GameMaster Commands Not works--- please works DROP GMOVE DISCONNECT USER BAN USER !!!!!!
use SCFMT Serverfiles -.-a
and stop to flood!!!
ban to SonUx!!
GameMaster Commands Not works--- please works DROP GMOVE DISCONNECT USER BAN USER !!!!!!
GameMaster Commands Not works--- please works DROP GMOVE DISCONNECT USER BAN USER !!!!!!
Code:USE MuOnline [B][COLOR="Red"]CREATE TABLE[/COLOR][/B] [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] ( [cspoints] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
USE MuOnline
ALTER COLUMN [cspoints] [int] NULL
Yes... It's moving!I do not understand English. Pedestal moving? if so, make shorter name in NpcName (CHS) in client
Yes... It's moving!
The NPC name in NPCName(Chs).txt is 'Illusion Castle Sacred Item Storage'
and in Monster.txt (server side) is 'Pedestal'.
illusion temple works 100% (try with the attached monster.txt)
every time I try to teleport to the maps of GameServer_CS. I just disconnected from the server
Help please !!!
Dont work Crash Shop
cashshopserver is not included in the start up so start it by your self from muserver\cashshopserver\cashshop.exe
if u get cashshop error do this:
open muserver\data\CashShopOption.dat and change this:
UseCashShop = 1
ConnectShopServer = 1
to this:
UseCashShop = 0
ConnectShopServer = 0
this will :censored2: the db.
Originally Posted by uranium
I find the way to set LevelUpPoint from 300 when create character to 0
Enterprise Manager > Databases > Mu Online > Stored procedures > WZ_CreateCharacter > Double click >add this line "UPDATE [Character] set [Character].LevelUpPoint=0 where [Name]=@Name and LevelUpPoint=300"
So what should I do ???
DarkMaster give us an ideea !
USE MuOnline
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Character]
DROP CONSTRAINT [DF_Character_LevelUpPoint]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Character]
ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Character_LevelUpPoint] DEFAULT (0) FOR [LevelUpPoint]
when Will You update server file ??????????
ONE BIG PROBLEM : MuWeb 0.9 DOESN'T WORK !! With this DB , I try MD5 and MD5 off and I still can't register on web page !
After I complete the "Register" form, I get the message : There was a problem with register ! But when I check the accounts : big surprize, I can see them ! But why I don't get the message "Succesful register" ??
And now when I want to log in into the game, I get the message "Password incorect"How can I resolve this ?
If I set the MuWeb 0.9 installation and i choose "MD5 Encript" I can't make the Admin account and the installation can't go on.
If I remove the MD5 form DB and I set the MuWeb 0.9 installation "NO MD5" I can create Admin account but I can't register new accounts on server . . .
Help ? Tnx
You read this?
x. This version of MuWeb Require Zend Optimizer, most of the webserver don't have this
module installed, to install this module check page
Xampp Webserver, have Zend Optimizer module installed, if you don't want to bother installing
Zend Optimizer on other webservers use xampp.
+ Copy WZ_MD5_MOD.dll in c:\program files\microsoft sql server\80\tools\binn
WZ_MD5_MOD.dll can be found in folder INSTALL STUFF\WZ_MD5_MOD.dll
+ Run the next code in SQL QUERY ANALYZER using Master database:
exec sp_addextendedproc 'XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal', 'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll'
2. Edit with your settings
* $muweb['db_host'] - Host where sql server is hosted
* $muweb['db_name'] - MU Online default database (MuOnline)
* $muweb['db_name2'] - MU Online secondary database (Me_MuOnline)
Note: If you use only 1 database (MuOnline) leave MuOnline
* $muweb['db_user'] - SQL access user
* $muweb['db_password'] - SQL accesss password
* $muweb['connection_type'] - Connection of MuWeb 0.9 with SQL SERVER
+ ODBC - Run the reg file before install MuWeb 0.9,
can be found in folder INSTALL STUFF\MuWeb.reg
3. Enable MOD REWRITE - Go to apache\conf\httpd.conf , open it, find #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/, delete # from the front save and restart webserver
4. Run in borwser install.php
* Step 1 - Required Apache Mods
+ GD Image Library - Can be enabled from php.ini, search for ;extension=php_gd2.dll, delete ; from the front close document and save
+ Zend Optimizer - Can be enabled from php.ini (in xampp\apache\bin\php.ini), search for zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off, change Off to On,
Search zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 0, change 0 to 1, close document and save
+ Zlib - Can be enabled from php.ini, search for ;extension=php_zlib_filter.dll, delete ; from the front close document and save
+ Mssql - Can be enabled from php.ini, search for ;extension=php_mssql.dll, delete ; from the front close document and save
+ Mod_Rewrite - In xampp this mod is already enabled, in others webservers you can enable it from httpd.conf
* Step 2 - Connecting To Databases
* Step 3 - Checking,Altering Tables
* Step 4 - Password Encryption Type
+ NO MD5
+ MD5 ENCRYPTION - Make sure you have complete Step 1. from the top of INSTALL NOTES
* Step 5 - Create Administrator Account
* Step 6 - Install Finished