[Release] DarksTeam Official Season 2 Beta 13

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score

What new?

Full Season 2 + Fully Working Tama Japan Jang Event, Halloween Event, CashShop & much more.
Protocol: Japan

Download Link: Click Here
Mirror: Click Here

Change/Update Log

Beta 1
[Fix] FixMDrive = X
[Fix] FixPotionBug = X
[Fix] FixPartyZenBug = X
[Fix] FixSerial0 = X
[Fix] FixMonsterAIError = X
[Fix] FixPKBug = X
[Fix] FixPlus28Add = X
[OPTION] DeleteCharWithoutID = X
[OPTION] DeleteGuildWithoutID = X
[Fix] FixMonsterAIError = X
[OPTION] DisableCheckSum = X
[OPTION] DisableSpeedCheck = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing1 = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing2 = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing3 = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing4 = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing5 = X
[OPTION] TransformationRing6 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon1 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon2 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon3 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon4 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon5 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon6 = X
[OPTION] ElfOrbSummon7 = X
[OPTION] BlessPrice = X
[OPTION] SoulPrice = X
[OPTION] ChaosPrice = X
[OPTION] LifePrice = X
[OPTION] CreationPrice = X
[OPTION] GuardianPrice = X
[OPTION] DarkHorsePrice = X
[OPTION] DarkSpiritPrice = X
[OPTION] ChaosCastleMinPlayers = X
[OPTION] ElfBufferMaxLevel = X
[OPTION] GuildAllianceMinPlayers = X
[OPTION] MaxLevel = X
[OPTION] MaxLevelNoExp = X
[OPTION] BkSmElfPointsPerLevel = X
[OPTION] MGPointsPerLevel = X
[OPTION] DLPointsPerLevel = X
[OPTION] MarlonBonus = X
[OPTION] SoulSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] SoulWithLuckSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] LifeSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] BCItemGroup = X
[OPTION] BCItemLevel = X
[OPTION] WWItemGroup = X
[OPTION] WWItemLevel = X
[OPTION] CCAncientItem = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+10SuccessRate = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+11SuccessRate = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+12SuccessRate = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+13SuccessRate = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+10WithLuck = X
[OPTION] ChaosMix+11-13WithLuck = X
[OPTION] DarkHorseSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] DarkSpiritSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] BlessPotionSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] SoulPotionSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] LifePotionSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] 1LevelWingsSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] 2LevelWingsSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] DinorantSuccessRate = X
[OPTION] ExlItemDropRate = X
[OPTION] ExlItemWithSkillDropRate = X
[OPTION] ExlItemWithLuckDropRate = X
[OPTION] NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = X
[OPTION] NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = X
[OPTION] PartyExp2 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp3 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp4 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp5 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp3 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp4 = X
[OPTION] PartyExp5 = X
[OPTION] MSAgility = X
[OPTION] MSEnergy = X
[OPTION] MSDivider = X
[OPTION] GFVitality = X
[OPTION] GFEnergy = X
[OPTION] GFDuration = X
[OPTION] AppleHPRecovery = X
[OPTION] MinHPPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] MedHPPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] BigHPPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] MinManaPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] MedManaPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] BigManaPotionRecovery = X
[OPTION] 65kMaxStats = X
[Shit] MuOnline DB Generated (Ranking & MU2003_EVENT_DATA are included in MuOnline db) 3 in 1 ^^
[Shit] ODBC Generated
[Fix] ExDB Injection
[Shit] ggauth.dll - Removed
[Shit] ggsrvdll.dll - Removed
Beta 2
[Fix] JoinServer Error
[Fix] Mu DB ID Error
Beta 3
[Fix] Destroy GIOCP
[Fix] Error 0x0000000
[Fix] Disconnect
Beta 4
[Shit] Serial Corrected
[Shit] Version Corrected
[Shit] GS_CS + Custom Shits - Added
[Shit] ggauth.dll - Removed
[Shit] ggsrvdll.dll - Removed
Beta 5
[Shit] DB Corrected
[Shit] MD5 - Added
Beta 6
[Fix] Seals Load [GS_CS]
Beta 7
[OPTION] DisableSpeedSkillCheck = X [GS]
Beta 8
[OPTION] ExcellentAncientItem = 0 // 1 = Ancient Items can have exl options, 0 = cant have
[OPTION] JOHonAncientItem = 0 // 1 = Ancient Items can have jewel of harmony, 0 = cant have [OPTION] ItemsDurationTime = 30
[OPTION] DarkHorseDefenseDivisor = 20
Beta 9
BlessWaterPrice = X
SoulWaterPrice = X
OrcRewardItemType = X
OrcRewardItemID = X
FireDragonRewardItem1Type = X
FireDragonRewardItem1ID = X
FireDragonRewardItem2Type = X
FireDragonRewardItem2ID = X
Beta 10
Mu_DBID Error - Fixed
ConnectServer - Fixed (Not tested)
GS_CS - Added in the start up
Beta 11
Save Character after exit - Fixed
DB Errors - Fixed
GS_CS Crash - Fixed
Beta 12
GS_CS corrections
Beta 12.1
Start up - Corrected
Beta 13
Move To GS_CS Crash - Fixed

There is only 1 db for restore (MuOnline) Ranking db tables & procedures are in it.
Warning2! (too much warnings, huh? :D:)
The gs is packed to prevent leeching.

Client Link (Without Sound): Click Here
FileFront Mirror: Click Here
MegaUpload Mirror: Click Here
Client Patch: Click Here (IP in main: mu.darksteam.net)

IP in main: & of course dont forget to report bugs & issues.

WebZen & DarksTeam


  • Client Patch.rar
    1.1 MB · Views: 1,244
  • DarksTeam Season 2 Beta 13.rar
    5.8 MB · Views: 1,366
причина: не ми харесва сезон 2
Beta 3
[Fix] Destroy GIOCP
[Fix] Error 0x0000000
[Fix] Disconnect

new main.exe is attached.
Beta 4
[Shit] Serial Corrected
[Shit] Version Corrected
[Shit] GS_CS + Custom Shits - Added
[Shit] ggauth.dll - Removed
[Shit] ggsrvdll.dll - Removed
Виждам ,че не работиш само в/у опции, ами и бараш наистина по деликатни местенца и това ми харесва.
Really Good Release DarkMaster !! I Love U :$
100000/10 !
Please non stop this dev :)
Beta 8 - Hot
ExcellentAncientItem = 0 // 1 = Ancient Items can have exl options, 0 = cant have
JOHonAncientItem = 0 // 1 = Ancient Items can have jewel of harmony, 0 = cant have
ItemsDurationTime = 30
DarkHorseDefenseDivisor = 20
  • Like
Reactions: ka4irga
Beta 9
BlessWaterPrice = X
SoulWaterPrice = X

OrcRewardItemType = X
OrcRewardItemID = X

FireDragonRewardItem1Type = X
FireDragonRewardItem1ID = X
FireDragonRewardItem2Type = X
FireDragonRewardItem2ID = X
Tama Japan Jang Event това чудо тествано ли е?
Шефе, решил си да бараш пак season2, което отново ни доказва, че никога не се предаваш! Благодарим ти за файловете!

Добре, че този път си ги pack-нал, че да не бъркат с пръстчетата си ламзите, където не им е работа и не разбират :)
Когато beta-та е завършена, ще пипна клиента (EN превод на цялата игрица + fix на правописните грешки, които забелязах от WebZeb :D - включва quest-овете, slide-a отдолу в игра, monster-ите и др..)
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Reactions: mi7aka
I have problem with Create acc in Mu Editor I have error img in attach.
And in main.exe need change two ip's mu.darksteam.net and cs.muonline.in.th
And Connect server can't see Join Server

DarkMaster please use Fixed CashShop Server becouse antivirus find virus

This is fixed CashShopServer.rar


  • error3.JPG
    11.7 KB · Views: 141
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