[Release] DragonSeth's Last Release -MuOnline- For Free


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone so since i decided to leave this community and focus on my future life goals more dealing with programming i think it's about time to release everything i have. Sadly i don't have my s8 e3 source anymore since i deleted it out of frustration with the files. But i'm gonna share every file i currently have and i hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for letting me be apart of this community it's been a great time!

Server Files:

S6 E3:

S6 E3 Premium Files - OLD: DLGServerS6E3Premium

S6 E3 New Files With Update 2.0: DLGMUONLINES6E3.rar

S8 E2 Easy Setup: Link invalid

S8 E3: DLG Mu Server S8 E3 Install.exe

Client Files:

MUEMU S6: Muemu S6

My Old S6 E3 Client: Link Invalid

S6 E3: DLG MU Season 6 Episode 3 With Fixes.rar

S8 E2: zTeamSeason8.rar

S8 E3: ClientS8 Base

S6 E3 Tools/Configurations/SCFData/RunMe Batch source code:

SCFDATA Configuration:

@Echo off
title Tool Configuration Menu DragonSeth:.
echo Select a option:
echo =============
echo 1) Run SQL Configuration
echo 2) Run IP Configuration
echo 3) Run EXP/DROP Configuration
echo 4) Run Shop Data
echo 5) Run Monster Data
echo 6) Run Event Data
echo 7) Run EventItemBags Data
echo 8) Stop All Configuration
echo 9) Exit

set /p choice=Type option:
if "%choice%"=="1" start /d "1.TitanLinkServer" Config.ini

if "%choice%"=="1" start /d "2.SCFExDB" Config.ini

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data" MapServerInfo.dat

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data\lang\kor" commonloc.cfg

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "5.TitanCS\Data" SCF_ServerList.cfg

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data" IpList.dat

if "%choice%"=="3" start /d "Data" commonserver.cfg
if "%choice%"=="3" start /d "Data" commonserverCS.cfg

if "%choice%"=="4" start /d "Data" Shops

if "%choice%"=="4" start /d "Data" Shops

if "%choice%"=="5" start /d "Data" Monsters

if "%choice%"=="6" start /d "Data" Events
if "%choice%"=="7" start /d "Data" EventItemBags

if "%choice%"=="8" taskkill /im "Notepad.exe" /f

if "%choice%"=="9" exit

goto home


 @Echo off
title Tool Selection Menu .:DragonSeth:.
echo Select a option:
echo =============
echo 1) Run MuMaker
echo 2) Run Hex Editor
echo 3) Run CashPoints Editor
echo 4) Run Pentium Tools
echo 5) Stop All Tools
echo 6) Exit
set /p choice=Type option:
if "%choice%"=="1" start /d "Tools" mumaker.exe
if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Tools" hexedit.exe
if "%choice%"=="3" start /d "Tools" CashPointsEditor.exe
if "%choice%"=="4" start /d "Tools" pentiumtools.exe

if "%choice%"=="5" taskkill /im "mumaker.exe" /f
if "%choice%"=="5" taskkill /im "hexedit.exe" /f
if "%choice%"=="5" taskkill /im "CashPointsEditor.exe" /f
if "%choice%"=="5" taskkill /im "pentiumtools.exe" /f
if "%choice%"=="6" exit
goto home


@Echo off
title Tool Configuration Menu DragonSeth:.
echo Select a option: 
echo =============
echo 1) Run SQL Configuration
echo 2) Run IP Configuration
echo 3) Run EXP/DROP Configuration
echo 4) Run Shop Data
echo 5) Run Monster Data
echo 6) Run Event Data
echo 7) Run EventItemBags Data
echo 8) Stop All Configuration
echo 9) Exit

set /p choice=Type option:
if "%choice%"=="1" start /d "1.TitanLinkServer" Config.ini 

if "%choice%"=="1" start /d "2.SCFExDB" Config.ini

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data" MapServerInfo.dat

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data\lang\kor" commonloc.cfg

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "5.TitanCS\Data" SCF_ServerList.cfg

if "%choice%"=="2" start /d "Data" IpList.dat 

if "%choice%"=="3" start /d "Data" commonserver.cfg
if "%choice%"=="3" start /d "Data" commonserverCS.cfg

if "%choice%"=="4" start /d "Data" Shops

if "%choice%"=="4" start /d "Data" Shops

if "%choice%"=="5" start /d "Data" Monsters

if "%choice%"=="6" start /d "Data" Events
if "%choice%"=="7" start /d "Data" EventItemBags

if "%choice%"=="8" taskkill /im "Notepad.exe" /f

if "%choice%"=="9" exit

goto home

Run Me!!!!

@Echo off
del /f /q "(DLG) Server Manager.exe"
del /f /q "Start Extracting.exe"
del /s /a "extract.dll"
rd /s /q DLG
rd /s /q "Tools\SQL2000Crack"
rd /s /q "Tools\TitanEditor"
rd /s /q "Tools\Data"
rd /s /q "DLGData"
rd /s /q "Tools\Uninstall
del /f /q "Tools\support.exe"
del /f /q "Tools\pblock.exe"
del /f /q "Tools\databaseconfig.exe"
del /f /q "Tools\antiddos.exe"
del /s /a "Tools\databaseconfig.dll"
del /s /a "Tools\support.dll"
del /f /q "RUN ME!!!!.exe"

Season 8 ServerStartup/SeverManager/Old Client Launcher Source:

Server Startup Source Code:
@Echo off
title MuServer Start Up DragonSeth:.
color C

start /d "ConnectServer" DLGConnectServer.exe
timeout 3 > nul

start /d "JoinServer" DLGJoinServer.exe
timeout 3 > nul

start /d "DataServer" DLGDataServer.exe
timeout 3 > nul

start /d "GameServer" DLGGameServer.exe
timeout 3 > nul

start /d "GameServerCS" DLGGameServerCS.exe
timeout 3 > nul

start /d "MHPServer" DLGMHPServer.exe
timeout 3 > nul

Echo Press enter to kill the server
set /p input=

taskkill /F /IM "DLGConnectServer.exe"
taskkill /F /IM "DLGJoinServer.exe"
taskkill /F /IM "DLGDataServer.exe"
taskkill /F /IM "DLGGameServer.exe"
taskkill /F /IM "DLGGameServerCS.exe"
taskkill /F /IM "DLGMHPServer.exe"

I rebuilt the code for you guys cause i lost it.

Server Manager You Need To Use Visual Studio 2017 I reprogram in visual basic for new people: DLG S8 E3 Server Launcher Source.rar

Old Client Launcher also reprogram in visual basic for new people: Old Client Launcher.rar


PetImperialHorse: PetImperialHorse

Monster/Pet Fenrir Dragon: Dragon Mu Online.rar

Season 8 Login Box: Season 8 Login

Fenril Destruction Motorcycle: Fenril Destruction Motorcycle


BMD Decrypter/Encrypter For EX603/EX702/EX803 :


Update 2.0: Update2.rar

SQL 2008: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Auto Update Launcher: Auto Update Launcher

MUEMU Package Source: Package [SOURCE] MuEmu

MUEMU S6: Muemu S6

I will upload my S8 E3 Source Codes if i can get them again including the server manager so have fun guys and good luck on your future servers!!!

All credits: DragonSeth​
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