Смених го и пак същото.
put disconnect module on u're website or try fix jsfound another bug - "account already connected" - sometimes when people disconnect in LOT, they cant log in back.
Im not sure is this becaus of a bug in GS.exe or is it because of my firewall. I'm sorry if im wrong, just feeling like letting u know of my issues.
one more: summoner wings can't be used to create feather of condor. (is this bug or should it be like this?)
GSDBSet ODBC Connect Fail на уин7 32бит хелп
the gameserver is tested & works.i do not speak russian but i think i got the same problem.. gameserver crashes once i start it.
EDIT: if you use the old gameserver.exe, fixes do not work
някой има ли одбц за win7 32 bitGSDBSet ODBC Connect Fail на уин7 32бит хелп
някой има ли одбц за win7 32 bit