[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

@DarkMaster i have an idea.

Please make a command /autoreset [on/off]
To be able to enable/disable it on the server and give it to all users or only vip/other conditions.
The essence of the command is that upon reaching the reset level (or, for example 500 lvl autoreset and 400 lvl manual reset), when level 500 is reached the user will automatically receive a reset and teleport to ... where it will be configured. For example either simply in Lorencia, or either on some spot with monsters in Lorencia/Stadium/Other location for vips/or just for first 5-10 resets and etc.

This will either give vip users a privilege in a simpler pumping, or, for example, it will release spots when the player reaches the reset (but he can disable Auto reset if he wants)
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Little known fact:

uPdaTeS woN't CoMe FaStEr iF yoU bItCh aBouT tHeM