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I was wondering if @DarkMaster would leave us some source code "as is" to work on instead of letting this wonderful project to die. It would be a great start point!
Just to make it clear that I do not speak on his behalf but from the perspective as a person who had some contributions to the forum community in the past.
If that was me, I would not share the source at least until I decide to completely stop working on it and even then it is not sure that would do. At some point these things become having a sentimental side which will never disappear, does not matter how good or bad the project is, this is your work, time, desire and can be called even a child. You see... this project has a history, life and memories about 10+ years now. So said it is like leaving your kid to someone else to take care of or like leaving your child in an orphanage for adoption.
From another perspective, I do not think that there is anyone else out there capable to make it better. The great people who were actively working on such projects have left them a long time ago. Nowadays it's hard if not impossible to find anyone else who is working on old seasons 97-1m. I do not know anybody else to be honest, but correct me if I am wrong.
Or probably you are the one who is going to continue improving his work? Best of luck if that is so.
So... please be kind, thankful, patient and give the great DarkMaster a chance to make his decision if he ever wants to release the source codes. It's not gonna happen if you push him for sure.
Your Sincerely,
old 4i4o
There are no further updates planned at this time, as another project has priority at the moment.
Предложение за бъдещи ъпдейти:
Опция да се махне Zen такса-та когато теглиш zen от vault-a. (защото ако сървъра ти е с малко exp 5000 zen e твърде много, а и също ако ти трябват точно 2 милярда зен примерно да си купиш нещо е малко изнервящо че не ти дава точно, зареди таксата..)
И също предлагам DarkMaster да направи платена версия на файловете, в която да има нови екстри и да слага предложения от потребителите. И така ще има повече време да отдели за този проект, аз съм сигурен че много хора биха дали пари за тази версия и биха искали проекта да продължи.
Предложение за бъдещи ъпдейти:
Опция да се махне Zen такса-та когато теглиш zen от vault-a. (защото ако сървъра ти е с малко exp 5000 zen e твърде много, а и също ако ти трябват точно 2 милярда зен примерно да си купиш нещо е малко изнервящо че не ти дава точно, зареди таксата..)
И също предлагам DarkMaster да направи платена версия на файловете, в която да има нови екстри и да слага предложения от потребителите. И така ще има повече време да отдели за този проект, аз съм сигурен че много хора биха дали пари за тази версия и биха искали проекта да продължи.
and DemonuMu will carry on his parasite lifecommunity will donate
Paid update is better than no update at all.My dear friend your suggestion is interesting but nonsense you ask that DarkMaster to offer next update only to those who pay you make me laugh then why did you offer free updates for 10 years ? and after you ask for money and offer updates only to those who pay good joke
A suggestion as simple as possible my bro DarkMaster asks for a certain donation and the community will donate without any problem,and for the DarkMaster to handle more updates just donate again to allow anyone to enjoy the new update not just for those who pay because it is not fair,it seems to me the most correct suggestion
Paid update is better than no update at all.
You suggest a community donation and you haven't even donated to him the last time, as I see in your profile?
Seems like you are just cheap and you want everyone else to donate, so you can get updates for free.
Just because he have offered free updates for 10 years doesn't mean he has to give free updates for life, other developers of server files are making tons of money and no one is offering free updates, why should he?
And just a community donation of like 200-300 euro like last time is not enough, I think he should make the files to cost like 200-300 euro per license (this is a standard price for mu server files), and make them as great as possible with regular updates and everbody will be happy.
And if you dont want to pay, just use the free version.
I dont want it to be free, because the updates are too slow.Let me understand what you are saying my dear kid you want that the bro DarkMaster ask for 200 or 300 euro per licence ? you make me laugh again,to understand it suits you to you that for 10 years many players or users have tested these files and reported all the problems and this version still has enough problems so this advantage suits you ?Everything This Guy Just Said Is Bullshit
As I remember I have helped this version for many years doing a lot of advertising on this version on another forum and I never asked for money because it is not my style,you will say that you were not required to advertise right but I still wanted to help make both the forum and the most popular version 97d to find as many users as possible to grow the community to enjoy this version to have the best old school version with the most advanced command
When you write something else in this topic I recommend you pay more attention ok kid,only bro DarkMaster has the power to decide if the new update will be free or not but we grew up together with my bro DarkMaster and I know very well what kind of person he is
Thank you king of retardness demonu for making the forum famous!! (Bow1-999999999) very generous of youLet me understand what you are saying my dear kid you want that the bro DarkMaster ask for 200 or 300 euro per licence ? you make me laugh again,to understand it suits you to you that for 10 years many players or users have tested these files and reported all the problems and this version still has enough problems so this advantage suits you ?Everything This Guy Just Said Is Bullshit
As I remember I have helped this version for many years doing a lot of advertising on this version on another forum and I never asked for money because it is not my style,you will say that you were not required to advertise right but I still wanted to help make both the forum and the most popular version 97d to find as many users as possible to grow the community to enjoy this version to have the best old school version with the most advanced command
When you write something else in this topic I recommend you pay more attention ok kid,only bro DarkMaster has the power to decide if the new update will be free or not but we grew up together with my bro DarkMaster and I know very well what kind of person he is
I dont want it to be free, because the updates are too slow.
200-300 euro is minimum for server files, if you dont know.
You want him to release new updates for free all the time? This is called slavery.
And you dont even have a server, or when you had it had like 5 people online at most, so I dont think you even know what are you doing at life, kid.
It seems we don't get anywhere you have your opinion I have my opinion ok kid be careful how you offend my bro DarkMaster will be the last time I talk to you again because I'm wasting my time with idiots,with what right do you attack my server ? you know absolutely nothing about my server my dear kid you talk a lot and you are also stupid if server does not work 24/7 automatically you do not have who knows what number of players on the server but if you're stupid what to do
If I open my server I open it for pleasure my dear kid because I like it this version old school,don't worry me how many players I have on the server this is my problem but thank you for worrying me how many players I have![]()
I have not offended DarkMaster, I will stop spaming here.It seems we don't get anywhere you have your opinion I have my opinion ok kid be careful how you offend my bro DarkMaster will be the last time I talk to you again because I'm wasting my time with idiots,with what right do you attack my server ? you know absolutely nothing about my server my dear kid you talk a lot and you are also stupid if server does not work 24/7 automatically you do not have who knows what number of players on the server but if you're stupid what to do
If I open my server I open it for pleasure my dear kid because I like it this version old school,don't worry me how many players I have on the server this is my problem but thank you for worrying me how many players I have![]()
So pretty much your post?@DarkMaster , do something with this kids ,ur form now looks like mirc in old days ... only chat and complains ,nothing useful.