[Release] TBC 2.4.3 ARCFIRE Server 98.3% Scripted


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Feb 10, 2009
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ArcFire is the only 2.4.3 stable and 99% scripted emulator.
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ArcFire Core 3.0.1

1.Install MYSQL 5.0.x

2.Downlaod DBC and Vmaps for 2.4.3-you can find them in google (I dont advise to downlaod emualtor for 3.0.x they are not stable)
After this extract vmaps and dbc in wow directory. Dbc extractor must be opened in wow/data/enus/ and vmaps in wow directory!AFter this copy the extracted folders form the dbc and vmaps extractors and paste them into the emulator directory!

3. Run the reaper-x-mangos.exe inside the reaper-eazy-mangos folder, and you’ll get something like below image for an example, and then you just need to write the full path to your mysql installation directory (it's usually C:\Program Files\MYSQL Server 5.0\bin

4.Now you just need to choose option number 1 to install the database and than write your database user (default:root) and password!
It willl start to import the db and it will look like the MAtrix so do NOT INTERRUPT IT OK?

5. After finished with the database installation, now you need to choose option number 4 (required, unless you know how to edit the mangosd.conf manually) to adjust the datadir and adjust the exp rate. Its very importabnt i recomend yo uto make it 15x rates its better!

6. After all yo ucan edit your realmlsit (c:\Program Files\World of warcraft\realmlsit.wtf ) and edit it to for the other people they msut edit it to your IP Adress.
You can get free dns host from DynDns.com

7.Install site (For arcfire)- you need Mangosweb v3 or Spora

Mangos Web v3 - 5mb

Mangos Web v2 Modded -61 MB

If you have problems send PM or my skype is multikiller79

If you have questions about how can you make items or custom loot or custom bosses ask me!

Config your settings in the console do not leave the configoration for the config files because it will take more time. If you have problems or you want new event patches go to htt://mangosproject.org

First create database before install it. Create the database with Navicat and install the DB with the arcfire installator. About thjis how to config Mysql --->> CLICK HERE


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Reactions: ™DinamiX™

I advice you to use Navicat or Sqlyog for SQL editor. For website- AppServ or Xampp 1.6.5 (With PHP 5+)
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браво 6/10 макар че е copy/past все пак добра работа :yes: (и можеше да си спестиш спаменето като го сабереш в 1 коментар има си "Edit" за тая работа....А пък това пишете коментари няма да допринесе нищо друго освен още упреци за паменето и никой няма да се придържа към темата :D)
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са правя Guide за vmaps & dbc ако някой имя въпроси да пише
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този урок добре ама за стара версия на аркему сам искам да ми дадеш указания на това как се слагаха Маповете защото не помня а скоро ще пускам аркему сървър мерси много !!!

този урок добре ама за стара версия на аркему сам искам да ми дадеш указания на това как се слагаха Маповете защото не помня а скоро ще пускам аркему сървър мерси много !!!

Това не е аркему по-скоро прилича на Мангос.