[Release] Dark Throzen Index

Lol, it's cool ;)
It would be great if u share the font & header with us :p
ty is my second and have and index is not only image :)
Gr8 but we need the header and font to put, for example, the name of our servers there :)
oh this is hard now i had delete the image patch for header

you need change name tell me what need you want and i change the name up ,
wen say Welcome to MuOnline ok?
10/10 Kalh douleia file mou bravo sunexeise!
EN: Good work! bro

Ouhoy!!!!!!!!!!! Throzen NetWork!!! :)
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добре е но мисля че тея работи са "лаина" защо да правим толкова дълъг пътя кам саита ...само за 1 форумм...които има линк пак в саита ;) мое мнение
WTF This is Mega Cool 10/10 :angel_innocent: :bleh: :blink::blink::blink:
верно, че пътя се овеличава , но пък е по-красиво и кефи на макС !