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- Nov 15, 2009
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I bring a Super Repack Files Of the 97 most annelids q x who have played this version are the files 97D + S4 Any person who has played this version know q is the best among all the 97 version:
* S4 items
* S3 items
-2 New Cascocos Sayayin 3 Super Gogeta (not to any other items Reempasan These were added by the q helmets were missing from the set of MG = D)
And Many More Set and Weapons
Enhanced-Gates to the user comididad
<<<<<<<< Cryswolf Lorencia 141 144
Noria <<<<<< 99 165 Aida
<<<<<< LorenDep Lorencia 151 143
55 130 Losttower5 LandOfTrials <<<<<<
Chaos Castle 6 86 Losttower7 <<<<<<<
This version was added the Chaos Castle as a world
<<<<<< Kalima2 Atlans 86 12
Blood Castle -> On
Chaos Castle -> On
Golden Event -> On
The Shop they are made for a half Fasth Server
Coordinates of the shops in Gm 8 40 40
Mace Of King Added With True Strike
Published September Monster Base 100%
Spot On All New maps
Command Duppy Added Auto Bathe (for the Run command from banning order has to restore the database with db lso q are in the files will not work otherwise)
The September S4 not fall for any party just fall into the Zefuran but do not fall Exe (This Due aq these files were usasdos for mu Reset Every 50 Award and the awards were the S4 Items so do not fall)
Los Dorados Dropa All Exe.
Already These Files are tested but Any Bug Q Look or ANY Things Look rare q q Please find the isntante aganmelo solve it ...!
Files Link : Here
Client Link : Here
Chito [Yo]

Пробвах файловете, на 512 РАМ / 2.7Гхз Процесор:
Експа в commonserver.cfg е толкова колкото го сложиш, което до сега съм го срещал само в едни други файлове 97 ! Зена също е добър, според експирианса.
Чаос машина работи, на GS-a Succes-ите също са реални, БЦ - проблеми няма, ДС - също работи добре. Боксовете са направени да падат всички добавени итеми.
Не са само итемите и оръжията нови, също така са добавени 10/15 нови чудовища.
До сега повече от 48-часа без краш и фрийз
Също така в файловете има добавен едитор, с всички нови итеми
Има и още няколко полезни джунджурийки в архива.
На БК, МГ, МЕ втори левел крилата изглеждат нормално, само на СМ-то са като от 3-левел крила.
Файловете наистина са хубави
How to protect your server from hacks ?
1.Download main + antihack from attached files
2.Open data\lang\commonloc.cfg with notepad and change
ClientExeSerial = sdhairnkinnegs2s
2.Open attached main with VERTOOL and change the serial.
3.Pack the main.
How to pack the main ?
[Guide] How To Pack Main.exe - DarksTeam Forum
sry for my bad english xD ;d
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