<?php include"home.php"; ?>
</style></head><body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
<table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#666666" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="vsides" rules="none" width="760">
<td align="left" background="images/left_bg.gif" valign="top" width="204"><img src="images/left_top_news.gif" height="36" width="204">
<?php include"pictures.php"; ?>
<?php include"menu.php"; ?></td>
<td background="images/xu.gif" height="190" width="1"></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="553">
<table width="540" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td> </td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="24"> </td>
<td colspan="3"><div align="center"><span class="style6">Reset Character</span></div></td>
<td width="28"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td height="28"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="79"> </td>
<td width="399"><?php
$_IfQ8O = stripslashes($_POST['character_name']);
$_I6L6J = stripslashes($_POST['login_name']);
$_IfI86 = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
if (
(eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", $_IfQ8O)) ||
(eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", $_I6L6J)) ||
(eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", $_IfI86)) )
echo("Please use the following characters: A-Z 0-9");
$_IfQ8O = str_replace("'","","$_IfQ8O");
$_IfQ8O = str_replace(" ","","$_IfQ8O");
$_I6L6J = str_replace("'","","$_I6L6J");
$_I6L6J = str_replace(" ","","$_I6L6J");
$_IfI86 = str_replace("'","","$_IfI86");
$_IfI86 = str_replace(" ","","$_IfI86");
$_I6LiQ = mssql_query("SELECT memb___id FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='$_I6L6J'");
$_I6lI8 = mssql_num_rows($_I6LiQ);
$_IfjJt = mssql_query("SELECT Name FROM Character WHERE Name='$_IfQ8O' and AccountID = '$_I6L6J'");
$_Ifj6C = mssql_num_rows($_IfjJt);
$_If0IQ = mssql_query("SELECT memb__pwd FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb__pwd='$_IfI86' and memb___id='$_I6L6J'");
$_If0Lf = mssql_num_rows($_If0IQ);
$_IftOJ = mssql_query("SELECT ConnectStat FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='$_I6L6J'");
$_IftCJ = mssql_fetch_row($_IftOJ);
if (empty($_IfQ8O) || empty($_I6L6J) || empty($_IfI86)){
echo " You dont have characters";}
elseif ($_I6lI8 <= 0){
echo "Your account doesn't exist. Please go back and try again.";}
elseif ($_Ifj6C <= 0){
echo "Your character doesn't exist in your account. Please go back and try again."; }
elseif ($_If0Lf <= 0){
echo "The password you entered is incorrect."; }
$_I6J8j = mssql_query("Select Clevel,Resets,Money,LevelUpPoint,Class,ctlcode From Character where Name='$_IfQ8O'");
$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
$query=mssql_query("SELECT AccountID,Name,Resets FROM Resets WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O' AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'");
if($result[2]!=$_I66L1[1]){mssql_query("update character set resets='$result[2]' WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O' AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'");}
else{mssql_query("Insert into resets (AccountID,Name,Resets) values ('$_I6L6J','$_IfQ8O','$_I66L1[1]')");}
$_I6J8j = mssql_query("Select Clevel,Resets,Money,LevelUpPoint,Class,ctlcode From Character where Name='$_IfQ8O'");
$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
$_IojJQ=$_I66L1[1] + (1);
$_IoJ8t=$_I66L1[1] + 1;
$_IoJLo=$_I66L1[1] * $_IfLIL + $_IfLIL;
if ($_I66L1[1] > $_Ifiof-1){
echo "<font color=red><b>You are MAX resets possible, GG!</b>"; }
elseif ($_IftCJ[0] != 0){
echo "Please logoff before reset!"; }
elseif ($_I66L1[5]==8){
echo "<font color=red><b>Warning! GM cant reset! Good try! XTYLING will bann you :P</b></font>"; }
elseif ($_I66L1[0] < $_IfiQL){
echo " You need <font color=red>$_IfiQL</font> lvl to reset, your level is <font color=green>$_I66L1[0]</font>"; }
elseif ($_IoJ0t < 0){
echo " You need <font color=red>$_IoJQl</font> zen to reset!"; }
else {
if ($_I66L1[0]>0){
$_If1j0 = "
UPDATE dbo.Character
SET clevel=1
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET Resets = '$_IojJQ'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Resets SET Resets = '$_IojJQ'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET experience = '0'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET money = '$_IoJ0t'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET LevelUpPoint = '$_IoJLo'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET MapNumber = '0'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET MapPosX= '125'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET MapPosY= '125'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET strength = '25'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET dexterity = '25'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET vitality = '25'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET energy = '25'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET LevelUpPoint = '$_IoJLo'
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'
UPDATE dbo.Character SET [inventory]=CONVERT(varbinary(1080), null),[magiclist]=CONVERT(varbinary(180), null)
WHERE Name = '$_IfQ8O'
AND AccountID = '$_I6L6J'";}
$_Io680 = mssql_query($_If1j0);
echo "$_IfQ8O have done $_IoJ8t reset successfully.";
<td> </td>
<td height="28"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td height="28"> </td>
<td colspan="3"><p><p></td>
<td> </td>