[AD] WorldMu S1 Exp: 200x Drop: 40%

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2012
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GRAND OPENING 13/02/2014 (20:00 GT+2)
Website : .:: World-MU ::. [Season 1]
Downloads : (the download links will be added about 24 hours before Grand opening)


Server Name: World-MU
Version: Season I


Here are some configuration about the server itself
Max Stats:32767
Experience Rate: 70x
Drop Rate: 70%
Servers: PVP
Bless Bug: OFF
Post command Start at: 6 Level
Guild creation available from: 400 Level
Character Delete:
40 level max
Reset Level: 350lvl
Reset Max: 50 resets
Reset Type: Reset Stats
Reset Payment: 10,000,000 Zen per reset.
Grand Reset: 50 resets
Grand Reward: Soon
Grand Max: 1 grand
Normal Monsters Health: 100%
Normal Monsters Attack: 100%
BOSS Monsters Attack: 180%


Dark Knight: 5 ppl. / 470 ppr.
Dark Wizard: 5 ppl. / 550 ppr.
Fairy Elf: 5 ppl. / 550 ppr.
Magic Gladiator: 7 ppl. / 590 ppr.
Dark Lord: 7 ppl. / 550 ppr.


Dark Horse Mix Rate: 75%
Dark Spirit Mix Rate: 75%
Wings lvl 1 Mix Rate: 95%
Wings lvl 2 Mix Rate: 90%
Default Chaos Machine Success rate: 80%


Jewel Succes Rate

Jewel Of Bless Succes Rate: 100%
Jewel Of Soul Succes Rate: 70%
Jewel Of Soul +Item Luck: 80%
Jewel Of Life Succes Rate: 50%

Jewels Prices (Selling price)

Jewel of Bless: 3,000,000 Zen
Jewel of Soul: 2,000,000 Zen
Jewel of Creation: 12,000,000 Zen
Jewel of Chaos: 240,000 Zen


- All Events are with custom prices
Blood Castle: Every 2 Hours (12 times per day)
Devil Square: Every 2 Hours (12 times per day)
Chaos Castle: 11 Times per day.(required 2 players)
Golden Invasion: Yes 6 Times per day
Skeleton Invasion: Yes 6 Times per day.
Castle siege: Yes Every week.
And A Lot of daily events from Official GMs Like:
Race Events
and other...


Lorencia / Noria / Devias / Atlans / Lost tower / Tarkan / Stadium
***All this maps have Custom Spots for hard level up!


Contact us
Contact Owner Skype: wmu_support
Contact Support Skype: wikko0
Last edited:
Official start 13.02.2014 in 20:00 +2GT

Register is open, can open and wait for client!
Сървъра стартира на 13,02,2014 в 20:00 +2GT

.:: Подобрения ::.
- Нова защита, която ще ограничи хаковете до минимум (tnx RaFa, diablo)
- Сървър без нито 1 бъг, с напълно работещи events,shops,maps etc...
- Нови рейтове на сървъра (70х to 200x & 70% to 40% and etc..)

Нови членове на World-MU Team!
Prince - Web developer
b3att1e - PS desinger
PLMN - Game Master​
Клиента е качен! Извинете за забавянето, но до последно се правеха тестове.

Стартираме в 20:00, приятно чакане и приятна игра :p
Ето сега какво стана в крайна сметка..
Сървъра беше до тук, причината е че се скарахме с хоста и така стана, че вече няма да се занимавам с този сървър.

Имахме 50 онлайн и причината да го спрем определено не е във Вас, а в нас, за това съжеляваме за загубеното Ви време.
Успех, приятна игра и приятно прекарване на празниците в този хубав ден! LOCK AND DELETE!
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