[Req] Търся си ГМ-та спамери / Search of a Game masters who will advertise our Server!


Sep 30, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,
We have a 5 MU Online Servers in Total ...
In the one of them http://fun.bavkamu.com Me search a GameMasters, who will help me with the advertising of the server ( by posting the server everyday on a minimum 20 fb groups for advertise of mu servers for example + inviting players by himself - him friends etc ...) ....

The GameMasters who i Search will have only "!" Global Message Game Master Post access. /trace Access.
I will gift them every week a amount of WebShop Credits to Make Events and buy items for reward for the winenrs of the event.
Me don't pay anything.
If you have a EXPIRIENCE in MU ONLINE, and want to be a Game Master in the Best MU Server, Even made, Candidate Now There!
Please everyone who want to candidate to answer me there in the topic:
1. Why want to be GM (Semi-GM/Assistant-GM) In BAVKA MU FUN?
2. how many people you will invite (your friends etc..)
3. How many time you can spend every day by advertising our MU server ? ( MINIMUM OF 30 MIN IS REQUEIEMENT EVERYDAY!)
4. What Events you will make, and what items(from the webshoP) you will gift the winners ?

Everyone who are accepted for GM, will be advised there, and will have a 1-2 months TEST Period, if he invite enought players or a MINIMUM if everyday advertise a minimum 30 min the Sever by posting it everywhere where they can, he will remain GM for a more time!