А мен ?кво ме интересува ?|-(
а мен ?
едно въпросче:
-каква значи думата "insult" ? -ако не се сетиш пробвай с google translator...
Works in 99.X ?
Item 1.X > 32 characters hex
Item 99.X > 20 characters hex
Line to edit please ?
I find out the item ID of the older versions? The items are 20 hexadecimal characters
Small Axe 99: 20001200000000000000
Hand Axe 99: 21001400000000000000
Round Shield 99: C0001600000000000000
Horn Shield 99: C1001C00000000000000
Bronze Helm 99: E0002200000000000000
Dragon Helm 99: E1004400000000000000
The first 2 characters must be the ID of the article, but it is not.
The char 18-20 should be the type of item, but it is not.
A help please?, Thanks =)
Works with items with x32 hex
I know, I wonder if you know?,
$_item == str_repeat("F",32)