[Guide] SQL Ranking Tables


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2014
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In help to the people who are struggling to build queries or making complicated loops with codding for their rankings. I have decided to play around today and came up with the following solutions which I think are the simplest possible:

Select c.AccountID as Account, c.Name as CharName, c.Resets as CharResets, c.cLevel as CharLevel,
          when c.MapNumber  = 0 then 'Lorencia'
          when c.MapNumber  = 1 then 'Dungeon'
          when c.MapNumber  = 2 then 'Davias'
          when c.MapNumber  = 3 then 'Noria'
          when c.MapNumber  = 4 then 'Lost Tower'
          when c.MapNumber  = 6 then 'Arena'
          when c.MapNumber  = 7 then 'Atlans'
          when c.MapNumber  = 8 then 'Tarkan'
          when c.MapNumber  = 9 then 'Devil Square'
          when c.MapNumber  = 10 then 'Icarus'
          when c.MapNumber  between 11 and 17 then CONCAT('Blood castle ',c.MapNumber - 10)
          when c.MapNumber  between 18 and 23 then CONCAT('Chaos castle ',c.MapNumber - 17)
          when c.MapNumber = 25 then 'Kalima 2'
          when (c.MapNumber between 24 and 29) and (c.MapNumber != 25) then 'Kalima 1'
          when c.MapNumber = 30 and c.MapNumber = 55 then 'Valey of Loren'
          when c.MapNumber = 31 then 'Land of Trial'
          when c.MapNumber = 54 then 'Aida'
          when c.MapNumber = 33 then 'Aida 2'
          when c.MapNumber = 34 then 'CryWolf'
          else 'Unknown'
      end) as CharLocation,
          when c.Class = 0 then 'Dark Wizard'
          when c.Class = 1 then 'Soul Master'
          when c.Class between 2 and 3 then 'Grand Master'
          when c.Class = 16 then 'Dark Knight'
          when c.Class = 17 then 'Blade Knight'
          when c.Class between 18 and 19 then 'Blade Master'
          when c.Class = 32 then 'Fairy Elf'
          when c.Class = 33 then 'Muse Elf'
          when c.Class between 34 and 35 then 'High Elf'
          when c.Class = 48 then 'Magic Gladiator'
          when c.Class between 49 and 50 then 'Duel Master'
          when c.Class = 48 then 'Magic Gladiator'
          when c.Class = 64 then 'Dark Lord'
          when c.Class between 65 and 66 then 'Lord Emperor'
          when c.Class = 80 then 'Summoner'
          when c.Class = 81 then 'Bloody Summoner'
          when c.Class between 82and 83 then 'Dimension Master'
          else 'Unknown'
       end) as CharClass,
          when c.CtlCode = 8 or c.CtlCode = 32 then 'GM'
          when c.CtlCode = 0 then 'Normal'
          when c.CtlCode = 1 then 'Banned'
       end) as CharType,
          when c.PkLevel = 1 then 'Hero'
          when c.PkLevel = 3 then 'Normal'
          when c.PkLevel = 4 then 'Murderer'
          when c.PkLevel = 6 then 'Phonomania'
          else 'Normal'
       end) as PKStatus,
          when m.ConnectStat = 1 and c.Name = a.GameIDC then 'Online'
          else 'Offline'
       end)    as OnlineStatus,
          when cr.credits > 0 then cr.credits
          else 0
       end) as Credits,
          when gu.G_Name is NULL then 'No Guild'
          else gu.G_Name
       end) as GuildName
       from Character as c
       LEFT Join MEMB_STAT as m on m.memb___id = c.AccountID
       LEFT Join AccountCharacter as a on a.ID=m.memb___id
       LEFT Join MEMB_CREDITS as cr on cr.memb___id = m.memb___id collate Modern_Spanish_CI_AS
       LEFT Join GuildMember as gu on gu.Name = c.Name

What that query does is to combine the most used tables in one, so that anyone can easily scrape the information without the need to do it with complicated coding. As you can probably see it combines credits, online status and make class, location and pklevel understandable. Of course you can expand the selection in any way by adding extra filters, ordering and grouping to accomplish your requirements.

In addition to this as another SQL solution if you want to show for example how many members are in each Guild:
Select count(Name) as MembersTotal, G_Name as GuildName from GuildMember group by G_Name order by MembersTotal DEsc


Another option is to create a temporary table called view in SQL which can contain all the information you need from another place and then to combine that information with another table:
Create view Guilds as Select count(Name) as GuildMembersTotal, G_Name as GName from GuildMember group by G_Name;

and then for example we combine both tables:
Select c.AccountID as Account, c.Name as CharName, c.Resets as CharResets, c.cLevel as CharLevel,
          when c.MapNumber  = 0 then 'Lorencia'
          when c.MapNumber  = 1 then 'Dungeon'
          when c.MapNumber  = 2 then 'Davias'
          when c.MapNumber  = 3 then 'Noria'
          when c.MapNumber  = 4 then 'Lost Tower'
          when c.MapNumber  = 6 then 'Arena'
          when c.MapNumber  = 7 then 'Atlans'
          when c.MapNumber  = 8 then 'Tarkan'
          when c.MapNumber  = 9 then 'Devil Square'
          when c.MapNumber  = 10 then 'Icarus'
          when c.MapNumber  between 11 and 17 then CONCAT('Blood castle ',c.MapNumber - 10)
          when c.MapNumber  between 18 and 23 then CONCAT('Chaos castle ',c.MapNumber - 17)
          when c.MapNumber = 25 then 'Kalima 2'
          when (c.MapNumber between 24 and 29) and (c.MapNumber != 25) then 'Kalima 1'
          when c.MapNumber = 30 and c.MapNumber = 55 then 'Valey of Loren'
          when c.MapNumber = 31 then 'Land of Trial'
          when c.MapNumber = 54 then 'Aida'
          when c.MapNumber = 33 then 'Aida 2'
          when c.MapNumber = 34 then 'CryWolf'
          else 'Unknown'
      end) as CharLocation,
          when c.Class = 0 then 'Dark Wizard'
          when c.Class = 1 then 'Soul Master'
          when c.Class between 2 and 3 then 'Grand Master'
          when c.Class = 16 then 'Dark Knight'
          when c.Class = 17 then 'Blade Knight'
          when c.Class between 18 and 19 then 'Blade Master'
          when c.Class = 32 then 'Fairy Elf'
          when c.Class = 33 then 'Muse Elf'
          when c.Class between 34 and 35 then 'High Elf'
          when c.Class = 48 then 'Magic Gladiator'
          when c.Class between 49 and 50 then 'Duel Master'
          when c.Class = 48 then 'Magic Gladiator'
          when c.Class = 64 then 'Dark Lord'
          when c.Class between 65 and 66 then 'Lord Emperor'
          when c.Class = 80 then 'Summoner'
          when c.Class = 81 then 'Bloody Summoner'
          when c.Class between 82and 83 then 'Dimension Master'
          else 'Unknown'
       end) as CharClass,
          when c.CtlCode = 8 or c.CtlCode = 32 then 'GM'
          when c.CtlCode = 0 then 'Normal'
          when c.CtlCode = 1 then 'Banned'
       end) as CharType,
          when c.PkLevel = 1 then 'Hero'
          when c.PkLevel = 3 then 'Normal'
          when c.PkLevel = 4 then 'Murderer'
          when c.PkLevel = 6 then 'Phonomania'
          else 'Normal'
       end) as PKStatus,
          when m.ConnectStat = 1 and c.Name = a.GameIDC then 'Online'
          else 'Offline'
       end)    as OnlineStatus,
          when cr.credits > 0 then cr.credits
          else 0
       end) as Credits,
          when gu.G_Name is NULL then 'No Guild'
          else gu.G_Name
       end) as GuildName,
          when gmb.GuildMembersTotal > 0 then gmb.GuildMembersTotal
          else 0
       end) as GuildMembersTotal
       from Character as c
       LEFT Join MEMB_STAT as m on m.memb___id = c.AccountID
       LEFT Join AccountCharacter as a on a.ID=m.memb___id
       LEFT Join MEMB_CREDITS as cr on cr.memb___id = m.memb___id collate Modern_Spanish_CI_AS
       LEFT Join GuildMember as gu on gu.Name = c.Name
       Left Join Guilds as gmb on gmb.GName = gu.G_Name

which will produce this result:

If you create a temporary table it is a good practice to drop that table right after you finish your work:
Drop View CountGuildMembers

Using the same pattern you can create any kind of combined tables which will make your life easier and save your time. For further references and examples you can visit https://www.w3schools.com/sql/ and play.

I am hoping that this short post will help you out to some extend.