Server Website:
Server Version: 97d+99i
Server Experience: 5000x
Server Drop Rate: 50%
Bless Bug: OFF
Maximum Level: 350
Stat Points Per Level: BK/SM/ME - 5 MG - 7
Max Stats: 32767
Create Guild Level: 351 [You can buy for Credits, use Webshop System / Required Resets: 50 / Credits: 69]
Maximum Members in Guild: 20
Character Delete Minimum Level: 350
Max Item Level: +11+28
Clear PK Costs: 333KK Zen x PK Level
Clear PK in Our Webshop Costs: 10 Credits
Reset Reward: 1 Credit
Grand Reset FROM: 100 Resets / Price: 1,000,000,000 Zen, BURN Stats
Grand Resets Keep Stats: No [Bonus: 5000 Points] after +2500 more (2GRR - 7500, 3GRR - 10000)
Grand Reset Reward: 100 Credits
Item duration on the floor: 40 seconds
Item dropped by other players can be picked up after: 30 seconds
Zen duration on the floor: 5 seconds
Maximum +2 OPT from Excellent Items Drop LIKE +1-5 Kundun
Advanced Quest System (not working for now, as soon as possible will be work!)
Server Events: BC / SkyLand / Lucky Mixes / Golden Invasions
Sky Land: two times per day: 14:00h and 20:00h [GMT+2 Local Time]
1st Place Reward: 5 Credits and Box Of Kundun +5
Required: 100 Resets
Lucky Mixes: Every day at 18:00h for 5 minutes
Lucky Mixes Bonus Success Rate: +5%
To Play Poker, you need to exchange your credits into dollars $ where you can find at our server webshop / 1 Credit you can exchange for 1000$ Poker Money and play together with server players and win more credits. If you win more money, later you can exchange $ for servers credits and then buy some items for that.

Server Commands:
/reset - Quickly Reset Character in Game [Price: 3,000,000 Zen after 10 Resets: 50,000,000 Zen]
/grandreset - Quickly GrandReset Character in Game [Required: 100 Resets and 1,000,000,000 Zen]
/resetskills - Clear your Character Skills
/marry - Marry in Davias Church 209/16 | 210/16 Cost: 100,000,000 Zen
/accept - Accepts when someone offers to marry you.
/tracemarry - Trace to your wife / husband (Cooldown: 15 Sec)
/divorce - Removes your marriage
/post - Post a global message. Cost: 100,000 Zen
/buy - Post a global message [BUY ITEMS] Cost: 3,000,000 Zen
/sell - Post a global message [SELL ITEMS] Cost: 3,000,000 Zen
/questinfo - Shows what kind of quest you have
/charinfo - Shows your resets, grand resets, marry and VIP status
/exit - Exit from the game (force disconnect)
/time - Shows server current time
/clearinventory - Deletes all items in inventory, without equipped items
/party - join to party
/guild join a guild
/addstr - To add Strenght in Game (Example: /addstr 100)
/addagi - To add Agility in Game (Example: /addagi 100)
/addvit - To add Vitality in Game (Example: /addvit 100)
/addene - To add Energy in Game (Example: /addene 100)
/war - Request a war with a guild
/soccer - Request a soccer with a guild
/re (on/off) - Toggles requests for deals, party and trade on and off
/ping - Shows your current ping to the server
/online - Shows currently online players and game masters
/vault - [1,2,3] Increase your vault space..
Server /move Commands: Cost: 100,000 Zen
/move l or /move lorencia - Lorencia Map from 50 level
/move d or /move davias - Davias Map from 50 level
/move d2 or /move davias2 - Davias Castle 25 25 from 50 level
/move d3 or /move davias3 - Davias Castle 225 225 from 50 level
/move n or /move noria - Noria Map from 50 level
/move dungeon - Dungeon Map from 50 level
/move dungeon2 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move dungeon3 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move a or /move atlans - Atlans Map
/move a2 or /move atlans2 - Atlans Map 2
/move a3 or /move atlans3 - Atlans Map 3
/move losttower 2,3,4,5,6 - Losttower Maps (2-6) from 100 level
/move lt7 or /move losttower7 - Losttower7 Map from 120 level
/move t or /move tarkan - Tarkan Map from 140 level
/move t2 or /move tarkan2 - Tarkan Map 2 from 150 level
/move i or /move icarus - Icarus Map from 180 level
/move i2 or /move icarus2 - Icarus Map 2 from 200 level
Custom /move Commands:
/move l or /move lorencia - Lorencia Map from 50 level
/move d or /move davias - Davias Map from 50 level
/move d2 or /move davias2 - Davias Castle 225 225 from 50 level
/move d3 or /move davias3 - Davias Spot from 50 level
/move n or /move noria - Noria Map from 50 level
/move dungeon - Dungeon Map from 50 level
/move dungeon2 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move dungeon3 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move a or /move atlans - Atlans Map
/move a2 or /move atlans2 - Atlans Map 2
/move a3 or /move atlans3 - Atlans Map 3
/move lt or /move losttower - Losttower Map from 100 level
/move lt7 or /move losttower7 - Losttower7 Map from 120 level
/move t or /move tarkan - Tarkan Map from 140 level
/move s or /move stadium - Stadium ARENA from 150 level
/move i or /move icarus - Icarus Map from 180 level
/move i2 or /move icarus2 - Icarus Map 2 from 200 level
Custom /move Commands:
/move bar - Lorencia Bar 125 125 koordinates from 50 level
/move raw - Davias Castle 25 25
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Our Poker System: click here
Our WebShop System: click here
Server Website:
Server Version: 97d+99i
Server Experience: 5000x
Server Drop Rate: 50%
Bless Bug: OFF
Maximum Level: 350
Stat Points Per Level: BK/SM/ME - 5 MG - 7
Max Stats: 32767
Create Guild Level: 351 [You can buy for Credits, use Webshop System / Required Resets: 50 / Credits: 69]
Maximum Members in Guild: 20
Character Delete Minimum Level: 350
Max Item Level: +11+28
Clear PK Costs: 333KK Zen x PK Level
Clear PK in Our Webshop Costs: 10 Credits
Reset Reward: 1 Credit
Grand Reset FROM: 100 Resets / Price: 1,000,000,000 Zen, BURN Stats
Grand Resets Keep Stats: No [Bonus: 5000 Points] after +2500 more (2GRR - 7500, 3GRR - 10000)
Grand Reset Reward: 100 Credits
Item duration on the floor: 40 seconds
Item dropped by other players can be picked up after: 30 seconds
Zen duration on the floor: 5 seconds
Maximum +2 OPT from Excellent Items Drop LIKE +1-5 Kundun
Advanced Quest System (not working for now, as soon as possible will be work!)
Server Events: BC / SkyLand / Lucky Mixes / Golden Invasions
Sky Land: two times per day: 14:00h and 20:00h [GMT+2 Local Time]
1st Place Reward: 5 Credits and Box Of Kundun +5
Required: 100 Resets
Lucky Mixes: Every day at 18:00h for 5 minutes
Lucky Mixes Bonus Success Rate: +5%
New Characters Bonus Points: 1000 | |||
New Characters Bonus Zen: 1,000,000 Success Rates: Jewel of Soul Success Rate (No Luck): 65% Jewel of Soul Success Rate (With Luck): 80% Jewel of Life Success Rate: 90% Item +10 Success Rate: 85% Item +11 Success Rate: 80% Wings 1 Level Max Success Rate: 100% / Chaos Dragon Axe+4 opt and 1 Jewel Of Chaos Wings 2 Level Max Success Rate: 50% / Blue Feather, Jewel of Chaos and EXE Item +4 opt (Wings combining is bugged and is always 50% doesn't matter if combined on 13% or 90%) | |||
Also our server has Poker System that is build in website or you can find here: |

Server Commands:
/reset - Quickly Reset Character in Game [Price: 3,000,000 Zen after 10 Resets: 50,000,000 Zen]
/grandreset - Quickly GrandReset Character in Game [Required: 100 Resets and 1,000,000,000 Zen]
/resetskills - Clear your Character Skills
/marry - Marry in Davias Church 209/16 | 210/16 Cost: 100,000,000 Zen
/accept - Accepts when someone offers to marry you.
/tracemarry - Trace to your wife / husband (Cooldown: 15 Sec)
/divorce - Removes your marriage
/post - Post a global message. Cost: 100,000 Zen
/buy - Post a global message [BUY ITEMS] Cost: 3,000,000 Zen
/sell - Post a global message [SELL ITEMS] Cost: 3,000,000 Zen
/questinfo - Shows what kind of quest you have
/charinfo - Shows your resets, grand resets, marry and VIP status
/exit - Exit from the game (force disconnect)
/time - Shows server current time
/clearinventory - Deletes all items in inventory, without equipped items
/party - join to party
/guild join a guild
/addstr - To add Strenght in Game (Example: /addstr 100)
/addagi - To add Agility in Game (Example: /addagi 100)
/addvit - To add Vitality in Game (Example: /addvit 100)
/addene - To add Energy in Game (Example: /addene 100)
/war - Request a war with a guild
/soccer - Request a soccer with a guild
/re (on/off) - Toggles requests for deals, party and trade on and off
/ping - Shows your current ping to the server
/online - Shows currently online players and game masters
/vault - [1,2,3] Increase your vault space..
Server /move Commands: Cost: 100,000 Zen
/move l or /move lorencia - Lorencia Map from 50 level
/move d or /move davias - Davias Map from 50 level
/move d2 or /move davias2 - Davias Castle 25 25 from 50 level
/move d3 or /move davias3 - Davias Castle 225 225 from 50 level
/move n or /move noria - Noria Map from 50 level
/move dungeon - Dungeon Map from 50 level
/move dungeon2 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move dungeon3 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move a or /move atlans - Atlans Map
/move a2 or /move atlans2 - Atlans Map 2
/move a3 or /move atlans3 - Atlans Map 3
/move losttower 2,3,4,5,6 - Losttower Maps (2-6) from 100 level
/move lt7 or /move losttower7 - Losttower7 Map from 120 level
/move t or /move tarkan - Tarkan Map from 140 level
/move t2 or /move tarkan2 - Tarkan Map 2 from 150 level
/move i or /move icarus - Icarus Map from 180 level
/move i2 or /move icarus2 - Icarus Map 2 from 200 level
Custom /move Commands:
/move l or /move lorencia - Lorencia Map from 50 level
/move d or /move davias - Davias Map from 50 level
/move d2 or /move davias2 - Davias Castle 225 225 from 50 level
/move d3 or /move davias3 - Davias Spot from 50 level
/move n or /move noria - Noria Map from 50 level
/move dungeon - Dungeon Map from 50 level
/move dungeon2 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move dungeon3 - Dungeon Map from 60 level
/move a or /move atlans - Atlans Map
/move a2 or /move atlans2 - Atlans Map 2
/move a3 or /move atlans3 - Atlans Map 3
/move lt or /move losttower - Losttower Map from 100 level
/move lt7 or /move losttower7 - Losttower7 Map from 120 level
/move t or /move tarkan - Tarkan Map from 140 level
/move s or /move stadium - Stadium ARENA from 150 level
/move i or /move icarus - Icarus Map from 180 level
/move i2 or /move icarus2 - Icarus Map 2 from 200 level
Custom /move Commands:
/move bar - Lorencia Bar 125 125 koordinates from 50 level
/move raw - Davias Castle 25 25
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Our Poker System: click here
Our WebShop System: click here
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