Hey guys I was following step by step the GUIDE No errors nothing then I go In game and give it a test. I made One SM 350 level logout w8 for 2 minutes and Login the SM was 1st level Login with him and what No Points Given every thing in the inventory was there... Just from 350 to 1 level and nothing ...
Where is my mistake !?
and one more thing I want to make it like 1st Res Needs 20 000 000 (20 mil zen) and gives 350 points (stats, inventory, skills CLEAR!) 2nd Res 40 000 000 (40 mil. zen) 700 points
Pls help
I'm going crazy 5 days I'm working on that I fixed Monstersetbase gate monster .... and other shits but I'm nothing with that Sql Server Thing
Ooo and web BANK for zen
That players could put zen In the bank and then Requared zen could be taken from virtual bank
tnx if some one could help me and sorry for bad english I'm learning it from 5 days
tnx to MuServer I can speak a lil
and english FTW because i dont have Phonetic and kirilica(sun) PRIMERNO...
Where is my mistake !?
and one more thing I want to make it like 1st Res Needs 20 000 000 (20 mil zen) and gives 350 points (stats, inventory, skills CLEAR!) 2nd Res 40 000 000 (40 mil. zen) 700 points