I am not going to support and update this web any longer because it needs completely refactoring to become more useful and stable. This is not a paid project but buggy unfinished one, so do not expect a lot. If you are not able to fix or even install it, just leave it and find something more stable - just an advice.
In my opinion you can use the web as a step to create something better by using its code, part of the code or ideas.
Generally I can say that the most stable versions for DarkMaster server files were were 0.5 - 0.79 running with PHP v5.2.9 - Find the link below with all releases so far.
If you wanna try using the web with all seasons use the latest version ->
Some notes for all seasons version:
* Run it with PHP version 5.6 or below !
- Paypal issue with IPN has been fixed
- Iteminfo function is working properly with all season gears but some special items such as seed spheres, errtels and pets need more work.
- Web Storage is working with all seasons
- Market is working properly with all seasons
- Jewel depositor is working only with item hex 20
- Auction works only with item hex 20
- Item adder is working only with item hex 20
All Other Releases - >