[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

As the dynamic experience is activated or is already activated by default, I also see in comonserver that you have an option for experience. Which one do I use
The dynamic exp system is disabled by default. To enable it, go to DTData\Common.ini and set [DynamicExpSystem] Enable to 1.
Good, how are you? It would be possible to release your GS, the addition for new maps, and a dll to use in main? As well as, the possibility to new monster to the server.
Hello, there is some way to make the game server support new maps, here I leave the maps :
Hola,hay alguna manera de hacer que el game server soporte nuevos mapas,acá dejo los mapas :

También quería comentar que los iten excellent y los iten no excellent (iten comunes) no se diferencian,en pvp es lo mismo usar un arma o set del piso,no hay diferencia alguna tienen el mismo golpe y defensa

I also wanted to comment that the iten excellent and the iten no excellent (iten common) do not differ, in pvp it is the same to use a weapon or floor set, there is no difference they have the same blow and defense

I'm sorry use google translator to communicate

Si te referís al bk, en esta versión da lo mismo el item que uses, si usás los valores por defecto sin balancear el daño esa raza va a oneshotear lo que sea con cualquier arma si es full de fuerza y energía.
Lo de los mapas se lo vienen pidiendo a DarkMaster desde hace mucho, como poderse se puede, pero es complicado y no creo que lo vaya a hacer pronto.

If you mean bk, in this version no matters which weapon you use, if the default status parameters are set, I mean, if you didn't balance your classes, any bk will oneshot any character if he is full at strength and energy.
Adding new maps has been being asked since months, maybe years. I think DarkMaster won't make it for free, or maybe it's too hard to code...
I wrote my answer in both spanish and english because some people could be interested on reading it and could not know spanish.
the server I have it online suddenly this error in dataserver1 and dataserver2, and nobody can enter the server
help please.
I have the server online and with this my users stop playing I want to know if there is any solution or why this happens
error Dataserver1

error Dataserver2

client loading
help please
I have a visual bug, when I distribute points inside the server the points disappear, I have to disconnect and go back to the game so that the stat to be distributed again
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the monsters from number 139 to 150 appear as bulls and not as they should be. for example I edited a Kundun that is number 140 and is shown as a bull
El Comando /gmove Struker 6 76 78 ! No Esta Funcionando ! Alguna Solucion Para Mover Algun persona Ha Otro Mapa?
the monsters from number 139 to 150 appear as bulls and not as they should be. for example I edited a Kundun that is number 140 and is shown as a bull
You'll need a client that supports them.
DynamicExp System Enterprise, Happy Hour doesn't seem to work anymore.
What's wrong with them? Keep in mind that the dynamic exp system is disabled by default.
El Comando /gmove Struker 6 76 78 ! No Esta Funcionando ! Alguna Solucion Para Mover Algun persona Ha Otro Mapa?
Use /move Struker 6 76 78 instead.
[Beta 41 Changelog]
Tweaked drop system with ability to use -1 for random skill/luck/add/exc options
Added ability to allow specific characters/symbols in character and guild names
DecreaseElfArrows is now InfiniteElfArrows
Added /ping command
Added ability to clear player skills when resetting
Event manager now respects the year column

Updated files:
- DTData\ItemDropRate.txt
- DTData\Commands.ini
- DTData\Messages.ini
- DTData\Common.ini
- DTData\ResetSystem.dat
- DTData\GrandResetSystem.dat
- DTData\SkyEventReward.txt
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll
Дарко от коя планета си ти бе ? Луд си по - добър си и от webzen евала! :D