[Release] EuphoriaMU Season 3 Episode 1 Server Files - Update 3


Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
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EuphoriaMU Season 3 Episode 1 Server files

The following server files were developed since 2010. Firstly for UniversalMU, then for EuphoriaMU.

Due to the frequent requests and no longer need of them, they are now public.

Standard commands:
- /pkclear, /pkset, /item, /skin, /gg, /gmoveall, /online, /addbuff, /fireworks, /spawn, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banacc, /unbanacc, /reload
+ more

Additional & improved commands
- /resetstr, /resetagi, /resetvit, /resetene & /resetcmd - resets specified character points
- /info commands - shows character resets, grand resets & webshop credits
- /removeharmony command - removes harmony options
- /buystats - costs 500 webshop credits for 5000 in-game points
- /clearinventory - clears character inventory
- /changeclassinfo - info about change class commands
- -/changeclassbm - change character's class to blade master (costs 3000 webshop credits)
- -/changeclassgm - change character's class to grand master (costs 3000 webshop credits)
- -/changeclasshe - change character's class to high elf (costs 3000 webshop credits)
- -/changeclassdm - change character's class to duel master (costs 3000 webshop credits)
- -/changeclassle - change character's class to lord emperor (costs 3000 webshop credits)
- /zen - give's zen (replacement of bless bug)
- /time - shows current server time
- Improved /add commands
- Improved /reset command
+ more

Additional in-game events
- Automatic drop
- Automatic hunt (unfinished, unstable)
- Automatic hide n seek event
- Kundun invasion
+ more

Additional & improved features
- Map system (pvp, non-pvp, pk free maps - configurable via config file)
- GM shop npc (only game masters can open it)
- Support for excellent items in shops
- Anti horn of uniria bug
- Improved marry system
- Better & lagless connection with the sql server. scfdb is no longer required
- Ability to enable/disable gameserver logs
+ more

- Anti disconnect hack
- Anti spoof hack
- Anti npc trade crash
- Anti lahap dupe
- No crash commands
+ more

Update 2
/whois command - added back
Allow/disallow trade of items with harmony option - added

Update 3
3 Level wings options fixed
/add command 65k max stats support - fixed

Download links
Server files: Click Here
Client: Click Here
Client Patch: Click Here

WebZen, SCFMT & DarksTeam


  • MuServer.rar
    3.5 MB · Views: 2,865
  • Client Patch.rar
    998.9 KB · Views: 1,764
  • ODBC.rar
    621 bytes · Views: 850
  • Server Update 3.rar
    221.1 KB · Views: 1,249
lol 10/10 thanks DarkMaster again you approve, your the best :)
I have one question: someone test him did find some bugs or all works fine ?
10/10 взимайте пример
ПП:Webzen : DarksTeam - 0:1 (в битката с/у private сървърите)
Какъв е случая с Bor_startupa не съм работил преди с него.Но като вкарам всички програми и като си редактирам .xml файла после като дам старт дава грешка че няма връзка с ип-тата и като видя xmla показва ги без мойте настройки и после немога да ги променя.
П.П не е проблем да използвам друг startup но искам да видя от къде е проблема тук

спри startup-а и пробвай аз нямам проблем с редакцията
пробвай и да редактираш и bor_StartUp.xml.bak и bor_StartUp.xml
а и внимавай защото и от най малката грешка се прецаква
Работи ли със sqleval 2000 ? И трябва ли да се променя нещо в main.exe-то или само добавяме сървъра в лаунчъра.
Работи ли със sqleval 2000 ? И трябва ли да се променя нещо в main.exe-то или само добавяме сървъра в лаунчъра.
Работят. IP-то в main-а е
шефа си показа картите файловете пекаиля за хард,нормал 10/10 :D
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