[AD] AngelsMu S6 Ep1 Exp: 1111x Drop: 66%

72 online и пред деня едното GM ми каза че е имало 85
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Сложи Онлине Плауерс :)
Иначе пожелавам ти още толкова играчи
Total Accounts 37244
Total Players 37477
Total Guilds 3270
Total Banned Accounts 12
There are currently 26 players online!

Now we working over new AngelsMu Projects :

AngelsMu Season 6 Episode 2 FUN (9000x)
AngelsMu Season 2 Normal (888x)
AngelsMu Hard 97d+99i (20x)

Will be online soon
Have a Nice Day
oh really? i heard you are attacked by ddosers o.0

Its true ADMIN ?
But why you closed the server w/out any annoucments ?
Its not fair for the players.. and what will happen with our chars and items ADMIN ?
Im very woried >.<

And what updates we will have?
I heard Jewel of Chaos will be pink color? Its true?
But why you closed the server w/out any annoucments ?
Its not fair for the players.. and what will happen with our chars and items ADMIN ?
Im very woried >.<

And what updates we will have?
I heard Jewel of Chaos will be pink color? Its true?
