[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

+ Ability ability to control elf buffs
+ Added ability to set Blood Castle minimum completion time
+ Added ability to disable Ice Arrow's effect on specific mobs (ie golden monsters)
+ Added new Worm event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save kills in SQL
Nice! 10/10

Ако може няколко предложения да дам за в бъдеще:
- Blood Castle minimum completion time да е само за BC6, че за другите е по-добре да свършват по-бързо.
- Да може да се слага Elf-и с повече от определен energy да не могат да влизат в BC6, защото така помагат на някой да вземе куеста по-лесно
- Съобщенията от POST да се save-ват в лог файл
- POST-а да има filter. Ако някой каже определена дума от нас да му бан-ва POST-а за 30 мин. или определено време.
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Bro DarkMaster i try again and again and same problems with this strange nr appear 65535

I try to use the original Text.bmd from the original client DarksTeam+97d99i+Client but again same problems

Every time you tap a very fast click this strange nr appear 65535 something is not going well from GoldenArcher

Screen Every time you tap a very fast click this strange nr appear 65535

Bro DarkMaster i try again and again and same problems with this strange nr appear 65535

I try to use the original Text.bmd from the original client DarksTeam+97d99i+Client but again same problems

Every time you tap a very fast click this strange nr appear 65535 something is not going well from GoldenArcher

Screen Every time you tap a very fast click this strange nr appear 65535

So dont tap fast then!? Its obviously just a visual bug! You dont actually get 65k stones do you!
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So dont tap fast then!? Its obviously just a visual bug! You dont actually get 65k stones do you!

I know that bro Dea7h but I showed the problem what happened if you tap fast
[Beta 42 - Work in progress] Changelog
Fixed another dupe bug
Added ability to specify Sky event reward item min/max level and count
Added ability to disable custom CalCharacter
Fixed another /vault dupe bug
Fixed Happy Hour event message
Fixed Quest system counting monsters multiple times when using Poison skill
Improved Sky event monster spawner - no more monster spawning issues
Added ability to control elf and npc buff duration
Added ability to toggle anti afk chat check
+ Ability ability to control elf buffs
+ Added ability to set Blood Castle minimum completion time
+ Added ability to disable Ice Arrow's effect on specific mobs (ie golden monsters)
+ Added new Worm event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save kills in SQL
+ Added ability to disallow elf buffs in Blood Castle /per blood castle level/
+ Added ability to disable Poison effect on specific mobs
+ Added new Trivia event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save answers (count) in SQL
+ Optimized VIP expiration SQL query


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Ще е хубаво да се добави и Scramble Words евент.
Защото от trivia-та играчите ще научат въпросите и няма да е интересно след време.

Scramble Words е примерно изписва дума:

и който първи напише на /post че е hello печели
и винаги буквите в думите да са на произволни места.
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Reactions: Dea7h
Ще е хубаво въпросите за тривиата и scrable words (ако има) да са в SQL записани за да може да си адд-ваме въпроси когато си искаме без да се налага да /reload-ваме постоянно.
SQL е по-лесно може да се адд-ват с script от сайта или от db.
/dcfriend name password - Disconnect friend if you know their pass
Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password, usage: /dcfriend <player_name> <password>

Команда за нормални герои.
Тая команда ще е добра, защото като играят няколко човека с 1 герой и е АФК да може друг човек да влиза.
Или си си оставил героят АФК у вас и искаш да го диск-неш като си на друго место.