[Release] DP Web + GrizisMu Market

Check if you have records in your VI_CURR_INFO table. Your table structure may be different and can require more information on INSERT. Post it here and I will check the script.

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[VI_CURR_INFO]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[VI_CURR_INFO]

	[ends_days] [nvarchar] (8) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
	[chek_code] [nvarchar] (1) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
	[used_time] [int] NULL ,
	[memb___id] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
	[memb_name] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
	[memb_guid] [int] NOT NULL ,
	[sno__numb] [nvarchar] (13) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
	[Bill_Section] [int] NULL ,
	[Bill_Value] [int] NULL ,
	[Bill_Hour] [int] NULL ,
	[Surplus_Point] [int] NULL ,
	[Surplus_Minute] [datetime] NULL ,
	[Increase_Days] [int] NULL 
Check if you have records in your VI_CURR_INFO table. Your table structure may be different and can require more information on INSERT. Post it here and I will check the script.

With another web works but with this no
With another web works but with this no

When you register through the web is a new record created in the VI_CURR_INFO table?

EDIT: I saw it... reg.func.php line 123

Change 123456789012345678 to 1234567890123 :)
When you register through the web is a new record created in the VI_CURR_INFO table?

EDIT: I saw it... reg.func.php line 123

Change 123456789012345678 to 1234567890123 :)

Yes when i register all accounts are recorded.
I change this 123456789012345678 to this 1234567890123 but nothing (speechless)
Yes when i register all accounts are recorded.
I change this 123456789012345678 to this 1234567890123 but nothing (speechless)

Give me a web which works for you, I will compare the scripts and I will give you and update :)
Give me a web which works for you, I will compare the scripts and I will give you and update :)


$see = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("Select memb_guid From MEMB_INFO Where memb___id='".$account."'"));
$sql2 = "Insert Into vi_curr_info(memb___id, memb_guid, memb_name, sno__numb, chek_code) Values('".$account."', '".$see[0]."', '".$account."', '123456789012345678', '1')";

$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql2 = mssql_query("INSERT INTO VI_CURR_INFO (ends_days, chek_code, used_time, memb___id, memb_name, memb_guid, sno__numb, Bill_Section, Bill_value, Bill_Hour, Surplus_Point, Surplus_Minute, Increase_Days) VALUES ('2010', '1', 1234, '$account', '$account', 1, '7', '6', '3', '6', '6', '$date', '0')");

Hope it works now.

$see = mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("Select memb_guid From MEMB_INFO Where memb___id='".$account."'"));
$sql2 = "Insert Into vi_curr_info(memb___id, memb_guid, memb_name, sno__numb, chek_code) Values('".$account."', '".$see[0]."', '".$account."', '123456789012345678', '1')";

$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql2 = mssql_query("INSERT INTO VI_CURR_INFO (ends_days, chek_code, used_time, memb___id, memb_name, memb_guid, sno__numb, Bill_Section, Bill_value, Bill_Hour, Surplus_Point, Surplus_Minute, Increase_Days) VALUES ('2010', '1', 1234, '$account', '$account', 1, '7', '6', '3', '6', '6', '$date', '0')");

Hope it works now.

And error occurred at the final stage, please try again later.
I adjusted myself "reg.func" works 100% with no error :)) thank you anyway