[Guide] Editing movereq.bmd


New Member
Apr 14, 2008
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If you want to edit your ../data/local/movereq.bmd you need to understand how gate.txt(server) and gate.bmd(client) work and you can made it from
here [Guide] How to Configure Gate.txt and Gate.bmd

When you are ready you can begin. The editor is MgMuClientTools (If you check your gate.txt and gate.bmd you may have the editor)

Open your movereq.bmd with editor
here is the first line
[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]  [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Arena"[/COLOR]  [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Arena"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]50[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Blue"]2000 [/COLOR]  [COLOR="blue"]  [COLOR="Magenta"]50[/COLOR][/COLOR]

1 - Index (or Move Nomber)
"Arena" - Movename(kor)
"Arena" - Movename(eng)
50 - Level for Warp There
2000 - Zen Requre for Warp
50[/COLOR] - Gate Number (if you don`t know it take a look at gate.txt)

Also if you wish to work correct you must change movereq(kor).txt in server in folder ../data/lang/kor/movereq(kor).txt

here is the first line

[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]  [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Arena"[/COLOR]  [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Arena"[/COLOR]   [COLOR="Blue"]2000 [/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]50[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]  [COLOR="Magenta"]50[/COLOR][/COLOR]

1 - Index (or Move Nomber)
"Arena" - Movename(kor)
"Arena" - Movename(eng)
2000 - Zen Requre for Warp
50 - Level for Warp There
50 - Gate Number (if you don`t know it take a look at gate.txt)

Credits to :
Creator of MgMuClientTools
Parsy who save me time to explain gate
and for me PaskaL
Last edited:
Thanks my friend!
Very useful !
10/10 ;]
Good work 10/10

Plese change the text color i cant read it :bangin:
браво ама моите са на китаиски :;:) и няма как да го направя ако може някои да ми каже как да ги направя на en ще сам му много благодарен
браво ама моите са на китаиски :;:) и няма как да го направя ако може някои да ми каже как да ги направя на en ще сам му много благодарен

Това с gate го знам много лесно се оправя ;) Оправял съм го и става :p Трябва да настроиш 3 Файла : gate.txt , movereq.bmd и gate.bmd
If you want to edit your ../data/local/movereq.bmd you need to understand how gate.txt(server) and gate.bmd(client) work and you can made it from
here http://darksteam.net/showthread.php?t=1489

When you are ready you can begin. The editor is MgMuClientTools (If you check your gate.txt and gate.bmd you may have the editor)

Open your movereq.bmd with editor
here is the first line
[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]  [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Arena"[/COLOR]  [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Arena"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]50[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Blue"]2000 [/COLOR]  [COLOR="blue"]  [COLOR="Magenta"]50[/COLOR][/COLOR]

1 - Index (or Move Nomber)
"Arena" - Movename(kor)
"Arena" - Movename(eng)
50 - Level for Warp There
2000 - Zen Requre for Warp
50[/COLOR] - Gate Number (if you don`t know it take a look at gate.txt)

Also if you wish to work correct you must change movereq(kor).txt in server in folder ../data/lang/kor/movereq(kor).txt

here is the first line

[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]  [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Arena"[/COLOR]  [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Arena"[/COLOR]   [COLOR="Blue"]2000 [/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]50[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]  [COLOR="Magenta"]50[/COLOR][/COLOR]

1 - Index (or Move Nomber)
"Arena" - Movename(kor)
"Arena" - Movename(eng)
2000 - Zen Requre for Warp
50 - Level for Warp There
50 - Gate Number (if you don`t know it take a look at gate.txt)

Credits to :
Creator of MgMuClientTools
Parsy who save me time to explain gate
and for me PaskaL

50 - Gate Number (if you don`t know it take a look at gate.txt)
Това е момерът на портата , настройва се по следния начин : Първо трябва да фикснеш gate.txt и gate.bmd и тама има следните неща : В някои gate има накрая едно число (Повечето случай е 0) Примерно в кода за Произволен град има Индекс !!! Инделс = Номерът на портата (gate) Ето един произволен код:
Line: Index: ....................... Gate Type: Level:
1 1 1 10
1 Slu4ai e tova
Eto ti vtori slu4ai :
Line: Index: ....................... Gate Type: Level:
1 1 0 10

И в 2-та случая , можете да изберете Gate 1 !!!! и кодът (Кодирането) пак ще ви отведе до дадения град но е препоръчително кодът да е 0 (В предпоследния ред и в gate.bmd и в gate.txt) за да стане и да не се бъгва !!! Аз мога да оправя всички gate.txt , gate.bmd и movereq.bmd , ако искате помощ Skype : genadi_94 И повтарям всичко зависи от правилното кодиране !!!