[Release] Market System for MuCore


Active Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Market System V1.0.0 For MuCore 0.8
Adapted from MuWeb

Video ---> Showcase Video

Download Here ---> Download - Market System V1.0.0

Marchant (Where members post their items to the market from their vaults).
Market Module (Displaying the items for sale).
Bank Transfer (Transfering PC Points and Zen from a virtual bank).

Module Information and Features:
Tested against SQL injections, no detections and threats.
All input variables (values ​​entered by users) are reviewed by the overall role of mucore secure_input () and is_numeric function. (To verify that the data entered by users is valid).
Bank Transfer allows transfers from the bench for the characters, or from one character to another (Zen and PC Points).
Permitted Currency Support: Mu Coins, PC Points, Zen
Market System contains a filter which will allow users to search for specific weapons.
The. CSS colors and forms, tables, etc. to suit the colors of the templates

= Master = -> Development of MUCore & MuWeb
Falcon -> Completed and improved module
UND3R -> Sharing and Adapting Market from MuWeb

knif3r -> Nope.. Not a single credit was given that day :D

Note : I haven't tested it because I am not using MuCore but I can give a suggestion if you have any problems.
I have S4 E3 All working perfect. Problem was whit translation to english from spein... but now oky...
I think it does work on season 6 I am just not sure for the old versions but you will do the best if you test it! :)

I have a problem!

I sell item from merchant, then i go to market and buy it back (with same account), then i look in my warehouse and the item i bought copies over other item. And other problem is that my friends cant buy items i sell, it says "Not Enough Zen" or "Not Enough Credits".

Maybe its "Zen Transfer" fault, i can transfer zen from character to warehouse, but not to Web Wallet.
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I don't think that someone can help you like this without taking a look into the code, database and configs.
If you see the items one over another this doesn't exactly mean the problem is in the smartsearch function (can't find empty/full slots), it could be the database or visual problem (warehouse rendering). So this needs to be investigated more deeply

And regarding the zen transfer, first of all I can't understand why module like Bank Transfer taking 750 lines.... this is crazy
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