[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

The one provided in the package already has the default values.
Really? It's the one I'm using but it's not the same as before the update.
Is there something I should check instead of the CalCharacter?
Thank you!
The defence rate values have changed, the mg dd dr no longer have the same evasion, from where is the defense rate?
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Hola. ¿Alguien sabe como cambiar el tiempo de los eventos Blood Castle y Devil Square? Estos eventos salen cada 1 hora y quiero que salgan cada 4 horas. ¿En donde Debo Configurar para Modificar esto?

Hi. Does anyone know how to change the schedule of the Blood Castle and Devil Square events? These events go out every 1 hour and I want to start every 4 hours. Where should I configure to modify this?
(Google Translate), i'm sorry.
Hola. ¿Alguien sabe como cambiar el tiempo de los eventos Blood Castle y Devil Square? Estos eventos salen cada 1 hora y quiero que salgan cada 4 horas. ¿En donde Debo Configurar para Modificar esto?

Hi. Does anyone know how to change the schedule of the Blood Castle and Devil Square events? These events go out every 1 hour and I want to start every 4 hours. Where should I configure to modify this?
(Google Translate), i'm sorry.

Well look at the data folder. You have BloodCastle.dat and DevilSquare.dat. First one is the timing.

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Well look at the data folder. You have BloodCastle.dat and DevilSquare.dat. First one is the timing.

Hello, thanks for answer. The first line indicates the time the event lasts but I need the event to start every 4 hours.
Hi all.
I want to ask some problems
Points stats from NPC quest system not keep when reset
1. I want to change the formula of reset system.dat
Point bonus after reset = Statting point + point bonus*reset + point from NPC system quest reward .

2. How to set the maximum reset to 100 ( when 100 reset anyone cant reset anymore)
3.How to set the conditions of reset ( from 80 to 100 resets need 5 chaos each reset)
4.i cant find Eventitembags of Box of Heaven

Anyone can tell me ? Thank you very much,and sorry for my bad english
Last edited:
Hi all.
I want to ask some problems
Points stats from NPC quest system not keep when reset
1. I want to change the formula of reset system.dat
Point bonus after reset = Statting point + point bonus*reset + point from NPC system quest reward .

2. How to set the maximum reset to 100 ( when 100 reset anyone cant reset anymore)
3.How to set the conditions of reset ( from 80 to 100 resets need 5 chaos each reset)
4.i cant find Eventitembags of Box of Heaven

Anyone can tell me ? Thank you very much,and sorry for my bad english

1. You can't do that. DarkMaster might want to code this in further updates. Still, you can make reset keep your stats and quest system will work for you, because you don't lose that points obtained by quest.
2. I can't tell you right now, but I'm pretty sure that can be done. Check ResetSystem.dat, you should be able to do it.
3. Same as point 2.
4. Box of Heaven is just a Box of Luck +7, so it should be eventitembag7.txt I guess.
Ако може да се направи опция AFK системата да не маха warning-ите като пишеш съобщения защото хората си седят AFK и с програма спамят съобщения за да не ги изхвърля системата.
Също правят съобщението да е /vipinfo примерно за да го няма в чата.

Направете го да се махат warning-ите само когато играчите се мърдат или и 2-те с тази опция:
в Common.ini да се сложи опция под [AntiAfk]:
DontRemoveWarningWithChatMessages = 1 // 0 = Remove players warnings when they move or write message , 1 = Remove players warnings only when they move
Много добро предложение +1
@DarkMaster, is the /vault x dupe items fixed already in this version?

And also itemserialcheck=1 doesn't seem to work. I can still create sets with FF serial.

Many thanks.
Problem when i trying add a bows, but Main or Server Read it as Crossbow , and i cant use it

and some new bows become invisible :-O

Help me Pls. Dark Master

My Items(kor) and Items.bmd


  • item(Kor).txt
    18.9 KB · Views: 3
  • item.zip
    5.8 KB · Views: 1
this is very nice server, im using it now, thank you, but i found 1 problem so far, it can dupe items using multiple vaults. this is how i do it, set vault changes using macro, e.i vault 1 => /1 /vault 1, vault 2 => /2 /vault 2. Now this is how it works, open the vault, then walk away from the vault without closing it, and when the vault closes, immediately press alt +2 then open the vault, any items in vault 1 will be copied in vault 2, it will duped. That's it., I hope this will help in your future updates, currently im using single vault :)
this is very nice server, im using it now, thank you, but i found 1 problem so far, it can dupe items using multiple vaults. this is how i do it, set vault changes using macro, e.i vault 1 => /1 /vault 1, vault 2 => /2 /vault 2. Now this is how it works, open the vault, then walk away from the vault without closing it, and when the vault closes, immediately press alt +2 then open the vault, any items in vault 1 will be copied in vault 2, it will duped. That's it., I hope this will help in your future updates, currently im using single vault :)
Yeah this was fixed, but it's happening again and again.
@DarkMaster I already reported this bug but everybody ignored me :\
Hope you can fix this soon
Hi all it's been a while since I did not post ok I saw DarkMaster add new NPC Golden Archer

The problem was at first why it does not appear this NPC Golden Archer ?, I searched for the code I found him

236 0 0 130 127 3 / / NPC Golden Archer now is work

The second problem NPC Golden Archer why not open up ? I searched commonserver I made the settings all good now work to open

I have the problem with language appearing in Chinese how can I solve this problem ?

Screen with NPC Golden Archer:




This is a translate problem. All you have to do is find a text.bmd file that has all that lines translated to english. DarkMaster provided a pretty useless client, in various aspects: map and item skins, texts, names... You should use a client of your own instead.

Problem when i trying add a bows, but Main or Server Read it as Crossbow , and i cant use it

and some new bows become invisible :-O

Help me Pls. Dark Master

My Items(kor) and Items.bmd
View attachment 4422

Man, I tried to do this kind of things in my ages, and I had the same problem. Every new bow that you add will be useless, it's like gameserver (or main) can't read them as bows, so you won't be able to fix this if you don't know C++ and Assembler, and even if you're a good coder in both languages you'll have to invest a lot of your time studying all classes, libraries, and files of the project before starting to write new code. I gave up because I'm too bad at Assembler, it's almost a dead language and it's not worth the effort.
Have Problem with Main.exe.
Windows 10 - main deleted automatical.
Проблема, удаляется майн. Фаервол распознает в нем вирусы.
Кто знает как починить?