[Release] Titans Tech 10.07.35 (Cracked)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score

. [Gens] Some members of the guild are taken several times FIXED
. [Skills] Elf Buffs do not disappear when I add more than 1 minute FIXED
. [CastleSiege] Less GSCS Optimized CPU, less RAM,
. [Reset] Added support RF Resets
. [BotVipShop] Opens Vip Shop with BotVipShop (CRYSTAL EDITION)
. [Warehouse] MultiWare FIXED System
. [Anti-Hack] LuckyCoins, DoubleGoer, Imperial, Alchemist, Kanturu Gate antidupeo protection
. [Server] Pet FIXED Bug Cheat
. [Bot] Can Kill NPC Bots FIXED
. [Gens] No reward delivery FIXED
. [Gens] Added Rank Control Server Settings
. [Items] Option added to Harmony items +14 + 15 Added
. [AntiAFK] Fixed Lorencia power to warp when a given pj (/ trade, etc)
. [Items] S3 Wings enemy attack power it returns with 5% probabilities Hit You too FIXED

. [Software] Anti Hack aggregate system.
. [Software] Decreased CPU and RAM resources used.
. [Software] Improvements to the server.
. [Items] can be repaired Mini Wings and Wings RageFighter FIXED
. [Skills] Flame Strike Slash Sword AKA can paste in area Non-PvP server FIXED
. [BotPet] Added / botpet relife (to revive your botpet (only used when you botpet dies))
. [Bot] Added several Fixed1

. [RageFighter] Upper Beast and Large Blower Ring Added to the arms and removed the character to be created and its evolution
. [RageFighter] Fixed input to DS
. [BotTrader] Percentage of luck and skill
. [BotTrader] Added maximum and minimum trade options
. [Events] Improved excellent handling on the server drop
. [Reset] Added reward and VIPMoney PCPoint
. [BotBuffer] Now works with / trade
. [VIP] VIP Account Server can change (Added configuration)
. [Monsters] Fixed RegenTime
. [RageFighter] Fitness increases stamina skill fix (VitalityToLife)
. [VIP] has changed from Server VIP (VIP Icon FIX)
. [Quests] Fixed Quests of Season 6
. [Quests] Added better control of inventory when the quest is completed and receives the item
. [RageFighter] Cannot hit FIX RF
. [Server] Less memory used in different processes
. [CustomJewels] Reduced memory usage, redesigned the engine for the implementation of jewel
. [BotTrader] Added BotTrader (As TradeMix but search engines and other features) (MAX 10 BOTS)

. [BotPet] ON
. [Player] Changing the position of experience and reset penalty to log in
. [SwampEvento] Fix in Swamp Logeo server when you change
. [SwampEvento] Swamp is now a GS-CS server
. [Skills] FireBurst Change the style of Damage (now Force Related)
. [Skills] Sword Slash Venom Added Dynamic.
. [Server] Added Guild Extra Trunks !!!!!!
. [BotBuffer] Added BotBuffer (BOTS as Phantom Soldier NPC)
. [Anti-Hack] Improved
. [Server] Save and load if this Open or Closed Trials
. [Evolution] evolution Fixed RF
. [Event] Fixed RF BloodCastle, Kalima, ChaosCastle input levels

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RapidShare AG, Cham, Switzerland
Files (Pass: 123456)

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Main Limpio 1.07V+Season 6 + Fix + Mu.exe By Joekio
Serial: sI8rk9srd4Klakgh

WebZen -
SCFMT - Titan Tech
Pinkof - for crack
DarkSeiya, MiloDark - for purchasing and providing
pafa7a - for release
Good but it's not optimized GS/GSCS use 450 -500 MB memory and have some bugs with socket items . (sun)(sun)(sun)

Files will work on this pc ?

sry for my bad english
Last edited:
i was wondering why this file

won't work on XP ??

but what i know is that it was

coded to work for all OS ,, (think)
Test Result on all event for 10.07.35 SCFMT Server Files

Blood Castle:
1) Drop the items to create the entry - OK
2) Creating Chaos Machine Inputs 1 to 8 - OK
3) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
4) NPC to enter the event and entry to the Event 1 to 8 - OK
5) Start of Event 1 to 8 - OK
6) Monsters 1 to 8 - OK
7) Lowering of Bridge and Gate 1 to 8 - OK
8) Statue and Weapon 1 to 8 - OK
9) Weapon Delivery 1 to 8 - OK
10) Obtaining Award 1 to 8 - OK
11) Modification of Award and Awards amended - NO TEST
12) Prize Party for the Group 1-8 - OK

Possible BUG:
1) Bug Wings Visual BC 5, 6, 7, 8. Customer BUG
* Possible Bug as my client has this bug, other customers apparently not.

Event 90% Functional

Devil Square:
1) Drop the items to create the entry - OK
2) Creating Chaos Machine Entries 1 to 7 - OK
3) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
4) NPC to enter the event and entry to the Event 1 to 7 - OK
5) Start of Event 1 to 7 - OK
6) Monsters 1 to 7 - OK
7) The notice of failure to complete the Devil 1 - 7 - BUG / Do not warn how long it takes.
8) change of Monsters 1 - 7 - OK 
9) Event Experience to Finish - OK

Event 100% Functional

Chaos Castle:
1) Input - OK
2) Bugs OK
3) Drop and Death of bugs - OK
4) Attacks Bugs that move you and throw you - OK
5) Drop Event Award - OK (itens ACC)

Event 100% Functional

Kalima Event:
1) Drop Sing Of Kondum 1 to 7 - OK
2) Fusion of Sing Of Kondum 1 to 7 - OK
3) entries created with the merger of Sing Of Lord 1 - 7 - OK
4) Drop and opening of the Lost Map 1 - 7 - OK
5) Bugs in Kalima 1 to 7 - OK
6) Illusion Kondum 1 to 6 - OK
7) Drop Illusion of Kondum - BUG / Missing but not Evitimebag Set.
8) Of Relik Kondum 7 - OK
9) Drop Relik of Kondum - BUG / Ex Iten does drop only one or Acc + 2 itens Normal / Non configure Evitimebag

Functional event 80%

Kanturu Event:
1) Drop Monstone Ring - OK
2) Place Monstone Ring - OK
3) Notice of Commencement of Event Kanturu maps - OK
4) Kanturu Gate (Door) - BUG / Al consult The rest is the Anti Hack or something that does not stop Move NPC or talk or open / ACC relogging Solution
5) to Kill Monsters in the Event and Contador.
6) Hand # 1 - OK / Normal does drop itens Evitimebag can be configured
7) Second Stage of bugs and counting - OK
8) Hand # 2 - OK / Normal does drop itens can Evitimebag Set
10) Third Stage Bichis and counting - OK
11) Attack of the 2 Hands - Ok / Normal does drop itens can Evitimebag Set
12) But many Monsters in stages if more than 1 user in the event. - OK
13) Explocion of Maya, falls to the bottom of Kanturu and Appearance of the Night - OK
14) Stage Bugs + Damage to the Night - OK
15) Night and Drop - BUG / Al Die Night Iten does drop the former or normal, breaking the gate to Epips but Bugeado Night is standing at the door and when it starts.
16) NPC Elips - OK
17) Creation of JOH - OK

Functional event 80%

Golden Event I - Golden Event 2
1) Notice of invasion of Golden - OK
2) Appearance of Golden in Lorencia - Noria - Atlans - Losttower - Aida - Icarus - Kanturu - Swamp Of Pace and Raklion - OK
3) Drop the gold - OK

Event 100% Functional

White Wizard Event:
1) Message invasion - OK
2) Emergence of Orcs and Lorencia White Mage - Noria - Devias - OK
3) Drop the Ring - BUG / NO does drop anything
4) Drop the White Mage - BUG / No does drop anything
5) Notice of Who Killed the invasion - OK

Functional event 50%

Event Swamp Of Pace:
This particular event filled with my client the Next Step Problems.
1) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
2) Start and open the event - OK
3) Entry to the event - BUG / No I can move the map (ask me and I Claca Master master)
4) Kill Bugs and move from stage to stage by the 4 stages - NO TEST
5) Kill the jellyfish through the event - NO TEST
6) Drop Medusa - NO TEST

Functional event 40%

* As I do not normally follow the event does not test the rest.
* They say out there and show images that are running. I could not with 3 different clients.

Gogua Duble Event:
1) Drop Sing Of Dimension - OK
2) Sing of Dimension Fusion - OK
3) Input Event - OK
4) Check the Event party - OK
5) Emergence of Bugs - OK
6) Emergence of Boss - OK
7) Each Boss that gives you a Chest Matas - OK
8) Drop Chest - OK / Failure to set
9) Death of the Boss Ice Walkwer - OK
10) Golden Chest - OK
11) Drop of Golden Chest - OK / Failure to set

Event 100% Functional

Summer Event:
1) Notice of the message - OK
2) Start of Event - OK
3) Emergence of Summer - BUG / Not on any map

Functional event 30%

Raklion Event:

1) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
2) Entering the Portal Event - OK
3) Start of Event - Kill the Spiders - OK
4) Killing the Eggs - Ok
5) Notice that the sulpa will arrive in 15 Sec - OK
6) Emergence of 3 sulpa - Ok
7) Death and the sulpa Drop - OK
8) Notice of Who Killed the sulpa - OK
9) 15 Seconds to transport you when you are finished Rakion Event - OK

Functional event 50%

Moss Méchant: 
1) Notice of appearance of Moss in Elbeland - OK
2) NPC Moss - OK
3) itens in NPC with question marks - OK
4) Buy itens and try your luck - OK
5) Notice of Congratulation - Not Configured for these Files
* The event runs, not elbowed as the original but at least Webzen go!

Functional event 75%

Sky Event:
1) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
2) Tickets to the event - I have NO idea what are the items to Enter or Entry.
3) NPC Sky - BUG / Al depending on the customer to click does not tell you or tell you that it is a statue / hangs up the PC you can NOT move or touch any NPC.

Functional Event: 0%

Happy Hour Event:
1) Notice of Event - OK
2) Start of Event - OK
3) More EXP - OK / Exp Increases the configuration that we indicate
4) More Drop - OK / Increases Drop what we configured.
5) End of Event Notice - OK

HitAndUp Event:
1) Notice of Commencement of Event - OK
2) When you Suvir LVL 1 PT increases more x LVL - OK
3) End of Event - OK

Missing Test Events:
Imperial Imperial Guardian and Guardian Sum (diming to battle Gaione)
Cry Wolf Event
Castle Deep Event
Castle Siege Event
Boss Attack Event
Green Event
Event Blue
XMas Event - Santa Event
Illusion Temple
question. how to dispose +5 golden item? because you cannot sell it to the npc can't put on the vault?
D:\MuServer\GameServerCS\Load_GameServerCS.exe 55970 55962 55919
така трябва да ви бъде !

А иначе ВСИЧКИ SEASON 6 ФАЙЛОВЕ НЕ СТРУВАТ, ВСИЧКИТЕ СА НА ENC i SCF ;) и еднакви бъгове има :) този бъг който Omaru го каза го нямам, явно не е догодил рейтовете, но Chaos Machine има голям бъг !!! визуални бъгове много !!! и други глупости :) Евентите, ако не се настроят не работят ;)