[Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25


I have seen 2 bugs :
Drop item +2 without skin and name

Bug with post , but it is sometimes

Can you give me fix? :) Please , almost server is cool :**

Big problem for me : In party zen drop is too smal .... without party zen drops for example : 150000 , in party 600 ;[
Where i can fix this ?
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to create summoner only if u buy summoner card in cashshop...just make this steps:

open enterprise manager, go to db muonline and tables....find accountcharacter... right click, return all rows... and u find column "Summoner" just change 1 to 0 (if u have 1) and option to create summoner not appear when u try create character...

enter with other char...buy summoner card in cashshop... it ll be appear msg like this: "you may now create summoner"... iten will not appear in inventory...it will be automatcaly able to create summoner now =D



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Reactions: TheNIKe and FranZuZ
All itens of Summoner in next release? Perhaps the visual bug of @hardcandyy be the summoner itens of server....
NaM4, the Marshmallow Monster =D
Thanks, nice files.

Have one qestion.
I use beta 12. When comes next update (beta 13 maybe) how should I easily update my server? What about db? I don`t want to loose characters and configs in files.
DarkMaster when you plan update server to beta 13??
How to change 300 level up points when create new character?
WZ_CreateCharacter don`t work.
Thank you for so fast answer. Will it be easy to update from beta 12? I will not loose accounts and charcters?

And what about those scrolls from Lorencia shop? Are they working?
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DarkMaster can u add Wings Succes Rate?
And /Post command in GS_CS?


I have a question : How do I change the restricted words on server ?
What I must edit ?