[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

[Diamond Edition - Work in progress]
Fixed another dupe bug
Added ability to specify Sky event reward item min/max level and count
Added ability to disable custom CalCharacter
Fixed another /vault dupe bug
Fixed Happy Hour event message
Fixed Quest system counting monsters multiple times when using Poison skill
Improved Sky event monster spawner - no more monster spawning issues
Added ability to control elf and npc buff duration
Added ability to toggle anti afk chat check
Ability ability to control elf buffs
Added ability to set Blood Castle minimum completion time
Added ability to disable Ice Arrow's effect on specific mobs (ie golden monsters)
Added new Worm event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save kills in SQL
Added ability to disallow elf buffs in Blood Castle /per blood castle level/
Added ability to disable Poison effect on specific mobs
Added new Trivia event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save answers (count) in SQL
Optimized VIP expiration SQL query
Added new Scramble Words event with ability to drop custom items, zen, credits and save answers (count) in SQL
Added player vs player damage multiplier /per class/
Added ability to save post logs to a file
Post bans are now saved in the database
Tweaked post ban system to support time-based bans with automatic expiration
Tweaked /banpost to work with the new time-based banning system (/banpost <player> <time>)
/tracemarry cooldown is now saved in the database
Quest system is now using QuestInProgress column instead of QuestInCurse (old data will be automatically synced)
Tweaked /banchar and /unbanchar commands
Tweaked quest system rewards configuration
Added ability to change /post, /buy and /sell commands prefix
Added ability to change marry request timeout
Added a message when marry request expires
Added new quest system npc
Improved custom commands handler
Dynamic exp system can now be enabled/disabled directly from its configuration file
Tweaked VIP system to support multiple packages with different price/exp/drop/points per level/duration
Added ability to save GM logs to a file
Added ability to change /gg command format
Tweaked GM system to support custom tags (ie [GM], [ADMIN])
Added player joining message with ability to select between 4 colors
Added ability to disallow elf buffs in Devil Square /per room/
Added ability to save chat logs to a file (regular chat, whisper, party chat, guild chat, post)
Added ability to change MEMB_CREDITS table and columns
All customs can now be reloaded with /reload 3 as well as directly from the gameserver
Added ability to control npc buffers buff (mana shield, swell of life, elf damage, elf defense and buff duration)
! (global chat), /trace and /disconnect commands can now be controled through the gm system
Added ability to change max zen in trade
Fixed 2nd level wings mix not counting other items
Added min/max success rate for 2nd level wings
Added separate Blood Castle awards file with ability to set multiple rewards /per blood castle level/
Elf summons and Transformation rings now supports values higher than 127
Improved shadow bug detection
Fixed another Golden Archer dupe
Fixed character deletion during gameplay packet
Fixed inventory item move dupe packet
Fixed party with npc crash packet
Added ip banning system
Added /banip and /unbanip commands
Added ability to limit Swell of Life's additional life and time
Added ability to limit Mana Shield's additional defense and time
Event Manager now starts custom events instantly, instead of every 60 seconds
You can now include character's name in the connect notice
Improved anti-afk detection
Added ability to limit specific afk safe-zones to VIPs only
Added ability to set different points per level/resets/grand resets
Added ability to limit maximum connections per ip
Tweaked npc buffers loading and spawning process
Added /banchat and /unbanchat commands with ability to ban for a certain period of time
Added ability to set which chat logs to be saved to a file (general, whisper, party, guild, post)
Added Chat Filter (censoring) system with ability to ban chatting for a certain period of time
Added /addcredits command
Added /getip command
Added ability to create zones where no items/zen will be dropped from mobs - useful when there are lots of drops and monsters become "invisible"
Tweaked item drop system with ability to set min/max excellent options
+ Fixed Sky Event not unregistering players upon death
+ /drop command now shows dropped item name
+ Added ability to drop multiple items with /drop
+ /evo command no longer requires a relog to complete the quest
+ Added Bring Me Event
+ Added ability to change switch character/select server/exit game delay
+ Characters in GMSystem.dat are now shown as game masters in the character select screen
+ Added ability to save player kills/deaths in SQL
+ Added ability to limit warps to game masters only
+ Tweaked /add command to add points without relog
+ Tweaked /reset command to reset character's data without relog
+ Fixed speed bug - all skills now work properly with 32767 agility
+ Added basic hand attack limiter (anti speed hack)


  • Add points without relog.gif
    Add points without relog.gif
    9.1 MB · Views: 398
БОГ! Заслужаваш ВИНО! :D Ама давай и за другите файлове тъй 99.62T! :D
Muy agradecido con su trabajo darkmaster ! Soporte de mapas ! Agregaria ! Y el arco archangel no tiene skill o no lo soporta !
+ Fixed Sky Event not unregistering players upon death
+ /drop command now shows dropped item name
+ Added ability to drop multiple items with /drop
+ /evo command no longer requires a relog to complete the quest
+ Added Bring Me Event
+ Added ability to change switch character/select server/exit game delay
+ Characters in GMSystem.dat are now shown as game masters in the character select screen
+ Added ability to save player kills/deaths in SQL
+ Added ability to limit warps to game masters only
+ Tweaked /add command to add points without relog
+ Tweaked /reset command to reset character's data without relog
+ Fixed speed bug - all skills now work properly with 32767 agility
+ Added basic hand attack limiter (anti speed hack)
What bug was dupe? Fixed another / vault dupe bug I have the server and I think they are working on the mu = /;
@DarkMaster Nice Server , Thanks thanks thanks.

@DarkMaster, add the /attack command would be good for hard servers, eg: / attack = time 60 min, this will also help with the minimizer that does not always have in launchers.
@DarkMaster, is it possible to have command by GM to disable buff, ms like /nobuff /noms so GM can disable mana shield or elf buff during GM event?
@DarkMaster , can you remove immunity from the gm? so players can kill gm? or like in GMsystem to add optiun to chose which gm is immune ?
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Reactions: DemonuMu
Дали може ресет командата да има опция да се избираме дали искаме да switch-ва или не, защото със switch-а е по-добре за мен (и може би други) , защото съм добавил trigger, който добавя допълнителни неща към ресета. (като по 10 точки за всеки изпълнен куест)
И също забелязах в gif-a, че адд командата не добавя Defense rate с командата /addagi (може би трябва да се натисне пак C за да се оправи нз)
@DarkMaster, if you can add this feature it would be nice for the website to be able to display event time properly. Maybe we can get if from log file (e.g. how much time remaining till blood castle open/close)?
@DarkMaster, is it possible to have command by GM to disable buff, ms like /nobuff /noms so GM can disable mana shield or elf buff during GM event?
@DarkMaster , can you remove immunity from the gm? so players can kill gm? or like in GMsystem to add optiun to chose which gm is immune ?
Дали може ресет командата да има опция да се избираме дали искаме да switch-ва или не, защото със switch-а е по-добре за мен (и може би други) , защото съм добавил trigger, който добавя допълнителни неща към ресета. (като по 10 точки за всеки изпълнен куест)
И също забелязах в gif-a, че адд командата не добавя Defense rate с командата /addagi (може би трябва да се натисне пак C за да се оправи нз)
Има възможност да се избере дали да switch-ва героя или не. Относно trigger-а - той най-вероятно ще стане излишен, тъй като точките от куест системата вече се записват в отделна колона и съответно се добавят при рестартиране на героя.
Всички атрибути се калкулират отделно и в сървърната част.
@DarkMaster, if you can add this feature it would be nice for the website to be able to display event time properly. Maybe we can get if from log file (e.g. how much time remaining till blood castle open/close)?
This is already possible.
От любопитство пробвах файловете, с последния ъпдейт. Опитах да добавя точки без командите както и с тях.
Не се случва нищо - изписва You have reached the maximum level up points, а героят е нов..
Искам да попитам, на какво се дължи това?
От любопитство пробвах файловете, с последния ъпдейт. Опитах да добавя точки без командите както и с тях.
Не се случва нищо - изписва You have reached the maximum level up points, а героят е нов..
Искам да попитам, на какво се дължи това?
Ще изтеглиш пакета наново, без да правиш каквито и да е промени по файловете в DTData.
Ще изтеглиш пакета наново, без да правиш каквито и да е промени по файловете в DTData.
@DarkMaster пакета го изтеглих миналата седмица по това време и не съм пипал нищо във въпросната папка. Ще го изтегля пак и ще докладвам.

UPDATE: Изтеглих пакета. В момента адването работи, но отново е видимо само след relog.
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@DarkMaster пакета го изтеглих миналата седмица по това време и не съм пипал нищо във въпросната папка. Ще го изтегля пак и ще докладвам.

UPDATE: Изтеглих пакета. В момента адването работи, но отново е видимо само след relog.
Въпросната версия все още е в процес на разработка - тоест не е публикувана официално, както става ясно от първите редове. :)
Въпросната версия все още е в процес на разработка - тоест не е публикувана официално, както става ясно от първите редове. :)

Дори не съм забелязал. Извинявам се за което..