[Release] Stone & Rena Deposit and Rankings PHP code

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//DB Connection
$connect=mssql_connect('', 'sa', 'pass');

If(!$connect  or !$select_db) die("<img src=images/warning.gif> Connection with SQL Server failed!");
//End of DB connection

//Functions for add_item
function free_slots($x,$y,$zaeti_slotove){
for($k=0;$k<$x;$k++){if((!in_array($i+$k,$zaeti_slotove) && $x==1) || (!in_array($i+$k,$zaeti_slotove) && $x>1 && $i%8!=0 && $i%8+$k<=8))++$svobodni;
for($l=1;$l<$y;$l++)if(!in_array($i+$k+$l*8,$zaeti_slotove) && (int)(($i+$k+$l*8)/8) <=15 )++$svobodni;
if($svobodni==$x*$y)return $i-1;}}
return 1993;

function generate_item_hex($item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6){
$serial	= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("exec WZ_GetItemSerial"));
$BB		= 0;
$CC		= $item_durability;
$DDEE	= sprintf("%08X", $serial[0],00000000);
$HH		= 0;
if($item_option>0 && $item_option<=7)
if($item_option>=4){$BB+=$item_option-4;$HH+=64;} else $BB+=$item_option;

if($item_type*2 >= 16)$HH+=128;

$names = ($item_type*32)+$item_id;

$AA = sprintf("%02X",$names,00);
if($names >=255)$AA = substr($AA,1,2);

$item_hex = sprintf("%02s%02X%02X%08s%02X%04s",$AA,$BB,$CC,$DDEE,$HH,0000);
return $item_hex;

function add_item($account,$item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6){
$query= mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(1200); 
set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='$account'); 
print @it");
$items = substr(mssql_get_last_message(),2);

$id	    	= substr($code,1,1); 			
$itemtype 	= hexdec(substr($code,0,1));

$ioo = hexdec(substr($items,($i-1)*20+14,2));

if(($itemtype % 2) != 0){$id = '1'.$id.'';$itemtype--; }
if($ioo >= 128){$itemtype += 16;}

$itemtype /= 2;	

$item_info=mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select x,y from allitems where type='$itemtype' and id='$id'"));

else $br++;

$item_info=mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select x,y from allitems where type='$item_type' and id='$item_id'"));
else $svoboden_slot=free_slots($item_info[0],$item_info[1],$zaeti_slotove);
if($svoboden_slot !=1993){
$new_items=substr_replace($items, generate_item_hex($item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6), $svoboden_slot*20, 20);
mssql_query("update warehouse set items=0x$new_items where accountid='$account'");
return 1;
return 0;

//End Of Functions for add_item


//Code to add stones

else break;

mssql_query("update memb_info set stones=stones-$real_added_stones where memb___id='$account'");
echo"Uspeshno si vzehte $real_added_stones.";


drop table allitems 
CREATE TABLE [allitems] ( 
[type] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[id] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[x] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[y] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL 

DELETE FROM allitems 
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','0','Kris','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','1','Short Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','2','Rapier','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','3','Katana','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','4','Sword of Assassain','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','5','Blade','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','6','Gladius','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','7','Falchion','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','8','Serpent Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','9','Sword of Salamander','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','10','Light Saber','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','11','Legendary Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','12','Helical Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','13','Double Blade','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','14','Lighting Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','15','Giant Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','16','Sword of Destruction','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','17','Dark Breaker','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','18','Thunder Blade','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','19','Sword of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','20','Knight Blade','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','21','Dark Reign Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','22','Bone Blade','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','23','Explosion Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','24','Daybreak','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','25','Sword of Dancer','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('0','31','Rune Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','0','Small Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','1','Hand Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','2','Double Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','3','Tomahawk','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','4','Elven Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','5','Battle Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','6','Nikkea Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','7','Larkan Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('1','8','Crescent Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','0','Mace','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','1','Morning Star','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','2','Flail','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','3','Great Hammer','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','4','Crystal Morning Star','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','5','Crystal Sword','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','6','Chaos Dragon Axe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','7','Elemental Mace','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','8','Battle Scepter','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','9','Master Scepter','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','10','Great Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','11','Lord Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','12','Great Lord Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','13','Scepter of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','14','Solay Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('2','15','Shining Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','0','Light Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','1','Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','2','Dragon Lance','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','3','Giant Trident','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','4','Serpent Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','5','Double Poleaxe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','6','Halberd','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','7','Berdysh','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','8','Great Scythe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','9','Bill of Balrog','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('3','10','Dragon Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','0','Short Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','1','Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','2','Elven Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','3','Battle Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','4','Tiger Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','5','Silver Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','6','Chaos Nature Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','7','Bolt','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','8','Crossbow','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','9','Golden Crossbow','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','10','Arquebus','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','11','Light Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','12','Serpent Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','13','Bluewing Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','14','Aquagold Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','15','Arrows','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','16','Saint Crossbow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','17','Celestial Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','18','Divine Crossbow of Archangel','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','19','Great Reign Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','20','Arrow Viper Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','21','Sylph Wind Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('4','22','Albatross Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','0','Skull Staff','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','1','Angelic Staff','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','2','Serpent Staff','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','3','Thunder Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','4','Gorgon Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','5','Legendary Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','6','Staff of Resurrection','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','7','Chaos Lighting Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','8','Staff of Destruction','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','9','Grand Soul Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','10','Staff of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','11','Kundun Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','12','Grand Viper Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','13','Platina Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','14','Mistery Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','15','Violent Wind Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','16','Red Wing Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','17','Ancient Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','21','Book of Sahamutt','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('5','22','Book of Neil','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','0','Small Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','1','Horn Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','2','Kite Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','3','Elven Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','4','Buckler','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','5','Dragon Slayer Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','6','Skull Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','7','Spiked Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','8','Tower Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','9','Plate Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','10','Large Round Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','11','Serpent Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','12','Bronze Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','13','Dragon Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','14','Legendary Shield','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','15','Grand Soul Shield','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('6','16','Elemental Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','0','Bronze Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','1','Dragon Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','2','Pad Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','3','Legendary Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','4','Bone Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','5','Leather Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','6','Scale Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','7','Sphinx Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','8','Brass Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','9','Plate Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','10','Vine Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','11','Silk Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','12','Wind Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','13','Spirit Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','14','Guardian Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','16','Black Dragon Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','17','Dark Phoenix Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','18','Grand Soul Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','19','Divine Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','21','Great Dragon Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','22','Dark Soul Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','24','Red Spirit Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','25','Light Plate Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','26','Adamantine Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','27','Dark Steel Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','28','Dark Master Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','29','Dragon Knight Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','30','Venom Mist Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','31','Sylphid Ray Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','33','Sunlight Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','34','Ashcrow Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','35','Eclipse Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','36','Iris Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','38','Glorious Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','39','Mistery Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','40','Red Wing Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('7','41','Ancient Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','0','Bronze Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','1','Dragon Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','2','Pad Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','3','Legendary Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','4','Bone Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','5','Leather Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','6','Scale Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','7','Sphinx Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','8','Brass Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','9','Plate Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','10','Vine Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','11','Silk Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','12','Wind Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','13','Spirit Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','14','Guardian Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','15','Storm Crow Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','16','Black Dragon Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','17','Dark Phoenix Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','18','Grand Soul Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','19','Divine Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','20','Thunder Hawk Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','21','Great Dragon Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','22','Dark Soul Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','23','Hurricane Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','24','Red Sprit Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','25','Light Plate Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','26','Adamantine Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','27','Dark Steel Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','28','Dark Master Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','29','Dragon Knight Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','30','Venom Mist Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','31','Sylphid Ray Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','32','Volcano Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','33','Sunlight Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','34','Ashcrow Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','35','Eclipse Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','36','Iris Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','37','Valiant Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','38','Glorious Armor','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','39','Mistery Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','40','Red Wing Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('8','41','Ancient Armor','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','0','Bronze Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','1','Dragon Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','2','Pad Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','3','Legendary Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','4','Bone Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','5','Leather Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','6','Scale Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','7','Sphinx Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','8','Brass Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','9','Plate Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','10','Vine Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','11','Silk Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','12','Wind Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','13','Spirit Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','14','Guardian Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','15','Storm Crow Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','16','Black Dragon Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','17','Dark Phoenix Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','18','Grand Soul Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','19','Divine Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','20','Thunder Hawk Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','21','Great Dragon Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','22','Dark Soul Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','23','Hurricane Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','24','Red Spirit Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','25','Light Plate Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','26','Adamantine Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','27','Dark Steel Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','28','Dark Master Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','29','Dragon Knight Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','30','Venom Mist Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','31','Sylphid Ray Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','32','Volcano Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','33','Sunlight Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','34','Ashcrow Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','35','Eclipse Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','36','Iris Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','37','Valiant Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','38','Glorious Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','39','Mistery Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','40','Red Wing Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('9','41','Ancient Pants','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','0','Bronze Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','1','Dragon Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','2','Pad Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','3','Legendary Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','4','Bone Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','5','Leather Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','6','Scale Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','7','Sphinx Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','8','Brass Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','9','Plate Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','10','Vine Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','11','Silk Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','12','Wind Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','13','Spirit Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','14','Guardian Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','15','Storm Crow Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','16','Black Dragon Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','17','Dark Phoenix Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','18','Grand Soul Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','19','Divine Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','20','Thunder Hawk Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','21','Great Dragon Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','22','Dark Soul Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','23','Hurricane Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','24','Red Spirit Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','25','Light Plate Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','26','Adamantine Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','27','Dark Steel Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','28','Dark Master Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','29','Dragon Knight Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','30','Venom Mist Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','31','Sylphid Ray Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','32','Volcano Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','33','Sunlight Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','34','Ashcrow Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','35','Eclipse Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','36','Iris Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','37','Valiant Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','38','Glorious Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','39','Mistery Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','40','Red Wing Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('10','41','Ancient Gloves','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','0','Bronze Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','1','Dragon Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','2','Pad Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','3','Legendary Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','4','Bone Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','5','Leather Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','6','Scale Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','7','Sphinx Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','8','Brass Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','9','Plate Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','10','Vine Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','11','Silk Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','12','Wind Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','13','Spirit Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','14','Guardian Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','15','Storm Crow Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','16','Black Dragon Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','17','Dark Phoenix Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','18','Grand Soul Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','19','Divine Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','20','Thunder Hawk Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','21','Great Dragon Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','22','Dark Soul Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','23','Hurricane Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','24','Red Spirit Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','25','Light Plate Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','26','Adamantine Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','27','Dark Steel Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','28','Dark Master Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','29','Dragon Knight Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','30','Venom Mist Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','31','Sylphid Ray Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','32','Volcano Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','33','Sunlight Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','34','Ashcrow Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','35','Eclipse Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','36','Iris Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','37','Valiant Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','38','Glorious Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','39','Mistery Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('11','40','Red Wing Boots','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','0','Wings of Fairy','3','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','1','Wings of Angel','5','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','2','Wings of Satan','5','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','3','Wings of Spirit','5','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','4','Wings of Soul','5','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','5','Wings of Dragon','3','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','6','Wings of Darkness','4','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','7','Orb of Twisting Slash','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','8','Orb of Healing','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','9','Orb of Greater Defense','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','10','Orb of Greater Damage','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','11','Orb of Summoning','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','12','Orb of Rageful Blow','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','13','Orb of Impale','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','14','Orb of Greater Fortitude','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','15','Jewel of Chaos','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','16','Orb of Fire Slash','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','17','Orb of Penetration','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','18','Orb of Ice Arrow','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','19','Orb of Death Stab','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','21','Scroll of Fire Burst','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','22','Scroll of Summon','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','23','Scroll of Critical Damage','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','24','Scroll of Electric Spark','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','26','Gem of Secret','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','30','Jewel of Bless Compressed','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','31','Jewel of Soul Compressed','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','32','Red Ribbon Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','33','Green Ribbon Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','34','Blue Ribbon Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','35','Scroll of Fire Scream','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','36','Wing of Storm','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','37','Wing of Space Time','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','38','Wing of Illusion','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','39','Wings of Hurricane','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','40','Mantle of Monarch','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','41','Wing of Mistery','4','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','42','Wing of Despair','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('12','43','Wings of Violent Wind','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','0','Guardian Angel','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','1','Satan','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','2','Horn of Unicorn','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','3','Horn of Dinorant','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','4','Dark Horse','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','5','Dark Raven','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','7','Contract ','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','8','Ring of Ice','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','9','Ring of Poison','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','10','Ring of Transformation','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','11','Order ','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','12','Pendant of Lightning','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','13','Pendant of Fire','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','14','Loch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','15','Fruit','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','16','Scroll of Archangel','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','17','Blood Bone','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','18','Invisibility Cloak','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','19','Weapon of Archangel','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','20','Ring of Wizard','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','21','Ring of Fire','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','22','Ring of Earth','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','23','Ring of Wind','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','24','Ring of Magic','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','25','Pendant of Ice','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','26','Pendant of Wind','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','27','Pendant of Water','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','28','Pendant of Ability','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','29','Armor of Guardman','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','30','Cape of Lord','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','31','Spirit','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','32','Splinter of Armor','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','33','Bless of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','34','Claw of Beast','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','35','Piece of Horn','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','36','Broken Horn','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','37','Horn of Fenrir','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','38','Moon Stone Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','39','Elite Skeleton Warrior Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','40','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','41','Christmas Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','42','Gm Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','43','Tensile of Increase','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','44','Tensile of Abundance','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','45','Tensile of Maintenance','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','46','Devil Square Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','47','Blood Castle Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','48','Kalima Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','49','Scroll of Illusion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','50','Potion of Illusion','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','51','Illusion Platform','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','52','Flame of Condor','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','53','Feather of Condor','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','54','Reset Fruit Life','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','55','Reset Fruit Strength','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','56','Reset Fruit Agility','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','57','Reset Fruit Energy','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','58','Reset Fruit Command','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','59','Tensile of Mobility','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','60','Indulgence','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','61','Illusion Temple Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','62','Tensile of Recovering','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','63','Tensile of Healing','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','64','Daemon','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('13','65','Spirit of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','0','Apple','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','1','Small Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','2','Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','3','Large Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','4','Small Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','5','Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','6','Large Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','7','Siege Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','8','Antidote','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','9','Alcohol','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','10','Town Portal','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','11','Box of Luck','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','12','Heart','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','13','Jewel of Bless','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','14','Jewel of Soul','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','15','Zen','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','16','Jewel of Life','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','17','Devil Eye','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','18','Devil Key','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','19','Invitation of Devil Square','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','20','Remedy of Love','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','21','Rena','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','22','Jewel of Creation','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','23','Scroll of the Emperor','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','24','Broken Sword','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','25','Tear of Elf','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','26','Soul of Wizard','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','28','Lost Map','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','29','Symbol of Kundun','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','31','Jewel of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','32','Pink Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','33','Red Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','34','Blue Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','35','Small SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','36','SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','37','Large SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','38','Small Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','39','Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','40','Large Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','41','Gemstone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','42','Jewel of Harmony','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','43','Lower Refining Stone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','44','Higher Refining Stone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','45','Haloween Pumpkin','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','46','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','47','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','48','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','49','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','50','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','51','Star of Fireworks','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','52','Game Master Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','53','Talisman of Luck','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','54','Chaos Card','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','55','Green Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','56','Red Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','57','Purple Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','58','Rare Item Ticket 1','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','59','Rare Item Ticket 2','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','60','Rare Item Ticket 3','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','61','Rare Item Ticket 4','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','62','Rare Item Ticket 5','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','63','Firecracker','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','64','Cursed Castle Water','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','65','Flame of Death Beam Knight','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','66','Horn of Hell Maine','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','67','Feather of Darkness Phoenix','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','68','Eye of the Abyss','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','70','Elite Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','71','Elite Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','72','Scroll of Agility','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','73','Scroll of Protection','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','74','Scroll of Wrath','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','75','Scroll of Wizardry','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','76','Scroll of Health','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','77','Scroll of Mana','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','78','Leap of Strength','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','79','Leap of Agility','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','80','Leap of Vitality','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','81','Leap of Energy','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','82','Leap of Command','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','83','Rare Item Ticket 6','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','84','Cherry Blossom Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','85','Cherry Blossom Wine','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','86','Cherry Blossom Rice Cake','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','87','Cherry Blossom Flower Petal','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','88','White Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','89','Red Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','90','Golden Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','91','Summoner Character Card','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','92','Chaos Card Gold','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','93','Chaos Card Rare','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','94','Medium Elite Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','95','Chaos Card Mini','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','96','Talisman of Chaos Assembly','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','97','Scroll of Battle','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('14','98','Scroll of Strengthener','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','0','Scroll of Poison','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','1','Scroll of Meteorite','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','2','Scroll of Lighting','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','3','Scroll of Fire Ball','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','4','Scroll of Flame','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','5','Scroll of Teleport','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','6','Scroll of Ice','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','7','Scroll of Twister','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','8','Scroll of Evil Spirit','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','9','Scroll of Hellfire','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','10','Scroll of Power Wave','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','11','Scroll of Aqua Beam','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','12','Scroll of Cometfall','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','13','Scroll of Inferno','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','14','Scroll of Mass Teleport','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','15','Scroll of Mana Shield','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','16','Scroll of Decay','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','17','Scroll of Ice Storm','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','18','Scroll of Nova','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','19','Scroll of Drain Life','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','20','Scroll of Chain Lighting','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','22','Scroll of Reflex','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','24','Scroll of Sleep','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','26','Scroll of Magic Defense Up','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems VALUES ('15','27','Scroll of Red Storm','1','2')

Браво! (y)
Дам и аз благодаря на Damian , вече даже го ползвам този код. :)
  • Like
Reactions: Damian
 Database Settings
 $user='sa'; //DATABASE USER
 $sqlpass='password'; //DATABASE PASSWORD
 $dbname='MuOnline'; //DATABASE NAME
 $stonerena = 'Stone'; //Stone OR Rena
 Item settings
 Item Durability 0-255
 Item Level 0-11-15
 Item Skill (0-OFF/1-ON)
 Item Luck (0-OFF/1-ON)
 Item AD/ADD OPTIONS (1=4/2=8/3=12 etc)
 $itemtype = '14'; //Item Type
 $itemid = '21'; //Item ID
 $itemdur = '0'; //Item Durability
 $itemlvl = '1'; //Item Level
 $itemskill = '0'; //Item Skill
 $itemluck = '0'; //Item Luck
 $itemop = '0';	 //Item AD/ADD OPTIONS
 $itemexop1 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
 $itemexop2 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
 $itemexop3 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
 $itemexop4 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
 $itemexop5 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
 $itemexop6 = '0'; //Item EXL OPTIONS
	0 = No Option
	Weapon and Pendant Excellent Option:
	$itemexop1 = Increase Mana/kill +8
	$itemexop2 = Increase HP/kill +8
	$itemexop3 = Increase attacking(wizardly)speed+7
	$itemexop4 = Increase wizardly damage +2%
	$itemexop5 = Increase wizardly damage +level/20
	$itemexop6 = Excellent Damage Rate +10%

	Sets/Shield/Ring Excellent Option
	$itemexop1 = Increase Zen After Hunt +40%
	$itemexop2 = Defense Succes Rate 10%
	$itemexop3 = Reflect Damage 5%
	$itemexop4 = Damage Decrease 4%
	$itemexop5 = Increase MaxMana +4%
	$itemexop6 = Increase MaxHP +4%
//DB Connection
$connect=mssql_connect($host, $user, $sqlpass);

If(!$connect  or !$select_db) die("<img src=images/warning.gif> Connection with SQL Server failed!");
//End of DB connection

//Functions for add_item by Damian
function free_slots($x,$y,$zaeti_slotove){
for($k=0;$k<$x;$k++){if((!in_array($i+$k,$zaeti_slotove) && $x==1) || (!in_array($i+$k,$zaeti_slotove) && $x>1 && $i%8!=0 && $i%8+$k<=8))++$svobodni;
for($l=1;$l<$y;$l++)if(!in_array($i+$k+$l*8,$zaeti_slotove) && (int)(($i+$k+$l*8)/8) <=15 )++$svobodni;
if($svobodni==$x*$y)return $i-1;}}
return 1993;

function generate_item_hex($item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6){
$serial    = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("exec WZ_GetItemSerial"));
$BB        = 0;
$CC        = $item_durability;
$DDEE    = sprintf("%08X", $serial[0],00000000);
$HH        = 0;
if($item_option>0 && $item_option<=7)
if($item_option>=4){$BB+=$item_option-4;$HH+=64;} else $BB+=$item_option;

if($item_type*2 >= 16)$HH+=128;

$names = ($item_type*32)+$item_id;

$AA = sprintf("%02X",$names,00);
if($names >=255)$AA = substr($AA,1,2);

$item_hex = sprintf("%02s%02X%02X%08s%02X%04s",$AA,$BB,$CC,$DDEE,$HH,0000);
return $item_hex;

function add_item($account,$item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6){
$query= mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(1200); 
set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='$account'); 
print @it");
$items = substr(mssql_get_last_message(),2);

$id            = substr($code,1,1);             
$itemtype     = hexdec(substr($code,0,1));

$ioo = hexdec(substr($items,($i-1)*20+14,2));

if(($itemtype % 2) != 0){$id = '1'.$id.'';$itemtype--; }
if($ioo >= 128){$itemtype += 16;}

$itemtype /= 2;    

$item_info=mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select x,y from allitems_stone where type='$itemtype' and id='$id'"));

else $br++;

$item_info=mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select x,y from allitems_stone where type='$item_type' and id='$item_id'"));
else $svoboden_slot=free_slots($item_info[0],$item_info[1],$zaeti_slotove);
if($svoboden_slot !=1993){
$new_items=substr_replace($items, generate_item_hex($item_type,$item_id,$item_durability,$item_level,$item_option,$item_skill,$item_luck,$ex1,$ex2,$ex3,$ex4,$ex5,$ex6), $svoboden_slot*20, 20);
mssql_query("update warehouse set items=0x$new_items where accountid='$account'");
return 1;
return 0;

//End Of Functions for add_item


$checkonline = mssql_query("SELECT * From MEMB_STAT where memb___id='$account' and ConnectStat='1'");
$checkedonline = mssql_num_rows($checkonline);

$checkpass = mssql_query("SELECT * From MEMB_INFO where memb___id='$account' and memb__pwd='$pass'");
$checkedpass = mssql_num_rows($checkpass);

$checkstone = mssql_query("SELECT $stonerena From StoneRena where Acc='$account'");
$checkedstone = mssql_fetch_row($checkstone);
if($checkedonline>0){ echo "Your Account is Online<br />"; $err=1;}
if($checkedpass<=0){ echo "Wrong Password or Account <br />"; $err=1;}
if($checkedstone['0']<$stones){ echo "Don't have enought $stonerena"; $err=1;}
if ($err != 1){
else break;
mssql_query("update StoneRena set $stonerena=$stonerena-$real_added_stones where acc='$account'");
echo"Uspeshno si vzehte $real_added_stones.";
?> <table align="center" width="400" id="main">
<form method="POST" action="">
<tr><td><b>Account:</b></td><td><input type="text" name="acc" size="25"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Password:</b></td><td><input type="password" name="pass" size="25"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><b><?=$stonerena;?>:</b></td><td><input type="text" name="int" size="25"/></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register" /></td></tr>

drop table allitems_stone 
CREATE TABLE [allitems_stone] ( 
[type] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[id] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[x] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , 
[y] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL 

DELETE FROM allitems_stone 
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','0','Kris','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','1','Short Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','2','Rapier','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','3','Katana','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','4','Sword of Assassain','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','5','Blade','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','6','Gladius','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','7','Falchion','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','8','Serpent Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','9','Sword of Salamander','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','10','Light Saber','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','11','Legendary Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','12','Helical Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','13','Double Blade','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','14','Lighting Sword','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','15','Giant Sword','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','16','Sword of Destruction','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','17','Dark Breaker','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','18','Thunder Blade','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','19','Sword of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','20','Knight Blade','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','21','Dark Reign Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','22','Bone Blade','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','23','Explosion Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','24','Daybreak','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','25','Sword of Dancer','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('0','31','Rune Blade','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','0','Small Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','1','Hand Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','2','Double Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','3','Tomahawk','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','4','Elven Axe','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','5','Battle Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','6','Nikkea Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','7','Larkan Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('1','8','Crescent Axe','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','0','Mace','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','1','Morning Star','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','2','Flail','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','3','Great Hammer','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','4','Crystal Morning Star','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','5','Crystal Sword','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','6','Chaos Dragon Axe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','7','Elemental Mace','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','8','Battle Scepter','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','9','Master Scepter','1','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','10','Great Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','11','Lord Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','12','Great Lord Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','13','Scepter of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','14','Solay Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('2','15','Shining Scepter','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','0','Light Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','1','Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','2','Dragon Lance','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','3','Giant Trident','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','4','Serpent Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','5','Double Poleaxe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','6','Halberd','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','7','Berdysh','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','8','Great Scythe','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','9','Bill of Balrog','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('3','10','Dragon Spear','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','0','Short Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','1','Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','2','Elven Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','3','Battle Bow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','4','Tiger Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','5','Silver Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','6','Chaos Nature Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','7','Bolt','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','8','Crossbow','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','9','Golden Crossbow','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','10','Arquebus','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','11','Light Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','12','Serpent Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','13','Bluewing Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','14','Aquagold Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','15','Arrows','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','16','Saint Crossbow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','17','Celestial Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','18','Divine Crossbow of Archangel','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','19','Great Reign Crossbow','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','20','Arrow Viper Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','21','Sylph Wind Bow','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('4','22','Albatross Bow','2','4')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','1','Angelic Staff','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','2','Serpent Staff','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','3','Thunder Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','4','Gorgon Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','5','Legendary Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','6','Staff of Resurrection','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','7','Chaos Lighting Staff','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','8','Staff of Destruction','2','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','9','Grand Soul Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','10','Staff of Archangel','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','11','Kundun Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','12','Grand Viper Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','13','Platina Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','14','Mistery Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','15','Violent Wind Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','16','Red Wing Staff','1','4')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','17','Ancient Staff','1','4')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('5','22','Book of Neil','1','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','1','Horn Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','2','Kite Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','3','Elven Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','4','Buckler','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','5','Dragon Slayer Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','6','Skull Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','7','Spiked Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','8','Tower Shield','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','9','Plate Shield','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','12','Bronze Shield','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','14','Legendary Shield','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','15','Grand Soul Shield','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('6','16','Elemental Shield','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','2','Pad Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','3','Legendary Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','8','Brass Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','9','Plate Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','11','Silk Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','12','Wind Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','13','Spirit Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','19','Divine Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','25','Light Plate Helm','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','26','Adamantine Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','28','Dark Master Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','31','Sylphid Ray Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','36','Iris Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','39','Mistery Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('7','41','Ancient Helm','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('8','33','Sunlight Armor','2','3')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('8','36','Iris Armor','2','3')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('11','31','Sylphid Ray Boots','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('11','39','Mistery Boots','2','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','10','Orb of Greater Damage','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','11','Orb of Summoning','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','12','Orb of Rageful Blow','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','13','Orb of Impale','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','14','Orb of Greater Fortitude','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','15','Jewel of Chaos','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','17','Orb of Penetration','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','18','Orb of Ice Arrow','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','19','Orb of Death Stab','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','22','Scroll of Summon','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','23','Scroll of Critical Damage','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','24','Scroll of Electric Spark','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','26','Gem of Secret','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','31','Jewel of Soul Compressed','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','33','Green Ribbon Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','34','Blue Ribbon Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','35','Scroll of Fire Scream','1','2')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','37','Wing of Space Time','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','38','Wing of Illusion','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','39','Wings of Hurricane','4','3')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','41','Wing of Mistery','4','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','42','Wing of Despair','4','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('12','43','Wings of Violent Wind','4','3')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','3','Horn of Dinorant','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','5','Dark Raven','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','9','Ring of Poison','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','10','Ring of Transformation','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','11','Order ','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','13','Pendant of Fire','1','1')
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INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','26','Pendant of Wind','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','27','Pendant of Water','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','28','Pendant of Ability','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','29','Armor of Guardman','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','30','Cape of Lord','2','3')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','31','Spirit','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','32','Splinter of Armor','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','33','Bless of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','34','Claw of Beast','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','35','Piece of Horn','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','36','Broken Horn','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','37','Horn of Fenrir','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','38','Moon Stone Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','39','Elite Skeleton Warrior Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','40','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','41','Christmas Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','42','Gm Ring','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','43','Tensile of Increase','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','44','Tensile of Abundance','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','45','Tensile of Maintenance','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','46','Devil Square Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','47','Blood Castle Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','48','Kalima Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','49','Scroll of Illusion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','50','Potion of Illusion','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','51','Illusion Platform','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','52','Flame of Condor','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','53','Feather of Condor','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','54','Reset Fruit Life','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','55','Reset Fruit Strength','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','56','Reset Fruit Agility','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','57','Reset Fruit Energy','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','58','Reset Fruit Command','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','59','Tensile of Mobility','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','60','Indulgence','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','61','Illusion Temple Ticket','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','62','Tensile of Recovering','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','63','Tensile of Healing','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','64','Daemon','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('13','65','Spirit of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','0','Apple','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','1','Small Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','2','Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','3','Large Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','4','Small Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','5','Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','6','Large Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','7','Siege Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','8','Antidote','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','9','Alcohol','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','10','Town Portal','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','11','Box of Luck','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','12','Heart','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','13','Jewel of Bless','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','14','Jewel of Soul','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','15','Zen','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','16','Jewel of Life','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','17','Devil Eye','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','18','Devil Key','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','19','Invitation of Devil Square','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','20','Remedy of Love','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','21','Rena','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','22','Jewel of Creation','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','23','Scroll of the Emperor','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','24','Broken Sword','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','25','Tear of Elf','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','26','Soul of Wizard','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','28','Lost Map','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','29','Symbol of Kundun','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','31','Jewel of Guardian','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','32','Pink Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','33','Red Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','34','Blue Chocolate Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','35','Small SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','36','SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','37','Large SD Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','38','Small Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','39','Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','40','Large Complex Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','41','Gemstone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','42','Jewel of Harmony','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','43','Lower Refining Stone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','44','Higher Refining Stone','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','45','Haloween Pumpkin','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','46','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','47','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','48','Jack O','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','49','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','50','Jack O','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','51','Star of Fireworks','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','52','Game Master Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','53','Talisman of Luck','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','54','Chaos Card','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','55','Green Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','56','Red Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','57','Purple Chaos Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','58','Rare Item Ticket 1','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','59','Rare Item Ticket 2','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','60','Rare Item Ticket 3','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','61','Rare Item Ticket 4','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','62','Rare Item Ticket 5','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','63','Firecracker','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','64','Cursed Castle Water','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','65','Flame of Death Beam Knight','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','66','Horn of Hell Maine','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','67','Feather of Darkness Phoenix','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','68','Eye of the Abyss','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','70','Elite Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','71','Elite Mana Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','72','Scroll of Agility','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','73','Scroll of Protection','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','74','Scroll of Wrath','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','75','Scroll of Wizardry','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','76','Scroll of Health','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','77','Scroll of Mana','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','78','Leap of Strength','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','79','Leap of Agility','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','80','Leap of Vitality','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','81','Leap of Energy','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','82','Leap of Command','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','83','Rare Item Ticket 6','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','84','Cherry Blossom Box','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','85','Cherry Blossom Wine','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','86','Cherry Blossom Rice Cake','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','87','Cherry Blossom Flower Petal','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','88','White Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','89','Red Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','90','Golden Cherry Blossom Branch','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','91','Summoner Character Card','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','92','Chaos Card Gold','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','93','Chaos Card Rare','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','94','Medium Elite Healing Potion','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','95','Chaos Card Mini','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','96','Talisman of Chaos Assembly','1','1')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','97','Scroll of Battle','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('14','98','Scroll of Strengthener','2','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','0','Scroll of Poison','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','1','Scroll of Meteorite','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','2','Scroll of Lighting','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','3','Scroll of Fire Ball','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','4','Scroll of Flame','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','5','Scroll of Teleport','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','6','Scroll of Ice','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','7','Scroll of Twister','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','8','Scroll of Evil Spirit','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','9','Scroll of Hellfire','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','10','Scroll of Power Wave','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','11','Scroll of Aqua Beam','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','12','Scroll of Cometfall','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','13','Scroll of Inferno','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','14','Scroll of Mass Teleport','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','15','Scroll of Mana Shield','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','16','Scroll of Decay','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','17','Scroll of Ice Storm','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','18','Scroll of Nova','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','19','Scroll of Drain Life','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','20','Scroll of Chain Lighting','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','22','Scroll of Reflex','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','24','Scroll of Sleep','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','26','Scroll of Magic Defense Up','1','2')
INSERT INTO allitems_stone VALUES ('15','27','Scroll of Red Storm','1','2')

Credits: Damian


  • getstone.rar
    6.9 KB · Views: 37
Last edited:
Hi guys, please can anyone translate to english what that php does? What is it for? Stone and Rena are exchenged for what itens? Thanks a lot!
Ok, but what is the reward? Thanks man! There is a reward or its just a ranking who has more stones or renas?

Just ranking... And of course you can use it for some special events or something...
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