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Thread Mapper is a tool for converting TMap's and MCL's. TMaps are used by the server (and the client, in a different format) to define where players and mobs can walk and attack. It is capable of converting *-tmap.bin files to *.bmp, *.mcl to *.bmp or *-tmap.bin, and *.bmp to *.mcl or *-tmap.bin.
To convert a TMap or MCL to a BMP, simply drag and drop the *-tmap.bin or *.mcl file onto TMapConverter.exe. You may be prompted to choose what you want to convert it to. If you are, press "b" on your keyboard then "enter". It will create a BMP file with the same name as the TMap/MCL you used (without the "-tmap.bin" or ".mcl" part, ofcourse).
There are a few steps required to convert a BMP to an MCL.
1. Drag the BMP file onto TMapConverter.exe.
2. Press "m" when prompted to choose what to convert to. This will generate a *.mcl_tmap file using the same name as the BMP you used.
3. Make a copy of any *.mcl file and open it with Sweetscape 010 Editor (you can get a crack for this on any good torrent site).
4. Run the MCL template (MCLTemplate.bt) on the *.mcl file in 010.
5. Run the MCL TMap script (InsertTMap.MCL.1sc) on the *.mcl file in 010.
6. A window will open asking you to select a file. Select the *.mcl_tmap file that you created in step 1 (it will be named "test.mcl_tmap" if your BMP was "test.bmp")
7. Save the modified *.mcl file in 010.
There are a few steps required to convert a BMP or MCL to a TMap.
1. Drag the BMP or MCL file onto TMapConverter.exe.
2. Press "t" when prompted to choose what to convert to. This will generate 255 *.chunk files using the same name as the BMP/MCL you used.
3. Make a copy of any *-tmap.bin file and open it with Sweetscape 010 Editor (you can get a crack for this on any good torrent site).
4. Run the TMap template (TMapTemplate.bt) on the *-tmap.bin file in 010.
5. Run the chunk script (InsertChunks.TMap.1sc) on the *-tmap.bin file in 010.
6. A window will open asking you to select a file. Select the first *.chunk file that you created in step 1 (it will be named "test_0.chunk" if your BMP was "test.bmp" or your MCL was "test.mcl")
7. Save the modified *-tmap.bin file in 010.
To convert multiple files at once, simply drag them all onto TMapConverter.exe and follow the above instructions for each file. You can do this with any mixture of the supported file formats.
The BMP file you use to create a TMap/MCL must ONLY contain one of the supported colours. Here are the supported colours and their meaning:
WHITE (#FFFFFF) - Can move through, can see through
BLACK (#000000) - Can't move through, can't see through
BLUE (#0000AA) - Unknown
GREEN (#00AA00) - Unknown
CYAN (#00AAAA) - Unknown
LIGHTGREY (#AAAAAA) - Safe zone, can move through, can see through
GREY (#555555) - Safe zone, can't move through, can't see through
RED (#AA0000) - Unknown
MAGENTA (#AA00AA) - Unknown
BROWN (#AA5500) - Unknown
YELLOW (#FFFF55) - Unknown
If you discover what any of the unknown colours are for while testing, please post about it in this thread. Thank you.
NOTE: Do NOT use anti-aliasing when drawing your BMP files!
Download: tmapconverter_30-05-12_rel , tmapconverter_30-05-12_rel
Thanks to Yamachi!