[AD] ResitaMu Season 5 Episode 2 Exp: 5000x Drop: 100%

Registration don't work... I'm put button "Register Now", but registration isn't completed... WTF?
l0lz It is famous server & I like it. But i saw many servers who use Resita`s files :(
l0lz It is famous server & I like it. But i saw many servers who use Resita`s files :(

thank you that was very funny.

Don't work... I'm try writing any info, but opening eror 404....

If it's possible, registering any acc for me to your server and send me acc & pass to mail a33uggo@mail.ru
Thank you...

now i send the mail sry for delay.
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was offline some hours because the fucking provider of internet was down sry ppl now its on.
this is the best server ever, in game you can find all you need , just to play :p
keep up best MuServer EveR 10/10
you always will be my friend best friend BRO(friends)(drink)