[Release] Ultimate Main Second Edition (97d+99) by ZergNM

Why? What's the problem?

97D+99 Game Server link returns:

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Може би това има в предвид, от първия линк е.
Направих си труда да пусна един сървър и да тествам мейн-а, тъй като ми казаха, че не работел въобще, което ме осъмни адски и се оказах прав, че проблема не е main-a, а в случая задклавирното устройство.

3D map working - Confirmed
Sky working - Confirmed
Glow - Not tested


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unaguien me puede ayudar no puedo conectarme con el main cambien la ip y el serial pero no conecta perousando el cliente con el main de defaul de darksteam si me habre normal . donde se modifica la ip en este main ,en el main o en el launcher
unaguien me puede ayudar no puedo conectarme con el main cambien la ip y el serial pero no conecta perousando el cliente con el main de defaul de darksteam si me habre normal . donde se modifica la ip en este main ,en el main o en el launcher
Yeah, same here, i can't connect to the Main.exe too. I have edited this Main.exe the IP Address as well and the Serial with the DarksTeam of the original client but it doesn't start?
Maybe we're doing something wrong or maybe this Main has issue. If anyone know the solution, please share it with us.
Thank you in advance

Best Regards
Yeah, same here, i can't connect to the Main.exe too. I have edited this Main.exe the IP Address as well and the Serial with the DarksTeam of the original client but it doesn't start?
Maybe we're doing something wrong or maybe this Main has issue. If anyone know the solution, please share it with us.
Thank you in advance

Best Regards

You are definitely doing something wrong. I always test the things that I am going to share. This main was tested and confirmed as working, you can see that on the images.

PS. Editing the main IP address does not do anything. You only have to change the serial. To run old versions main.exe you need a launcher or shortcut with parameters /u127.0.0.1 /p44405, nothing else.
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You are definitely doing something wrong. I always test the things that I am going to share. This main was tested and confirmed as working, you can see that on the images.

PS. Editing the main IP address does not do anything. You only have to change the serial. To run old versions main.exe you need a launcher or shortcut with parameters /u127.0.0.1 /p44405, nothing else.

Ok i found a way to run it.
I use this Launcher: https://darksteam.net/threads/mu-global-launcher-autoupdate.16443/
With this configs: https://darksteam.net/threads/launcher-autoupdate.16440/
But when i start it, it doens't appers the login box. What wrong i did? Please light me, to understand.
Example is attached as screenshot.

Thank you in advance.
King Regards


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You are not connected to the server (join server), that's why you do not see login fields.
You are not connected to the server (join server), that's why you do not see login fields.
But...how is possible not be connected to the join server?
Ok, check this out. Why, what happens?
As you can see, everything is fine into consoles.


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But...how is possible not be connected to the join server?
Ok, check this out. Why, what happens?
As you can see, everything is fine into consoles.

Sorry but this release was about the main itself which as I said been tested and confirmed to work. If you are struggling running Mu Online servers or connect with them) there are many tutorials how to do it here. I am not going to go in details in this thread as it is completely off-topic.
But...how is possible not be connected to the join server?
Ok, check this out. Why, what happens?
As you can see, everything is fine into consoles.
use serial "DarksTeam97d99i+"
change ip usa hexedit