[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

Have Problem with Main.exe.
Windows 10 - main deleted automatical.
Проблема, удаляется майн. Фаервол распознает в нем вирусы.
Кто знает как починить?

dude learn what the virus is this is just fake detect because the main.exe is very very old and some antivirus detect virus

to fixed example antivirus exceptions and no more detect so easy
Okay, maybe so, but I just recently played on the server with the Darksteam assembly and there, on the Main, nothing swore and was not deleted by itself.
Tried to take that Main, but it can not be edited, it is written that it is protected.
[Beta 42 - Work in progress] Changelog
Fixed another dupe bug
Added ability to specify Sky event reward item min/max level and count
Added ability to disable custom CalCharacter
Fixed another /vault dupe bug
Fixed Happy Hour event message
Fixed Quest system counting monsters multiple times when using Poison skill
Improved Sky event monster spawner - no more monster spawning issues
Added ability to control elf and npc buff duration
Added ability to toggle anti afk chat check
Have Problem with Main.exe.
Windows 10 - main deleted automatical.
Проблема, удаляется майн. Фаервол распознает в нем вирусы.
Кто знает как починить?
Turn off all deffenders :)
Идей за евенти, които съм виждал в други файлове (в MuEngine файловете) и може да се добавят тук:

DUNGEON EVENT - надпревара от dungeon 1 до 3 (започва от dungeon входа, който е в lorencia)
DROP EVENT - автоматично да дропи боксове в някои мап-ове, като ги announce-ва посредата на екрана къде ще ги дропи
PVP LAST STAND - бой между герои в стадиум игрището
BRING ME - да се появава дядо коледа (или др. NPC) в lorencia и да изписва посредата на сървъра какъв итем да му се донесе
HUNT AND KILL - ще се появяват монстери в някой мап, който ще са маскирани като нормални монстери и хората трябва да ги намират и убиват и ще им пада награда от тях

Ако се добавят ще е много забавно :)

CustomEvent.ini на евентите от файловете, който ги имат:
// Ticket ID: 14 51
DungeonRaiseEnable    = 1            ; Dungeon Race Event (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)
DRMaxPlayers        = 30           ; Maximum Players Allowed
DRMinuteDuration    = 20           ; Event Duration In Minutes
DRMinNotice        = 5            ; Event Notification In Minutes
DRNoPk            = 1            ; Not Allow PK Inside Event (0 = Allow PK / 1 = Not Allow PK)
DRNpcID            = 247          ; Dungeon Race Registration NPC ID From Monster.txt
DRMap            = 0            ; Map Number Where Registration NPC Appears
DRMapX            = 137          ; Registration NPC (X) Coordinate
DRMapY            = 122          ; Registration NPC (Y) Coordinate
DRMapDir        = 3            ; Registration NPC Face Direction (Range: 1-4)
MinWinTimeMinute    = 5           ; Minimum Allowed Time In Minutes to Reach Dungeon 3
DRPcPointReward        = 1            ; PC Points Reward For Event Winner
DRCashPointReward    = 40           ; Cash Points Reward For Event Winner

DropEventEnable        = 1            ; Item Drop Event (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)
DropEventCounts        = 3            ; Event Run Rounds (Each Round 1 Item Drop)
DropEventNotice        = 5            ; Event Notification In Minutes

Enable        = 1                    ; PVP LastStand Event (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)
PvPMap        = 6                    ; Map Number Where PVP Event Takes Place
PvPMapX1    = 54                   ; (X1) Starting Coordinate For PVP Zone (Allowed X PVP Range: X1-X2)
PvPMapY1    = 141                  ; (Y1) Starting Coordinate For PVP Zone (Allowed Y PVP Range: Y1-Y2)
PvPMapX2    = 70                   ; (X2) Ending Coordinate For PVP Zone
PvPMapY2    = 180                  ; (Y2) Ending Coordinate For PVP Zone
NpcId        = 381                  ; PVP Event NPC ID From Monster.txt
RegNpcMap    = 0                    ; Map Number Where Registration NPC Appears
RegNpcMapX    = 135                  ; Registration NPC (X) Coordinate
RegNpcMapY    = 127                  ; Registration NPC (Y) Coordinate
RegNpcMapDir    = 3                   ; Registration NPC Face Direction (Range: 1-4)
; Name Of Map Where Registration NPC Appears (That Player Will See InGame)
RegMapName    = Lorencia Town  
PlayNpcMap    = 6                    ; Map Number Where Play NPC Appears
PlayNpcMapX    = 58                   ; Play NPC (X) Coordinate
PlayNpcMapY    = 160                  ; Play NPC (Y) Coordinate
PlayNpcMapDir    = 3                    ; Play NPC Face Direction (Range: 1-4)
MaxDieOut    = 3                    ; Maximum Die Rounds Per Player (3 Means Player Can Get Pked a Max Of 3 Times)
MaxPlayers    = 50                   ; Maximum Players Allowed
MinPlayers    = 2                    ; Minimum Players Allowed (If Lower Event Auto-Cancel)
MinLevel    = 50                   ; Minimum Character Level Allowed
MinReset    = 5                    ; Minimum Character Reset Allowed
ReqItem        = 1                    ; Require Item to Join PVP Event (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)
ReqItemType    = 14                   ; Item Type [From Item(Kor).txt]
ReqItemIndex    = 22                   ; Item Index [From Item(Kor).txt]
ReqItemLevel    = 0                    ; Item Level
ReqItemCount    = 1                    ; Required Number Of Items
; Name Of Required Item (That Player Will See InGame)
ReqItemName    = Jewel of Creation
ReqZeny        = 0                    ; Required Zen
PcPoints    = 0                    ; PC Points Reward For Event Winner
CashPoints    = 40                   ; Cash Points Reward For Event Winner
PvPMapWarpX1    = 59                   ; (X1) Warp starting Coordinate For PVP Zone (Allowed X PVP Range: X1-X2)
PvPMapWarpY1    = 156                  ; (Y1) Warp Starting Coordinate For PVP Zone (Allowed Y PVP Range: Y1-Y2)
PvPMapWarpX2    = 66                   ; (X2) Warp Ending Coordinate For PVP Zone
PvPMapWarpY2    = 165                  ; (Y2) Warp Ending Coordinate For PVP Zone

EnableRumbleWords    = 1            ; Scramble Words Event (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)
RWMaxRounds        = 30           ; Event Run Rounds (Max Value: 50)
RWTimeOutEachRound    = 2           ; Event Time-Out Per Round (In Minutes)
RWRewardType        = 14           ; Item Reward Type [From Item(Kor).txt]
RWRewardIndex        = 14           ; Item Reward Index [From Item(Kor).txt]
RWRewardLevel        = 0            ; Item Reward Level
RWCashPointReward    = 8            ; Cash Points Reward For Event Winner
RWPCPointReward        = 10           ; PC Points Reward For Event Winner

// This event will automatically/randomly choose item from item.txt, all item with drop = 0 will not be included
EnableBringMe        = 1
BMNpcMap        = 0
BMNpcMapX        = 121
BMNpcMapY        = 127
BMNpcMapDir        = 4
BMNpcId            = 465
BMMaxRounds        = 5
BMPerRoundDuration    = 7    ; duration in minutes
BMItemDropFromMaxLevel    = 50    ; only item with below or equal to drop level column in item.txt will be included in bring me event
BMItemMaxRandomLevel    = 2    ; random item level
BMItemMaxRandomOption    = 2    ; random item option
BMItemMinType        = 0    ; 0 to 15 min. item type to include
BMItemMaxType        = 15    ; 0 to 15 max. item type to include
// rewards
BMRewardZeny        = 100000
BMRewardCashPoints    = 25
BMRewardPcPoints    = 1000
BMRewardItemType    = 14
BMRewardItemIndex    = 14
BMRewardItemLevel    = 0

// This event will randomly set a number of monster(s) in a given map, players need to kill all monsters in a given map and whoever killed the event monster will get a reward and his name will be announced (like WW event message style)
Enable            = 1
MonsterSetHP        = 12000000    ; event monster hp
MonsterPowerMulti     = 15        ; monster damage and defence multiplier
MonsterCount        = 5        ; number of monster which will be randomly selected as event monster in a given map
Duration        = 20        ; event duration
RewardCashPoint        = 20
RewardPcPoint        = 0
Last edited:
[Beta 42 - Work in progress] Changelog
Fixed another dupe bug
Added ability to specify Sky event reward item min/max level and count
Added ability to disable custom CalCharacter
Fixed another /vault dupe bug
Fixed Happy Hour event message
Fixed Quest system counting monsters multiple times when using Poison skill
Improved Sky event monster spawner - no more monster spawning issues
Added ability to control elf and npc buff duration
Added ability to toggle anti afk chat check

Insane, dude. Btw, a suggestion could be making elf buffs power configurable. I mean, an elf with 10k energy won't throw such good buffs as a 32k energy one... How about that?

Excuse my ignorance, so I can add how many new wings?

You can't. Gameserver won't read new wings as wings unless you code it. I'm sorry, but if you don't know C++ and A, forget it.
Още няколко предложения:

За AFK-то за да се избегнат програми, които спамят съобщение за да не те зачита AFK:
(Това е когато е с toggle anti afk chat check)
- Да не ти маха warning-ите като пишеш съобщения, които почват с "~, @, /", за да се виждат в чата, ако ползваш програма. Защото ако почват с това не се виждат в чата.
- Ако спамиш едно и също съобщение да си те зачита като AFK също. Да трябва новото съобщение да е различно от предишното за да ти се махнат AFK warning-ите.

За новите in-game events: (Questions & Answers, trivia, boss)
- Да се save-а в датабазата в таблица Character като отговориш 1 въпрос или 1 тривиа или убиеш 1 boss точки. За да може да правим класация в сайта, кой е на 1-во место от тези евенти.

Например някой отговаря на 1 въпрос от тривита и му се адд-ва точка така:
Update character set trivia_points=trivia_points+1 where name='test'
Hi bro DarkMaster i try today to test once again GoldenArcher there seem to be some problems

What I saw if you press too fast Get Reward this strange message appears after disappearing after 1 or 2 seconds returns to normal

Screen 1 when i press to fast Get Reward:


Screen 2 when it returns to normal

Hi bro DarkMaster i try today to test once again GoldenArcher there seem to be some problems

What I saw if you press too fast Get Reward this strange message appears after disappearing after 1 or 2 seconds returns to normal

Screen 1 when i press to fast Get Reward:


Screen 2 when it returns to normal


You must translate text correctly

Intenta agregar 10 piedras y luego presiona para obtener una recompensa rápida, lo intentas con solo 2 piedras lol
added 10 child stones, lack of knowledge



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Intenta agregar 10 piedras y luego presiona para obtener una recompensa rápida, lo intentas con solo 2 piedras lol
added 10 child stones, lack of knowledge

View attachment 4442

I do not have time now to explain to you because it is late tomorrow I go to work I do not see how the translation is to blame

This is the main.exe i use now check the link and test https://darksteam.net/threads/ultimate-main-second-edition-97d-99i-for-free.22450/[/QUOTE]
Hello, DarkMaster.
I found these control switches at 1.0M. But I can't find it in 97D 99i.
Is it possible to add these control switches to the 97D99I version?
LootingTime = 120 ; Items looting time (in seconds)
ExcellentItemsDropRate = 2000 ; Excellent items drop rate (lower = higher)
ExcellentItemsWithSkillDropRate = 100 ; Excellent items with skill drop rate
ExcellentItemsWithLuckDropRate = 1 ; Excellent items with luck drop rate
NormalItemsWithSkillDropRate = 6 ; Normal items with skill drop rate
NormalItemsWithLuckDropRate = 4 ; Normal items with luck drop rate
[Beta 42 - Work in progress] Changelog
Fixed another dupe bug
Added ability to specify Sky event reward item min/max level and count
Added ability to disable custom CalCharacter
Fixed another /vault dupe bug
Fixed Happy Hour event message
Fixed Quest system counting monsters multiple times when using Poison skill
Improved Sky event monster spawner - no more monster spawning issues
Added ability to control elf and npc buff duration
Added ability to toggle anti afk chat check
+ Ability ability to control elf buffs
+ Added ability to set Blood Castle minimum completion time
+ Added ability to disable Ice Arrow's effect on specific mobs (ie golden monsters)
+ Added new Worm event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save kills in SQL


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its avalable for testing? or ur not sharing it for now?
and can you do that for all the bosses, like hydra, ice queen, phionix, etc:D?