[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

where I increase the limit of monsters to make my spot since it is very little and for empty the maps
[Beta 40 Changelog]
Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
Added Golden Archer system
Added ability to change max item level
Added ability to change item duration on the floor

Updated files:
- DTData\ResetSystem.dat
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- DTData\Common.ini
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll
[Beta 40 Changelog]
Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
Added Golden Archer system
Added ability to change max item level
Added ability to change item duration on the floor

Updated files:
- DTData\ResetSystem.dat
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- DTData\Common.ini
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll

Thank you very much. I've followed up on your work for quite some time, and now I plan to use the files in Brazil to relive the glory days of version 097
[Beta 40 Changelog]
Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
Added Golden Archer system
Added ability to change max item level
Added ability to change item duration on the floor

Updated files:
- DTData\ResetSystem.dat
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- DTData\Common.ini
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll

friend please you can make the gameserver support more monsters, when the 3200 passes disappear. Thanks
Hello, there is some way to make the game server support new maps, here I leave the maps :
Hola,hay alguna manera de hacer que el game server soporte nuevos mapas,acá dejo los mapas :

También quería comentar que los iten excellent y los iten no excellent (iten comunes) no se diferencian,en pvp es lo mismo usar un arma o set del piso,no hay diferencia alguna tienen el mismo golpe y defensa

I also wanted to comment that the iten excellent and the iten no excellent (iten common) do not differ, in pvp it is the same to use a weapon or floor set, there is no difference they have the same blow and defense

I'm sorry use google translator to communicate
Новият ъпдейт е ТОП!

Може ли някой да ми каже каква е разликата между MuOnline Sql 2000.bak и MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak ?
Защото аз не ползвам MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak, a съм с Microsoft Sql Server 2008 и мисля че нямам проблеми.
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[Beta 40 Changelog]
Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
Added Golden Archer system
Added ability to change max item level
Added ability to change item duration on the floor

Updated files:
- DTData\ResetSystem.dat
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- DTData\Common.ini
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll

@DarkMaster Muito obrigado pelo update 40 este servidor está SHOW DE BOLA!

Thanks Brazilian.
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Support SQL Server 2008 Express?
friend please you can make the gameserver support more monsters, when the 3200 passes disappear. Thanks
Perhaps, but probably not anytime soon. It would require quite some work/revamp.
Новият ъпдейт е ТОП!

Може ли някой да ми каже каква е разликата между MuOnline Sql 2000.bak и MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak ?
Защото аз не ползвам MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak, a съм с Microsoft Sql Server 2008 и мисля че нямам проблеми.
Няма разлика в структурата (таблици/колони).
How the npc golden archer works
You can exchange Stones for Jewels or other items (configurable in DTData\GoldenArcher.txt).
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Reactions: DemonuMu
@DarkMaster NPC Golden Archer Not Open! :/

PS: Open Crashing.


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DarkMaster каква по-точно е разликата в 2-те датабази, защото съм с MuOnline Sql 2000.bak и искам да ъпдейт-на разликата като в MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak без да се налага да правя нова датабаза.

И също видя ли ми личното съобщение? Дето ти писах за 1 бъг.
@DarkMaster NPC Golden Archer Not Open! :/

PS: Open Crashing.
I'll take a look.
DarkMaster каква по-точно е разликата в 2-те датабази, защото съм с MuOnline Sql 2000.bak и искам да ъпдейт-на разликата като в MuOnline Sql 2005 and UP.bak без да се налага да правя нова датабаза.

И също видя ли ми личното съобщение? Дето ти писах за 1 бъг.
Разликата между двата .bak файла е, че единия може да бъде използван на по-нови версии на SQL сървър (2008, 2012, 2014, 2016). В случай на липсващи таблици и/или колони (от допълнителните), то те ще бъдат добавени автоматично при стартирането на гейм сървъра.
golden archer you have to activate it in conmonserver for you to work,
I want to know how to edit the stones in the items that code has.
[Beta 40.1 Changelog]
Fixed an error in the GoldenArcher.txt file
Golden Archer is now enabled by default
Small corrections

Updated files:
- Data\commonserver.cfg
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll
[Beta 40.1 Changelog]
Fixed an error in the GoldenArcher.txt file
Golden Archer is now enabled by default
Small corrections

Updated files:
- Data\commonserver.cfg
- DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
- GameServer\DarksTeam.dll

Just perfect, I'm a MU server owner since 2006, and player since 2005 and I still love 97d+99b, simple = better! I really appreciate your work DarkMaster.
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Reactions: DemonuMu
I want to edit Mithril Stone someone helps me with the code of the item so try golden archer
As the dynamic experience is activated or is already activated by default, I also see in comonserver that you have an option for experience. Which one do I use