[Release] Linkos MU Online Vote Reward System


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
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Здрвейте. Реших да споделя системата за възнаградено гласуване, която използвам за "Linkos MU Online". Във "Vote Reward" системата няма дупки, нито шелове и сигурността и е гарантирана. Надявам се да е полезна на много хора.


Копирате текста, намиращ се в текстовия документ, изпълнявате "Query"-то в "Query Analyzer" и готово - насладете се на приятно изглеждаща и надеждна система за възнаградено гласуване (a.k.a. Vote Reward System).

Как да добавите банери за гласуване:

Отваряте базата данни "MuOnline" с "SQL Enterprise Manager", след това таблиците (Tables) и в дъното най-долу ще видите таблица с име "Votes". С десен клик избирате опцията "Return all rows" след което ще Ви се отворят следните полета:

* id - Тук се попълва номера на дадения бутон за гласуване - "1", "2", "3" и така нататък в зависимост от броя на бутоните за гласуване, които сте поставил.
* link - Тук се попълва линка за гласуване.
* banner - Тук се попълва връзката към банера/изображението.
* credits - Тук се попълва наградата като кредити за едно гласуване - "5" или "10" или стойност по Ваш избор.
* vote_time - Тук се попълва времето през което може да се гласува в секунди. Стойността за 12 часа е "43200".
* show - Тук се слага "1" за да се показва дадената връзка а за да се скрие се слага "0".


Credits: WebZen, K2 Network, Mephisto, mi7aka, AnonOps (Linkos MU Online Owner [Собственика на Linkos MU Online])


  • Linkos MU Online Vote Reward System.rar
    173.6 KB · Views: 355


Copy the text from install.txt and paste it in "Query Analyzer"
Edit your 'SQL' password in config.php

How to add banners for vote:

Open database "MuOnline" with "SQL Enterprise Manager", after that click on (Tables) and at the bottom you will see a table with name "Votes". Right Click on it and select option "Return all rows" then you open the following fields:




* id - Here you must add number for selected button - "1", "2", "3"
and so on depending on the number of voting buttons that you set.

* link - Here you must add the link for vote.

* banner - Here you must add the link for your banner or image.

* credits - Here you must config how much credits to give for 1 vote

* vote_time - It fills time during you can vote in seconds. The value for 12 hours is "43200" | 24 hours = "86400"

* show - Here you put "1" to show connection or "0" to hide.




Sorry about bad translate :D
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Reactions: Deleted member 3583
it's nothing,but here I do not understand a thing [* link - Here you must add the link for vote.] how fix?

[you can make a tutorial with pictures so we can understand]-[would be helpful]
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it's nothing,but here I do not understand a thing [* link - Here you must add the link for vote.] how fix?

[you can make a tutorial with pictures so we can understand]-[would be helpful]

After few hours i will add guide with pictures :)

[* link - Here you must add the link for vote.] here is the linke for vote (like for xtremetop100 or any other site) i hope you can understand me :D
I said thank you, kid,learn to talk nicely
if you do not know English not my fault
what security have this votes reward/works hack credits ?
what security have this votes reward/works hack credits ?

The vote reward system is very well secured. In other words - no, you can't hack it to get credits.
and if in my database passwords are MD5 how to make so users will log in?

$user = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='$_POST[username]' AND memb__pwd='$_POST[password]'"));
if(empty($_POST['username']) OR empty($_POST['password'])) { echo "Please complete all fields."; $error=true; }
elseif(!$user) { echo "There is no such username or password is wrong"; $error=true; }
$user = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='$_POST[username]' AND memb__pwd='$_POST[password]'"));
$user = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='$_POST[username]' AND memb__pwd=[dbo].[fn_md5]('$_POST[password]','$_POST[username]')"));
so like i see the votesystem doesn't check if the used voted?
I just press the button (the 12h countdown appears) and i get for free+10 credits?

how to make that every image of the votebutton will have a new lane, i got 5 buttons and if vote for 2 the one is gone missing, vote for 3 the last 2 appears...
for the images to be from new lane just add:
else { $vi += 1; echo "<b>You can vote again after: </b><span id='bxx$vi' title='".($voted['voteend']-time())."'>--</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; | &nbsp;&nbsp; <br />"; }

and here:
if(!$voted) { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='index.php?id=$vote[id]' OnClick=\"window.open('".($vote['link'])."')\" onmouseover=\"overlib('Vote once on ".($vote['vote_time']/60/60)." hours and win $vote[credits] credits');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><img src='".($vote['banner'])."' alt='".($vote['link'])."'></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />"; }


about the vote, i did vote, configured for 50s(revote) and i didnt get a message or CSpoints.

I did change from:
$res = mssql_query("SELECT credits FROM MEMB_CREDITS WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'");
if(mssql_num_rows($res)>0) { mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_CREDITS SET credits=credits+'$vote_id[credits]' WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'"); }
else { mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_CREDITS (memb___id, credits) VALUES('".($_COOKIE['username'])."', '$vote_id[credits]')"); }
echo "<font size=2><b>You won $vote_id[credits] credits</b></font><br /><br />";


$res = mssql_query("SELECT CSPoints FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'");
if(mssql_num_rows($res)>0) { mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET CSPoints=CSPoint+'$vote_id[credits]' WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'"); }
else { mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id, CSPoints) VALUES('".($_COOKIE['username'])."', '$vote_id[credits]')"); }
echo "<font size=2><b>You won $vote_id[credits] credits</b></font><br /><br />";

$vote_id[credits] - should i change it to $vote_id[CSPoints] ?

[MEMB_INFO table; CSPoints column ] - here are my cspoints


"If you going to vote for the first time with your account, you need to enter at least once in our webshop then vote system will start works for you."
on the site, i dont have a webshop, it should work w/o it right?
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for the images to be from new lane just add:
else { $vi += 1; echo "<b>You can vote again after: </b><span id='bxx$vi' title='".($voted['voteend']-time())."'>--</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; | &nbsp;&nbsp; <br />"; }

and here:
if(!$voted) { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='index.php?id=$vote[id]' OnClick=\"window.open('".($vote['link'])."')\" onmouseover=\"overlib('Vote once on ".($vote['vote_time']/60/60)." hours and win $vote[credits] credits');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><img src='".($vote['banner'])."' alt='".($vote['link'])."'></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />"; }


about the vote, i did vote, configured for 50s(revote) and i didnt get a message or CSpoints.

I did change from:
$res = mssql_query("SELECT credits FROM MEMB_CREDITS WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'");
if(mssql_num_rows($res)>0) { mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_CREDITS SET credits=credits+'$vote_id[credits]' WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'"); }
else { mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_CREDITS (memb___id, credits) VALUES('".($_COOKIE['username'])."', '$vote_id[credits]')"); }
echo "<font size=2><b>You won $vote_id[credits] credits</b></font><br /><br />";


$res = mssql_query("SELECT CSPoints FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'");
if(mssql_num_rows($res)>0) { mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET CSPoints=CSPoint+'$vote_id[credits]' WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'"); }
else { mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id, CSPoints) VALUES('".($_COOKIE['username'])."', '$vote_id[credits]')"); }
echo "<font size=2><b>You won $vote_id[credits] credits</b></font><br /><br />";

$vote_id[credits] - should i change it to $vote_id[CSPoints] ?

[MEMB_INFO table; CSPoints column ] - here are my cspoints


"If you going to vote for the first time with your account, you need to enter at least once in our webshop then vote system will start works for you."
on the site, i dont have a webshop, it should work w/o it right?

You need to change this:

$res = mssql_query("SELECT CSPoints FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'");
if(mssql_num_rows($res)>0) { mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET CSPoints=CSPoints+'$vote_id[CSPoints]' WHERE memb___id='".($_COOKIE['username'])."'"); }
else { mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id, CSPoints) VALUES('".($_COOKIE['username'])."', '$vote_id[CSPoints]')"); }
echo "<font size=2><b>You won $vote_id[CSPoints] CSPoints</b></font><br /><br />";

Good luck!
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$vote_id[credits] ->> do not change this so this will work if u dont work with a proxy.
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Can we set this module according to the darksweb 0.3 ? I could not do it compatible. I would appreciate if you can help.