Хора, здравейте. Надявам се тук има хора, дори съм сигурен, че има хора които разбират играта до най-простото нещо и ще съм благодарен, ако е възможно да отговори някой разбиращ - Може ли МуОнлайн да се играе без интернет? Може би има някакъв симулатор или незнам. Но много се надявам това да е възможно, защото ще бъда без интернет около месец, а много ми се играе на тази игра (тя ми е любима все пак
) Моля помогнете :;
People Hello . I hope that there are people, am even sure, that there are people Who Understand The playing as well will be grateful next to the simplest thing and I will be grateful as well, he if it is possible for somebody to answer understands Can MuOnline be played without internet? There is some simulator or I do not know possibly. But I hope really that that to be possible, For I will be without internet for almost a month, Game is played to that really (She is favourite after all
). Please help :;
People Hello . I hope that there are people, am even sure, that there are people Who Understand The playing as well will be grateful next to the simplest thing and I will be grateful as well, he if it is possible for somebody to answer understands Can MuOnline be played without internet? There is some simulator or I do not know possibly. But I hope really that that to be possible, For I will be without internet for almost a month, Game is played to that really (She is favourite after all