Welcome to Wazaa Mu Online Server!
Server has now opened, you may register an account, download the client, install and play by launching main.exe which can be found in your mu online directory where the game client was extracted.
Server''s Information:
-Experience rate:9999
-Drop rate:100
-Bless bug
-Client''s version:Season 2
-Start points:2010
-Maximum stats:32767(do not go over this limit)
-Reset level:400
-Reset stats:stay
-Points after reset:0
-Jewel success rate:100%(+luck100%)
-Chaos machine success rate for wings:80%(level1)80%(level2)
-Chaos machine success rate for item upgrading:+10(60%)+11/12/13(55%)
-Chaos machine success rate for item upgrading(+luck): +10/11/12/13(70%)
-Golden invasion: every 2 hours
-Number of goldens: 5 of each type
-Increased HP of map bosses such as kundun
-Shops:Basic sets/weapons+380 sets/weapons(all+10)
:Some +13 weapons for all classes in a shop near the game master located in devias
:Level 1 wings+0+0
:Blood castle/devil square invitations
:And other(potions, pets...)
-Commands:/post (post a global message(everyone can see it))
/addstr (add points to strength, max 200)
/addagi (add points to agility, max 200)
/addvit (add points to vitality, max 200)
/addcmd (add points to command, max 200, only available for dakr lords)
/points (shows how many free points are available)
/site (shows Wazaa MuO site)
/date (shows today''''s date)
/time (shows server''''s time)
/online (shows how many players/game masters are online)
Website: http://wazaa.muserver.info/
Client(nosound): http://www.filefront.com/15841859/Wazaano-sound.rar/
Read the news on the website for more information!
(sun)_(sun) VISIT!!!

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