on how to deal with them. I am attaching a screen below. The Website is clear and readable, works well, thank you for your work. 💪


  • scr1.png
    81.3 KB · Views: 49
  • scr2.png
    70.2 KB · Views: 49
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Reactions: Wikko0
in case of market place, the problem is as follows - the error occurs when you set a function other than deactivated in general config -> market config -> market ending time.
On the other hand, WebStorage returns a DTweb_Storage table error, but this table is not occuring in the database. Is this an oversight?

(ver. DTWeb 2.0 UPDATE v1.2)
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  • Haha
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Reactions: HEROIN and DemonuMu
https://mega.nz/file/EZsDkACT#nq6kxpzdP6J0AcUOGDDFzFaEP9DDWq2FGASqERrzLiM put in inc folder
Use this for now. In next update i will fix this. Tnx for report :)

Working fine, thank you.
I found a few more bugs. I hope you won't get enough of me ;-)
- takes bets from a person who does not win, despite the fact that it is set in the configuration that they should be returned (auction config)
- wrong display of additional option despite setting +16 displays +20. In-game, item occurs properly as +16
- the level of items does not work properly despite marked from +0 to + 9 in options, the items + 10 / + 11 are also available.
- all items are always without luck (even if it is marked otherwise)
- according to set items, the only three options (despite marked 4) are rate, dd, ref, in case of weapons inc2%, level+dmg/20, rate. If we select two, there are also only these 3 specific options randomly.
- Offline status on Website, even if the server is turned on

It's all for now. Happy New Year!
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Reactions: DemonuMu and Wikko0
Това ми излиза като цъкна на Web Storage, ако някой може да помогне

Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Invalid object name 'DTweb_Storage'. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 42
: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 42
: mssql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-result resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 42
: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Invalid object name 'DTweb_Storage'. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 45
: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 45
: mssql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-result resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\mod\user\storage.php on line 98
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Вероятно ти липсва таблица DTweb_Storage, виж си базата и ако трябва си копирай query-тата от инсталационен sql файл. Говоря наизуст и логично, уеб пакета не съм го теглил.
Благодаря! Стана но нов проблем, сега като депозирам нещо към уеб сториджа и итема изчезва.
I can't fint the script?? script.png

nevermind i'm stupid, should have read the first page with tutorial instead of going to youtube video asap....
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