[Release] DarK Team Season IV Server (1.05v+) - Beta Version


New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score

- New Duel system working
- Titus Gatekeeper working
- Vulcan Map with monsters
- Santa Invasion Event working (giving you invitation to santa's map)
- Some new skills working, some need rework
- LittleSantaClaus buffs working
- New transformation rings working
- Illusion Temple almost done
- News rooms for BC, CC, and DS (with mastering check)
- Moss merchant giving random items as it should give (just need to config rates)
- More to be added!

obs: skill tree and socket items not coded yet! but will be working next release!


Mirror 1 : seeupload.com
Mirror 2 : http://rapidshare.com/files/22065148...son_4.rar.html




Cliente Full (Zip) : http://muweb.nefficient.co.kr/muweb/MU1_04q_Full.zip
Cliente Full (Install) : http://muweb.nefficient.co.kr/muweb/MU1_04q_Full.exe

Patch (Zip) : http://muonline.nefficient.co.kr/pub/...05V+_Patch.zip
Patch (Install) : http://muonline.nefficient.co.kr/pub/...05V+_Patch.exe

Patch (main cracked) : http://seeupload.com/995Patch105V.rar
Main Version: 1.23.45
Main Serial: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Main IP:


.NET Framework 3.5 : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...9-81DA479AB0D7



Test Commands!!!

/ItSetScore [red/blue]


Known Bugs
- HP/MP display when joining map shows 0 (fixed)
- Self attacking Elf skill bug
- Some S4 Skills
- Summoner books didn't attack properly
- Take something from vault, it gives to you much zens
- When killed by mob a lot of zen appears
- Twisting slash without weapon.
- DarkKnight (1class) can learn BK (2 class) skills
- Can`t delete char, invalid ID
- create Wing evo 3 four times, 2 become Space Time wing, and the other two become Daybreak socketed item + can't be taken
- full stat MG/BM use powerslash / sword slash / Lightning storm can't kill monster (spider for example)
- using new pet rudolf, after relog/switch/dc our character had visual bug (like using dinorant all the time)
- GrandMaster can't learn Soul Master Skill
- some visual bug for LE, when using fenrir, switch char/ dc/logout, the wing is gone, just take out fenrir and the wing is back
- LE skill -> bird can't kill monster
- Mussenger
- Emotion list must have a review later
- (more bugs i'll update here when people report it)

Every Link Works If There is Problem press "F5" or reload page it will work ;]
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i think this files have too much bugs to be used :(
most of them are fixable we just needsomeone to fix them and it will be really good if anybody want to tty fixing them to go on and fix them and post it here since i think it ix good version and will be good release for darksteam forum members ....
This is the same release as in on ********.. missing alot and there havn't been any updates for weeks.. not even sure if dev is still ongoing or if they stopped it!!

I personally wouldn't recomend this.. might as well wait for next release and then test (if there will be a next release)..
само като видя колко са бъговете веднага смятам колко още не изписани има :д
i think most of them are easily fixable just need someone that is good ar doing this
The video links are not working. The files are not bad, but not good as well.
This post will be very good If Skill tree OK :((
I don't care that bugs you said.
Hey.I'm from VietNam.I need your Y!M who post version 1.05V+
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Reactions: Van_Bom
all of them are valid except rapidshare all other work just read at the bottom of the first post and it explainswat to do
i will keep this thread updated for darksteam forum members :) hope u appreciate it :)

Godhang u can mail me at "[email protected]
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@z0r7ex: Thanks, but i want to meet you by Yahoo! Messenger.It's fast to talk about MU.I need you fix skill tree :D, because i have a bad Gameserver.
My nick Y!M: [email protected]
I'm from Việt Nam(VietNam) and where are you from ??
темата е копирана от ******* но хаиде че си направил труда да я копираш ти давам 1/10
i put this here for darksteam members ^^ not for me
:( I need a help to fix skill tree this version.Everybody help me !!!!

Skill tree not coded (as the release says).. you have to wait for next release..

This would be a complete season IV server if it had skill tree and sockets.. Shame that it doesnt!