[Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

if you want to change the items in the npc you need to edit it on the serverside. go to your server files folder.. then go to data folder and you will see shop 0 to shop 20.

BTW. what client you are using? warp is working good same as the 3rd quest and the fenrir thing. im just wondering why its not working on you (think)

Yes the Warping is ok now only admins cannot use the Warp list because they don't need to and i did'nt know that and 3rd quest i don't know if it works or not yet and another thing Arena or like other people call it Stadium i cannot go into it and fight mobs its out of bounds i can go to Stadium but cannot go where the mobs are.
Cash Shop

I fix cash shop and i make a job in sql where the job put 10 wcoins when the player is 0-100 level,20 wcoins 101-200 level,30 wcoins from 201-300 . . . . .
every one who need help plz contact me in connkey@hotmail.com.
Is the Arena Map working because i Can warp there but i cannot fight there won't let me in the Fighting part where the Cages are?

How do u use and setup up the ( CashShop) DarkMasters ?
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helm me.rena not add trade and vault please give me guide.I fixed bug :)
Whens the New Update comming so i can start going into Stadium/Arena i wanna start fighting in there at the moment its closed off only admins can get in there but there is no mobs and Cages are cut off too.
Whens the New Update comming so i can start going into Stadium/Arena i wanna start fighting in there at the moment its closed off only admins can get in there but there is no mobs and Cages are cut off too.

try searching for arena/stadium patch...so that you can enter in every cages

if you want to have mobs in arena..

just add mobs in the monstersetbase (map # 6 for arena) (rock)
I tryied looking for patch for ( Stadium/Arena ) i cannot find any and is this >>>>> http://darksteam.net/showthread.php?t=3608 a better Version than ( Beta 13 ) or no because most the stuff u can do on ( Darkside MU ) u cannot do it with ( Beta 13 ) i have not seen Jewel mix in this and i cannot Fight in ( Stadium / Arena ) and also this has not got the new dueling System in itand new map.
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DB's support Summoner but your client doesn't! When Summoner doesn't appear in menu than it's Client side!
Another noob qestion :)

How can I increase zen drop? There a lot of items falling, but no zen..
I will test that Files Beta 13 and find some Bugs

- fhrom rings 40 lvl drop Invisible items +10+11
- Cannot Drop Guild Memeber fhrom Guild
- Cannot Drop, Sell to shop news Potions,Scrols, some cant Use too
- Event Server Crash Ever 24h
- Zen party bug
- Orb of Graer Fortitude, Can be equiped by Elf

All others are 100 % works and perfect . Gracies DarkMaster !
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- fhrom rings 40 lvl drop Invisible items +10+11
testing for whole week - no problems. anyway it can be fixed at eventitembag, I think.
- Cannot Drop, Sell to shop news Potions,Scrols, some cant Use too
yes. you can`t use and sell new scrolls (4x4), new potions can use, but can`t sell.
- Event Server Crash Ever 24h
Tested for 3 days (3 days + 2 or 3 days) - no problems/crashes at all
- Zen party bug
What does this bug look like? I see no problems using party.