[Release] MuServer 99b + 65k Update 3


Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Character table - Edited (support 65k now xD)
MyGSFun.dll - Edited (/post command translated)
expect new update with new translated shits

Files Link: Click Here
Mirror: Click Here
Client: Use any 99b Client
Patch Link: Click Here

Update 2

Update 3
some commands - corrected
post syntax - translated

WebZen, Van_Bom, some others & DarksTeam


  • Update 3.rar
    153.4 KB · Views: 711
Hi, DarkMaster. I have some questions about server.
a) Can I use ST Anticheat 900 for this muserver? Will it work?
b) Where can I read info about 99b server? What is added/what works etc, because I didn't make any 99 server in my life :]
Thanks for release. Keep up the good work.
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Hi, DarkMaster. I have some questions about server.
a) Can I use ST Anticheat 900 for this muserver? Will it work?
b) Where can I read info about 99b server? What is added/what works etc, because I didn't make any 99 server in my life :]
Thanks for realease. Keep up the good work.
the setup way (ip change, password change etc) is the same as 97d, about the st anticheat - no, it wont work.
LoL marry system in 99b+?

иска ми премиум акаунт в rapidshare за да изтегля файловете.
Can we have a megaupload link? Because Rapidshare loves only premium members :))))
DarkMaster plz update a beter update
put in M all Maps
have Update4 /drop /add /skin /online /pkclear /mob command ???


I will update 65K For 97D ....(^_^)... (dance2)(dance2)(dance2)(dance2)
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Darki аз викав за оставиш тия команди ами да оправиш краша (ако има такъв) гаргите да оправиш и др обичайни бъгове за тая версия и да се получат едни хубави файлове имаш Thenks от мен
файловете са страхотни. . . само да бъде фикснато това ДЛ и всичко ще е бомба ! (dance2) :D: