- Joined
- Apr 8, 2008
- Messages
- 2,465
- Reaction score
- 11,175
та... идеята ми е следната...
Искам всички да се обединим и заедно да направим един проект.
Ето и кои ще участват в проекта. Ако има още желаещи, нека пишат в темата.
- Моя милост
- sNG
- Elven` - Shops
- zerrku
- Shaker
- dmx_vladi
- MeMoS
- Damian
- crazyboy
- sunwalker
- Stomanaed
- Life
- Mortred
- antistaro - Tester
- killar4eto - PHP Coder
- mi7aka
- eXTenTioN
current progress
Искам всички да се обединим и заедно да направим един проект.
Ето и кои ще участват в проекта. Ако има още желаещи, нека пишат в темата.
- Моя милост
- sNG
- Elven` - Shops
- zerrku
- Shaker
- dmx_vladi
- MeMoS
- Damian
- crazyboy
- sunwalker
- Stomanaed
- Life
- Mortred
- antistaro - Tester
- killar4eto - PHP Coder
- mi7aka
- eXTenTioN
[COLOR=Blue]DataServers Version:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]ConnectServer Version:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue](BoR Team)
ChatServer Version:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]JoinServer Version:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]GameServers Versions:[/COLOR] 1.00.18/1.00.19
[COLOR=Blue]Client Version:[/COLOR] 1.02.19
FixMDrive = 1
FixPotionBug = 1
FixPartyZenBug = 1
FixSerial0 = 1
FixMonsterAIError = 1
FixPKBug = 1
DeleteCharWithoutID = 1
DeleteGuildWithoutID = 1
DisableCheckSum = 1
DisableSpeedCheck = 1
TransformationRing1 = 2
TransformationRing2 = 7
TransformationRing3 = 14
TransformationRing4 = 8
TransformationRing5 = 9
TransformationRing6 = 41
ElfOrbSummon1 = 26
ElfOrbSummon2 = 32
ElfOrbSummon3 = 21
ElfOrbSummon4 = 20
ElfOrbSummon5 = 10
ElfOrbSummon6 = 150
ElfOrbSummon7 = 151
BlessPrice = 6000000
SoulPrice = 9000000
ChaosPrice = 810000
LifePrice = 45000000
CreationPrice = 36000000
GuardianPrice = 60000000
DarkHorsePrice = 5000000
DarkSpiritPrice = 1000000
ChaosCastleMinPlayers = 2
ElfBufferMaxLevel = 100
GuildAllianceMinPlayers = 20
UDPPort = 60006
MaxLevel = 400
BkSmElfPointsPerLevel = 5
MGPointsPerLevel = 7
DLPointsPerLevel = 7
SoulSuccessRate = 55
SoulWithLuckSuccessRate = 70
LifeSuccessRate = 50
BCItemID = 15
BCItemGroup = 12
BCItemLevel = 0
WWItemID = 14
WWItemGroup = 13
WWItemLevel = 0
CCAncientItem = 1 // 1 = Ancient item, 0 = jewel of life
ChaosMix+10SuccessRate = 50
ChaosMix+11SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+12SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+13SuccessRate = 45
DarkHorseSuccessRate = 60
DarkSpiritSuccessRate = 60
BlessPotionSuccessRate = 100
SoulPotionSuccessRate = 100
LifePotionSuccessRate = 100
1LevelWingsSuccessRate = 90
2LevelWingsSuccessRate = 90
DinorantSuccessRate = 70
ExlItemDropRate = 2000
ExlItemWithSkillDropRate = 100
ExlItemWithLuckDropRate = 1
NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = 6
NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = 4
PartyExp2 = 160
PartyExp3 = 180
PartyExp4 = 200
PartyExp5 = 220
PartyExp3 = 230
PartyExp4 = 270
PartyExp5 = 300
MSAgility = 50
MSEnergy = 200
MSDivider = 40
GFVitality = 100
GFEnergy = 20
GFDuration = 10
AppleHPRecovery = 10
MinHPPotionRecovery = 20
MedHPPotionRecovery = 30
BigHPPotionRecovery = 40
MinManaPotionRecovery = 20
MedManaPotionRecovery = 30
BigManaPotionRecovery = 40
FixMDrive = 1
FixPotionBug = 1
FixPartyZenBug = 1
FixSerial0 = 1
FixMonsterAIError = 1
FixPKBug = 1
DeleteCharWithoutID = 1
DeleteGuildWithoutID = 1
DisableCheckSum = 1
DisableSpeedCheck = 1
TransformationRing1 = 2
TransformationRing2 = 7
TransformationRing3 = 14
TransformationRing4 = 8
TransformationRing5 = 9
TransformationRing6 = 41
ElfOrbSummon1 = 26
ElfOrbSummon2 = 32
ElfOrbSummon3 = 21
ElfOrbSummon4 = 20
ElfOrbSummon5 = 10
ElfOrbSummon6 = 150
ElfOrbSummon7 = 151
BlessPrice = 6000000
SoulPrice = 9000000
ChaosPrice = 810000
LifePrice = 45000000
CreationPrice = 36000000
GuardianPrice = 60000000
DarkHorsePrice = 5000000
DarkSpiritPrice = 1000000
ChaosCastleMinPlayers = 2
ElfBufferMaxLevel = 100
GuildAllianceMinPlayers = 20
UDPPort = 60006
MaxLevel = 400
BkSmElfPointsPerLevel = 5
MGPointsPerLevel = 7
DLPointsPerLevel = 7
SoulSuccessRate = 55
SoulWithLuckSuccessRate = 70
LifeSuccessRate = 50
BCItemID = 15
BCItemGroup = 12
BCItemLevel = 0
WWItemID = 14
WWItemGroup = 13
WWItemLevel = 0
CCAncientItem = 1 // 1 = Ancient item, 0 = jewel of life
ChaosMix+10SuccessRate = 50
ChaosMix+11SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+12SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+13SuccessRate = 45
DarkHorseSuccessRate = 60
DarkSpiritSuccessRate = 60
BlessPotionSuccessRate = 100
SoulPotionSuccessRate = 100
LifePotionSuccessRate = 100
1LevelWingsSuccessRate = 90
2LevelWingsSuccessRate = 90
DinorantSuccessRate = 70
ExlItemDropRate = 2000
ExlItemWithSkillDropRate = 100
ExlItemWithLuckDropRate = 1
NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = 6
NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = 4
PartyExp2 = 160
PartyExp3 = 180
PartyExp4 = 200
PartyExp5 = 220
PartyExp3 = 230
PartyExp4 = 270
PartyExp5 = 300
MSAgility = 50
MSEnergy = 200
MSDivider = 40
GFVitality = 100
GFEnergy = 20
GFDuration = 10
AppleHPRecovery = 10
MinHPPotionRecovery = 20
MedHPPotionRecovery = 30
BigHPPotionRecovery = 40
MinManaPotionRecovery = 20
MedManaPotionRecovery = 30
BigManaPotionRecovery = 40