[Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

how do i add cashshop points on a char and how to get it in game :S

and one question dupe works?

and how do i edit the starter point ? from 300 to 0

I have a script for sql job if you need for cash shop point!
hmm i cant see anything under char= u mean MuOnline->Tables->Character?

You´re quite close. It´s a Trigger, not a Table. So go to MuOnline -> Tables -> Character -> Triggers and you find the trigger to be edited.
Visual bug, see on screen.

It was when i drop ring what i have when I create a character...

I know nothing big but.. :p

Probably the item requested to be dropped is not edited on your client. Check eventitembags and see if everything is fine. Also, double check your item.bmd and item(xxx).txt and see if they are exactly alike.
Probably the item requested to be dropped is not edited on your client. Check eventitembags and see if everything is fine. Also, double check your item.bmd and item(xxx).txt and see if they are exactly alike.

I am not edit anything.. Can someone do any patch or something for all? Thx...
Can anyone told to me , on this server files works scrol of red storm for sumonner ? Thnx :)
Scrolls for Summoner:
"Scroll of Drain Life"
"Scroll of Chain Lighting"
"Scroll of Reflex"
"Scroll of Sleep"
"Scroll of Magic Speed Up"
"Scroll of Magic Defense Up"
I have workable CashShopServer. Settings:
Port 			= 55821

odbc_server 		= XAK2-PC
odbc_uid 		= sa
odbc_pass 		= j82HafpEW1Cm
dbname 			= MuOnline
pointfrom 		= cspoints
odbc_enabletrusted 	= 0
UseCashShop		= 1
ConnectShopServer	= 1
ShopServerIP		=
ShopServerPort		= 55821
UseLotteryEvent		= 1
Screen atteched.

p.s. dark where main without texture limit? I myself changed item list to 80 but offsets of texlimit dont found.


  • Screen(08_11-17_26)-0001.jpg
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само? е че то т'ва е нищо бе... за мен т'ва е да ти направи целият сървър (да ти направи всичко което е необходимо в qa, да ти го нагласи както го искаш фън мън дрън...) пак ако него мързи и да ти го пусне :) и... ако може и чудовищата да ти ги направи както ги искаш... ееее т'ва вече се казва работа?

Нямам това в предвит , имам в предвит че има фикснати Database BackUp , а аз не знам като прави Realse дали ги поставя , и ODBC-то , това ме интересува , дали са поправени тези файлове в последните Бети версии ? Аз всичко съм направил еми просто нямам свясна База Данни и ОДБЦ , не искам да ми наглася нищо еми просто само едни файлове ме интересуват дали са фикснати базата данни и дали файловете ОДБЦ и където се намират в DB Backs , са наред , че с развитието на бетите не знам какво е станало....... Не искам нищо да ми направи ами просто да ме информира ......... Той е чел почти всичко в тази тема и знае ........
I have workable CashShopServer. Settings:
Port 			= 55821

odbc_server 		= XAK2-PC
odbc_uid 		= sa
odbc_pass 		= j82HafpEW1Cm
dbname 			= MuOnline
pointfrom 		= cspoints
odbc_enabletrusted 	= 0
UseCashShop		= 1
ConnectShopServer	= 1
ShopServerIP		=
ShopServerPort		= 55821
UseLotteryEvent		= 1
Screen atteched.

p.s. dark where main without texture limit? I myself changed item list to 80 but offsets of texlimit dont found.

Okey see my settings

Port 			= 55821

odbc_server 		= CODENAME (or
odbc_uid 		        = sa
odbc_pass 		        = SQL PASSWORD
dbname 			= MuOnline
pointfrom 		        = cspoints
odbc_enabletrusted 	= 0
UseCashShop		= 1
ConnectShopServer	= 1
ShopServerIP		=
ShopServerPort		= 55821
UseLotteryEvent		= 1

and chash shop not work... stay to runing and... not work see picture ;)


  • cash.png
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I have problems with Online players Count on web. I have made it:
- go to MuOnline db
- then open MEMB_STAT in Modify mode
- add column OnlineHours as int
But the problem remained
I have problems with Online players Count on web. I have made it:
- go to MuOnline db
- then open MEMB_STAT in Modify mode
- add column OnlineHours as int
But the problem remained

all datetime, smalldatetime change to char(10)
how come scrolls does work? i mean from cash shop those which should give def 60 atack and etc..