Някой може ли да ми помогне да фиксна ето тази Vote Reward система
Когато се вотне дава кредити ,но проблема е ,че може да се вотне колкото пъти искаш и дава и кредити ? Някой може ли да ми помогне да оправя проблема ?
<font color="red" class=link_menu>Vote And Get 20 Credits In <a href="webshop/login.php">Webshop</a> !</font>
function GetField($input) {
return $input;
<script type="text/javascript" src="clock.js"></script>
$connect = mssql_connect("localhost","sa","SQL PASS") or die('<center>A conntection with the server cannot be established,please contact the tech support staff!</center>');
$db = mssql_select_db("muonline",$connect) or die('<center>A conntection with the Database cannot be established,please contact the tech support staff!</center>');
$link[1] = 'http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132303675';
$image[1] = 'http://www.xtremeTop100.com/votenew.jpg';
$link[2] = 'http://lotustop100.com/servers/in.php?site=1646';
$image[2] = 'http://lotustop100.com/images/lotus88x51.jpg';
$link[3] = 'http://www.jagtoplist.com/in.php?site=8599';
$image[3] = 'http://www.jagtoplist.com/images/vbtn88x55.jpg';
$muweb['banner_round'] = 43200;
$muweb['banner_howcredits'] = 20;
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$time = time() + $muweb['banner_round'];
mssql_query("DELETE FROM N_Vote WHERE voteend<'".time()."'");
$count = mssql_num_rows(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM N_Vote WHERE username='$user' OR ip='$ip'"));
for($i=1; $i<4; $i++) {
$account = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM N_Vote WHERE username='$user' AND banner=$i"));
$ips = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM N_Vote WHERE ip='$ip' AND banner=$i"));
$username = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_CREDITS WHERE memb___id='$user'"));
$newcredits= $username['credits']+$muweb['banner_howcredits'];
$votetime = max($account['voteend'],$ips['voteend']);
$voteend = $votetime - time();
$proxy2 = $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'];
if (!empty($proxy1) || !empty($proxy2) || !empty($proxy3) || empty($proxy4)) { include("modules/news.php"); }
else {
if ($voteend > 0) { echo"<br><font color=red><b><center>You're already voted try again after <span id='bxx$i' title='$voteend'>-</span></center></b></font>"; }
else {
if($_GET['v']==$i) {
mssql_query("UPDATE MEMB_CREDITS SET credits='$newcredits' WHERE memb___id='$user'");
mssql_query("INSERT INTO N_Vote VALUES ('$user','$ip','$time','$i')");
echo "<font color=green><center>Thanks $user you won ".$muweb['banner_howcredits']." credits now you have <b>$newcredits</b> credits!</center></font>"; }
else { echo "<br><a href='?op=user&option=Votee&v=$i' OnClick=\"window.open('".$link[$i]."');\"><img src='".$image[$i]."'></a><br />"; }
<script language="JavaScript">anz=<? echo $count; ?>; t(); </script>